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VliR.1,.2. Epifiletothe HRl3RRws. 19 had all of theman expefkation of a newfignsl andfinal Revelation of the will of God, tobe made by the Meffias in the lati days, that is of their ChurchJiate, and not as they now fondly imagine, ofthe world. Some ofthem indeed imagined that great Prophet promifed Dent. a8. tohave beenone diflindfrom the Mear, Ph. a. 21. but the gene- ral expedation of the Church for thefulRevelationof the will ofGod, was upon the kleas, yob. 4. 25. Of the Tank mind were their more amiont Dotter:, that retained any thing of the tradition 'of thèir Fathers; afferting, that the Law ofMofes was al- terable by the Meffias, and that in fome things it fhould he fo. Maimcnides is the leader in the opinion of theetcrniy ofthe Law : whore Arguments are answeredby the Author of Sepher Ikkarim, lib. 3. cap. 13. andCome ofthem byNachmanides. Hence it is laid down as a Principle in Nevefbalom, runco Ltw i i=trrot.to OILt moo to niwrt 1723yt t rI311 Meas the Kingfball be exalted above Abraham, be high above Mofès, yea, andthe minigring Angels. And itis for the excellency ofthe Revelation madebyhim, that he is fo exalted above Mofes. Whence Maimonides himfelf acknowledgeth, Traetat. de Regibus, that at the coming of the Meah, t=101ngil ormart Ir,i X75 tm'It71 i7+ptt rn hidden and deep things (i. e. of thecounfel of God ),Jhall be re- vealedor laid open unto all. And this perfwafionthey built on the Promife ofa new Co- venant tobe madewith them, not like,thr Covenant made with theirfathers, Jerem. 31. 32, 33. Whence theAuthor before mentioned concludes, that it was the judgment of theantient Dollors, that they Ihould receive a newCovenant from the mouthof God himfelf; and all theirWorjhip-being annexed and fubfervient unto the Covenant that was made with them in Horeb, upon the removal of that Covenant, therewas of ne- ce(lity a newkind ofWor(hip, fubfervient thereunto, to enfue. Fromall there obfervationswe may evidently perceive wherein theforce ofthe Apo- files Argument doth lie, which he infittsupon in this very entrance ofhis Difcourfe rather infinuating it from their own Principles, than openly peeling them with its reafon, which hedoth afterwards. They acknowledged that the Meffiab wasto come, that he was to be in a fpecial manner the Son ofGod, (as we (hall thew ;) that in him God would ultimately reveal his mind and will unto them, and that this Revelation on many accounts would be far more excellent, than that ofold made to and by Mores; which that it was all accomplifhed in the minufiery of JefusChrifi, and that unto them- fives in the litter days oftheir Church, according to what was long before fore-told, he affixes and proves ; whence it was carte for them to gather, what a necety ofad- hereing to hisDoctrine and Inflitutionr,notwithfiauding anycontrary pleas or arguings, was incumbent on them. But moreover the Apofile in theft wordsbath opened the)jiring, from whence all his enfuing Argumentsdo flow ; in fixingon him who brought life and immortality to lightby the Gofpel. And from thence takes occafionto enter upon theDogmatical part oftheEpifile, in the defcriptìonof the Perron ofChrift, the Son ofGod, and his Excellency, in whomGod fpakeunto them, that theymightconfider with whom they had to do ; wherein heproceeds to the end ofthis Chapter. But before we proceed, we (hall flay here a little to confiderforre things that may bea refrefhment to Believers in their paffage, in the confederation of thofe J iritual Truths, which for the ufe of theChurch in general areexhibited unto us, in the words wehave confidered. And the firti is this. 1. The Revelation ofthe of WillGod, as to all things concerning his Warjhip, our Faith andObedience,is peculiarlyand ina way ofeminencyfrom the Father. This is that whichtheApofile partly affertr, partly takes for granted, as the head and fpring ofhis wholeenfuing difcourfe. Andthis (hallnowbe a little further cleared andconfirmed ; to whichend wemay obferve, r. That the whole Myflerypfhis Will antecedently to the Revelationof it, is laid tobe hidin God, that is, the Father, Epbef. 3.9. itlay wrapt up from the eyes of men and Angels, inhis Eternal Wifdom and Counfel, Col. s. 26, 27. TheSon indeed, who is, and from eternity wasin the bofame ofthe Farber, Job. s. 18. asone brought up with him, his eternal delight and wifdom, Prov. 8.29, 3o. was partaker with him in this 6011nfe; v. 3r. as alfo his eternal Spirit, who fearches and knows all thedeep things of God, 1 Cor. a. to, it. but yet the rife and fßringof thisMyfery, was in the Father. Yy For.