CHAP. A r L o .fin_ Expoftion of the For the order òfaWng in the bleffed Trinity, follows the order of fubfftence. As the Father therefore is the Fountainofthe Trinity as tofubfJfence, fo alto to operation. He hath life in himfélf, and hegives to theSon to have life in himfelf, 14.5. z6. And he doth it by communicatingunto him hisfubfif}ence by eternal Generation. And thence faith the Son, AsmyFather worketh, 1.61ccork, v. 17. And what he feeth the Father do, that doth the Son likewife, v. t9. not by incitation, or repetitionof the like works; but inthe fame works, in order ofnature the will and wifdom of theFather, Bothpro- ceed; foalto is it in refpec`k of the holy Ghoff, whole order of Jubfifienee denotes that of his of operation. 2. That the Revelation of the Myfleryofthe will of God, fohidden in the coupfel of his will from Eternity, was always made and givenout in thepurfuit, andfor the ac- compli(hment of'thepurpofe of the Father ; or that eternal purpofe of the will of God, which is by the way of eminency afcribed unto the Father. EpbeJ. r. 8, 9. He bath aboundedtowardsus in allwifdom and prudence, having made known unto us the myffery of his will, according to his good pleafure which he bath purpofed inbimfelfi It is the Father ofwhom he fpeaks, v. 3. Bleidbe the God and Father of our Lord .efus ChriJl. Now he abounds to us-wards 'inwifdom and prudence, or abundantly maitifeits his infinitewif dom in his dealing with us, by the Revelation of the myfiery ofhis will.; and this he doth in purfuit ofhis goodpeaftre,which he purpofed in himflf; or that purpofe of his will which had its foundation folely in his good pleafure. This is the purpofe of Eleelion, as is declared, v. 3, 4, 5. And this purpofe is peculiarly alligned unto him, Job. 17. 6. 2 Theef. z. 13. For the accomplifhment of thispurpi f, or the bringing of thofe predefiinated thereby, to theend purpofed for them by the means ordained, for thepraife ofGods glorious grace, is the whole Revelation of the will ofGod, firti, and la(i, made. Hepoke in bitSon, and hefpake in him that he might manifeft his Name ( himfelfand will ) to the menwhom he gave him: for, faith the Son, thine they were, fet apart for thee inthy eternal purpofe, and thougaveff them unto me, Joh. 17. 6. And therefore Paul tells us, that in preaching of the Gofpel, he endured all thingsfor the e(eilifake, 211m.2.10. knowing that it was for theirfalvation, that themyftery of it was revealed from the bofomeof the Father, as God alfohad beforetaught him, Alit 18. t 1. See Rom. t r. 7. chap. 8.28, &c. 3. This Purpofe of God being communicated with, and unto the Lord Chrift, or theSon, and fo becoming the Counfel ofpeace between them both, Zecb. 6. 13. He re- joycing to do the work thatwas incumbent on him for the accomplifhment of it, Prov. 8. 30, 31, 32. Pfàl. 40. 7,8. itbecame peculiarly the care and work ofthe Father, to fee that the inheritancepromifed him upon his undertaking, (Ifà. 53. so, t a, sz.) (hould be given unto him. This is done by the Revelationpf the will of God unto men, concerning their obedienceand falvation, whereby they are made the lot, thefeed, the portion and inheritanceof Chrift. To this end doth the Lord, that is, the Father, who laid unto the Lord the Son, Sit thou onmy rightband, ( Pfd. 1 ro. z.) fend the Rodof his power out ofSion, v. z. and that by it todeclare his ruleevenover his enemies, and to make hispeople, thofe given untohim, willing andobedient, v. 3. The inheritance given by the Farber unto Chrift, being whollyin the poffellion ofanother, it became him to take it out oftheVfurpershand, and deliverit up to him, whpie right it was; and this he did, anddoth by theRevelation ofhis mind in the preaching of the Word, Col. r. 12, i 3. And from theftconfrderatonsit is, that 4. Thewhole Revelation andDifpenfation ofthe will ofGod in and by the Word, is (as was faid) eminently appropriated unto the Father. Eternal life ( thecounfel, the purpofe, ways, means, and procurer ofit) waswith the Father, and was manif fled to us by the wordoftruth, t job. r. 1, 2. And it is the Father, that is, his will, mind, purpofe,grace, love, thatthe Son declares, job. 1. 18. in which work he fpeaksnothing, but what he heard from, and was taught by the Father, job. 8.28. And thence he faÿs, the doelrine it not mine, ( that is, principally andoriginally) but hit thatfeat me, job. 7. 16. And the Gofpel is called theGol el of the glory of the blefdGod, a Tim. 1. o t. which is a peripbrafis ofthe Perronofthe Father,who is the Fatherofglory, Ephef. 1, 17. And we might allodeclare, that the great work of making this Gofpel effeltual on theminds ofmen, Both peculiarly belong unto theFather, which he accomplifheth by his Spirit, z Cor. But that is not our prefent bufìnefs. Titus the Re- velation of events that ("could befall the Church to the end ofthe world, that Chriff ftgnified by his Angel unto John, was fire(given him ofthe Father, Revel. r. r. And there- fore though-all declarations of God andhis will, from the foundation ofthe world, were