mí e`InExpofition of the C ii A P, I, 3. Not be difeouragedwhatever oppofition they meet with in the difcharge of their duty, conlideringwholework they have in hand, 2 Cor. 4. 15, n6. 4. Know hot' they ought to dif(,enfe the Word, fo as to anfwer the fpring from whence it comes ; namely, wi;h Authority, Love to, and Care for the fouls of men. And, g. Confiderto whomthey are to give an account of the work they are called to chit difcharge of, and entrufled with, Heb. 13.7. And for them to whom the Word is preached ; Let them confider, r . With what. Reverence andgodly fear, they ought to attend unto thedifpenfation of it, feeing it is aproper effect and iffueof the Authorityof God, Heb. 12.25. And, 2. How they will efeape ifthey neglect fo great Salvation declaredunto them from the Love and Care ofGod, Heb. 2.3. And, 3. withwhat boline!? and fpirieual ubjeótion of Soul unto God, they ought to be converfant in and with all the Ordinancesof Worihip that are appointed by him, Heb. I2. 28, 29. Other ObfervationsI (hall more briefly pats over. God Jßa)te in them. IL The Authority of God ffealZinir in andby the Pen-men of the Scriptures, x tie file bottom and foundationofour afnting to them , and what is contained in them,with Faith DivineandSupernatural. i He fpake in them ; hethen continues to fpeak by them, and thereforeis their word rxeived, z Pet. 3. 20, 2i. But this is elfewhere handledat large. III. Gods gradualRevelation of himfelf, bit Mind andWill unto the Church, war a fruitof infinite Wifdom andCare towards bis Fleet. Thereare parts of his wayes, Cayes Job, but how little aportion it heardof him, Job 16.14. 'Though all his wages and difpenfations are ordered in infinite WiJdom, yet we can but Hand at thefhoar ofthe Ocean, and admire its glory and greamefs. Littleit is that we can comprehend: Yet what may be our intlruclion, that may further our Faith and Obedience is not hiddenfrom us. And thcfe things lye evident unto us, in this gradual difcovery o.himfelfand his Will. a. That he overfilled not theirVefléls, He gave them out lightas they were able to bear; thoughwe know not perfectlywhat their conditionwas, yet this weknow,that as nogeneration needed more light than they had, for the difcharge of the duty that God required of them, fo more light would have unfittedthem for foinewhator other, that was their duty in their refpective generations. 2.He kept them ina Continualdependance upon himfelf,and waiting for their Rule and . Dire&ionfrom him t which as it tended to his glory, fo it was exceedingly feared to their Cafey, inkeeping them in an humble waiting frame. 3. He Ji gave out the Light and Knowledgeof himfif; as that the great work which he had to accomplifh, that lay in the floret of his infinitely Wife Will as the end and ifltie of all Revelations, namely, the bringing forth of Chrift into the world, in theway wherein he was to come, and for the Ends which he was to bring about, might not be obviated. He gave light enough to believers to enable them to receive hint ; and 'not fa much,as to hinder obdurate firmer:, from crucifying him. 4.He did this work fo, that the Preheminence fully to reveal him, and ultimately, might be referved for him, inwhom all things were tobe gathered unto an head. All Friviledgeswere tb be kept for, and unto him t which was principally done by this gradual Revelation of the mind ofGod. 5. And there was tender Care conjoyned with this infinite Wifdom. None ofhis eleli in any age, were left without that Light and- inflrui bon which were needful for them in their feafons and generations : And this fogiven out unto them, as that theymight have fre(hconflationand fupportment, as their occalonsdid require. Whileft the Church of old was under this difenfation, they were (till hearkning when they (hould hear new tydings fromHeaven for their teaching and refrefhment: And if any diffi- cultydid at any time befall them, they were fare not to want relief in this kind. And this was neceffary before the final hand was let to chi work. And this difco- vers the woful floeof the prefentJews. They grant that the Revelationof the Will of