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24 e/inExpofition of the r(dvlwv. CHAP.t. perfin. But yet the name ofan Her is not refirained in the Law to him that fo fuc- ceeds a deceafed perfon, in which fenfe it can have no place here. Heredis amen latiore Jtgnificationepollffrem& fidei Commiffarium& Legatariumcompreheadit ; it comprehends a Poffeffor, a Truffee and a Legatary;fo Spigelius. This fenfeof the word takesoff the Ca- tachrefis which mull be fuppofed in the application ofit unto the Son, if it only de- notedfuch. an Heir, asAbraham thought Eliezer would be to him, Gen. 15.3, 4. One that Exceeds into the right and goods of the deceafed. For the Farber dieth not, nor dothever forego his own Title or Dominion. Neither is the Title and right given to theSon as Mediator, thefame with that of God abfolutely confidered. This is eternal, natural, cocxilient with thebeing ofall things; that new, created by grant and dotw- tion; by whofe ereetion and efiablifhment the other is not at all impeached. For whereas it is affirmed, that the Father judgeth no man, but bath corn pitted all judgment to the Scn, Job. 5: 22, 27, 30. it refpefts not Title and Rule, but Areal Admi- nifiration. In the latter fenfe ofthe word, as it denotes any rightful Poffe f r by Grant from an- other, it is properly afcribed unto the Son ; and ,these are three things intended in this word. 1. Title, Dominion, Lore/j3p : Hares ell qui hem ; for thence is the word, and not fromare, as Ifidore fuppófeth. The Mir is the Lordof that which he is-heir unto. So the Apotile, Gal. 4. r. xanpovóuos, is ss ,oe i L lne, the Heir is Lord ofall. And in this fenfe is Chrift calledX171 the firff born, Pfal. 89. 27: Iwill give him to bemyfrf }_born, higher than ( or, andhighabove ) theKings o f the earth. Princeps, Dominus, Caputfamilies ; the Prince, Lord, and Headofthe family, that hash right to the inheritance, and difiri- butes portions to others. Hence TM is tifed for every thing that exceleth, and hath the preheminence in its own kind, Job 18. ro. /fir. 14. 30. Ezek. 47.12. So Col. 1. s5. 2. Pcfffßon. Chrifl ismade ataualrofoffr ofthat which he hath Title unto. Ashe is 1173, fo heis W'll'; fuch aPoffeffor ascomes tohis poffeillonby thefurrender or grant of another. God inrefpecst ofhis Dominion is called 7T), theabfolute Pr fffj;r ofheaven and earth, Gen. 14. 22. Chrift as a Mediatoris tor, a Prffffor by'grant. And there was a fuitablenefs,'that he that was the Son, fhould thus be Heir. Whence Cbryf(come and ThtophylaFEaffrrm; that the words denote, n ni rñç,(helos yvíe:ov, at nue 4)0;711'04 .Zra.Savreror ; Theproprietyof his Sonfhip, andthe immutability of his Lord/hip. Not that he was thus made Heir ofall, as he was ein,yetñs, the only begotten Son ofthe Father, JAI. 14. But it was agreeable and confonant, that he who was eternally uovpytvns, and hadon that account an abfilute drminion over all with his Father, bxoming o.porórexos iv reoNOîe rider 4707e ( Rom, 8. s9.) thefirft-born amongfi many brethren, fhould have a delegatedHeirfhip ofall, and be given to be the head over all unto the Church, Ephef. r.22. 3. That he hath both this Title and PolfeTonby Grantfrom the Father, ofwhich afterwards. Chriftthen, byvenueofa Grant from the Father, is made Lord by a new Title, and hath hiftifion given him according tohis Title ; he is xaarnbew, the Heir. III. derea, ofall. This is the objeéï of the Heirlhip of Chrili, his Inheritance. The wordmay be takenin the IVIofculinegender, and denote all perfinis ; all thofe of whom he had fpokenbefore, all the Repealer! of the Will ofGod under the Old Te- (lament S thèSon was the Lordover them all; which is true : but the word in the Neuter gender denotes all things abfolutely ; and fo it is in this place to be under- flood. For, n.Ie isfo ufed elfewhere to the fame purpofe, 1 Cor. 15.27. 11.474 .t.¢ra; , he bath fubjetled all things untohim. So Rom. 9. 5. i en, . éai ordv'ruv Fleas, Who is Godover all. 2. This fenfefuns the Apoftles Argument, and addes a double force to his inten- tion'and deign. For, r. TheAuthorof the Gofpel being Heir and Lordrf all things what ever, the fovereign difpofal ofall thofeRites and Ordinances ofWorfhip, about which the Jewscontended, muff needs be in his hand, to change and alter them as he fawgood. He being the Heir and Lordofall things, it waseafe for them to con- clude, that if 2. they intendedto be made partakers of anygood in heaven or earth, Ma way of love and mercy, it mull be by an interefi inhim, which without a confiant aboad inObedienceunto his Gofpel, cannot beattained. 3. The next words evince this fenfe, By whom alfohe made the world!. Probably they