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An Expoltion of the C 'A P. I. of its [lability in hisfitting at the Right, hand ofGod, is defigned. By .all there God, tho s, made him, placedhim with folemn inveftìuere, Heir of all. Thegrant was made to him upon his Refurreétion, Matth. 28. 18. and therein fully declared unte others. Rom. I. 3. ACis 13. 3g. As there was of Salmons being King, when he was pro- claimedby Benaiab, Zadock and Nathan, í Kings 1. 31, 32, 33, 34. The Solemnizati- on of it was in his Afcenfon, Pfàl. 68. 1y, 18. Ephef.4.8, 9, o. Typed by Solomon riding onDavid/Muunto his Throne, all the people crying, j'7C,i Ili, v. 29. Let the King live. All was Pealedand ratifiedwhen he took peffÈ on of his Throne at the Right hand of the Father ; by all which he Nas made and declared to be Lord and CbriJl, ACir 2.36. c. 4. I I. C. 5. 30,-3.1. And fetchweight doth the Scripture lay up- on this glorious Inveffiture ofChrill inhis Inheritance, that it fpeaks of his whole power as then firfi granted untohim, Rom. 14.9. Phil. 8, 9, 1o. And the Reafonof it is, becaufe hehad then aCivally.performed that work and duty upon the Conhderation whereof, that Powerand Authority were eternally defigned, and originallygranted un- to him. Gods afkual committing all power over all things and perfons in Heaven and Earth to beexerted and managed for the ends of his Mediation, declaring this Aét, Grant, andDelegation by his RefúrteEtion, Afcenfion, and fitting at his right hand,is that which this word denotes. I will not deny, but it may have refpedt unto fundry things preceeding there, and preparatory únto them ; As, I. The Eternal purpofe ofGod ordaining him before the foundation of the world, unto his Work and Inheritance, t Pet. 1.20. 2. TheCovenant that was of old between the Father and Son for the accomplilh- ment of the great workofRedemption; this Inheritance being included in theCon- trail. Prov. 8. 3o, 31. Ifa. 53. to, i t. 3. The Promifes made unto him in his Types , Abraham , David, and Solomon, ten. 15. PJàL 72 . 4. The Promifes left.upon record in the,Old Tefament for his fupportment and aF finance of fuccefs, Pfal. 2. Ifa. 49. etl'c. 5. The folemn proclamation of him to be the great Heir and Lordofall, at his fitft coming intothe world,Luke 2. II, 30, 31, 32. But it is the confummationof all thefe, whatever was intended or declared in theft previous afks of the Will and Wifdom of God, that is principally intended in this 'exprefiion. Some fuppofe it of importance in this matter of the HeirJhip ofarilt, to affert that he was the rightful Heir of the Crown and Scepter of Ifael. This opinion is fo promoted byBaronius as to contend that the right of the Kingdom was devolved on him, whichwas caufed to ceafe fora feafon in Antigonos, who was (lain by M. An. thong. But what was the right ofthe Kingdom that was in Antigonus, is hard to de- clare. The Hufmangans of whom that ruled, he was the lag!, were of the Tribe of Levi. Their right to theScepter was no more butwhat they had won by the fword. So that by his death there could be no devolution of a Right to reign unto any-; it being that whichhe never had. Nor is it probable that our Saviour was the next of kin to the reigning Houk off udah; nor was it any wife needful he fhould be fo ; nor is there any promife to that purpofe. His lineal defeent was from Nathan, and not from Solomon: of that Houfe was, Zerubbabel theAichmalotarches; which therefore is fpecially mentioned in the Reformation, Zech. 12. 12. Betides the HeirJbip promifed unto Chrift was neither of aTemperal Kingdom of Ifrael which he never enjoyed, nor of any other thing in dependance thereon. Were it fo, the Jews mutt tint have the Dominionbefore he could inherit it. And filch indeed was the miftake of the Difeiptes (asit is of the Jewsto this day) who enquired not whither he would take the Kingdom to himfelf, but whether hewould reore it unto i`frael. We have opened theWords; it remaineth that we confider the finfi and perfwa- fion of the Hebrews in this matter ; 2. Shew theinfluence of this affection into the Ar- gument that the Apoflle hath inhand : and 3. Annex a brief Scheme ofthe whole Lord111ip and Kingdom ofChrift. The Teflimonies given to this Heirfhipof the Melfiah in the Old Teflament, Cuffi- ciently egjdencing the faith of the Church guided by the rule thereof, will be menti- oned afterwards. For the prefent I shall only intimate the continuance of thisperfva- fien among the Jews, both then when theApoftle wrote unto them, andafterwards. To this purpofe is that of Jonathan in the Targum on Zeeh.4. 7. n'WD n4m tr+DN1,