V. R. I, 2. Epi/lle to the H EBREW s. tinIn'to tentrf = +nv4.O ;1 W 'TOM He fball reveal the Meiiah whofe name is from everlaJting, who Pall have the dominionover all Kingdoms. See Pfal. 72. I/. And of him who was brought before the Antient of dayes, like the Son ofMan, Dan. 7. to whom all power is given they fay, croon n t2Tn, he is Meffiab the King: So R. Solomon on the place : So R. Bechai on Exact'. 23. 21. My name is in him, he iscal- led, faith he, jllttU3, becaufe in that name two ftgnifications are included , 711t, a Lord, 'and ro4W, an Embaffador : the reafons of whichEtymologie out of the Greek, and Latin Tongues he fubjoyns I confefs foolifhly enough : but yet . he adds to our purpofe. It may bave a third fignification of a Keeper, for the Targu,n in/lead of the He- brew mom bath moo from 1t0.1; becaufe be, that it the Mefsh, prefirves or keeps the world, he is called 414l0t 1CM, theKeeper of Iliad; hence it appears, that he is the Lord of all things, they being put under him, and that the whole heft of things above and below are in his band. He is all's the mefnger of all above , and beneath, becaufe God bathmade him to rule over all; hath appointed him the Lard of his houfe, the Ruler Of alt he bath : which expreffions how can[onantthey are to what is deliveredby theApoftle in this place,- andChap. 3. is eafily difcerned. The Influence of this Affection, or commonPrinciple of theJudaical Church, into the Argument that the Apollé bath in hand is evident and manifeft ; He who is the Heir and Lord of all things, Spiritual, Temporal, Ecclefiaftical, mull needs have power over all Mofaical In(ìitutions , be the Lord of them, which are no where ex- empted from his Rule. The wordsbeing opened, and the defign of theApòlìle in them difcovered, becaufe they contain an eminent Headof theDo&rine of the Gofpel concerning the Lordlhip andKingdom ofJefus Chriff the Mefah, I (hail flay here a little to give in a Scheme of his wholeDominion, feeing the confideration ofìt,will not again fo direiìly occur unto us. That which is the intendment of the words in the interpretationgiven of them is this, Godthe Father in the purfuit of the Soveraignpurpofe of bis Will, bath grantedunto the Son ar incarnate, and Mediator of the NewCovenant, according to the eter- nal Council between them both, a Soveraign Power and Authority over all things in HeavenandEarth, with the PofEton of an abflute proprietor, to diffofe of them at hispleafirre, for the furtherance and Advancement of his proper and peculiar work, as Head of his Church. I (hall not infili on thefiveralBranches of this Thejis ; but as I Paid in general con- firm this Grant of Powerand Dominionunto the LordChrilt, and then gtim in our Scheme of his Kingdom in the feveral Branches of it, not enlarging our L9ifcourfe upon them, but only pointing at the heads and fpringsof things as they lye in the Scripture. Ofthe IQngdomor Lordfhip of Chrifl. irk Grant ofDominion in general untothe Mefah, is intimated in the firftpromife of him, Gen. 3.15. HisVilfory over Satan was tobe attended with Rule, Power and Dominion, Pfal. 68.18. Ifa. 53.12. Ephef. 4. 8, 9. Col. 2. 55. and confirmed in the Renewalof that Promife to Abraham, Gens22.17,r8. For in him it was, that Abraham was to beHeir ofthe world, Rom. 4. 13. As alto unto Judah, whofe feed was to enjoy the Scepter and Law-giver,itntil he camewho wastobe-Lordover al, Gen.¢9.to. As Baalamalfu taw the Star ofJacob, with a Scepter for Rule, Numb. 24. 57, 19. This Kingdom was fully revealeduntoDavid, and is expreffed by him, Pfal. 2. throughout. Pfal. 45. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Pfal.89. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,&'c. Pfal. 7z. 6,7,8, 9, &c. Pfal. I z o. 1, 2, 3. As alto in all the following Prophets; See Ifa. it. I, 2. Chap. 9. 6,7. Chap. 53. 52. Chap. 63. 1, 2, 3. Jerem. 23. 5, 6. Dan. 7.13, 14, &e. As this wasforetold in theOldTeffament, fo the accompli(hment of it is exprefly afferted in theNew. Upon his Birth he is proclaimed tobeChriff the Lord, Luke2.11. And the firft enquiry after him is, where is he that it bornKing, Matth. 2. 2, /f. And this Te(timony doth he give concerning himfelf; namely, that all judgement was his, and therefore all honour wasdue untohim, Job. 5. 22, 23. And thatall things were Z z delivered