38 An xpofition of the CH A P. I. delivered wino him, or given intohis hand, Math. r r. 25. yea, all power in Fleaven and Earth, Match: 28. 18. the thing pleaded for. Him who was crucified, did God make both Lord andChrifl, AelI z. 35, 36. exalting him at his Right Hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, Alts 5. 3r. He is highly exalted, havinga name given him above every naive, Phil. z. 9,1o, t t. being fet at the Right .Hand of God in heavenly places far. above, &c. Ephef. t.ao,zt, zz. where he reigns for ever, rCor. 15.25. being the . King of Kings and Lord ofLords, Revel. 5. 12, t3, 14. for he isLord of quick and dead, Rom. t¢. 7, 8, 9. And this ingeneral is fully affected in the Scripture, unto the Confolation.of the Church, andTerror ofhis Adverfaries.' This I fay is the ffiring ofthe ChurchesGlo- ry, Comfort, and Affurance. It is our Head, Husband, and Elder Brother, who is glo- rioufly vetted with all this Power. Ournearefl Relation, our heft Friend is thus exalt- . ed ; not to a place ofHonour and truft under others, a thing that contents the airy fancy of poor Earthworms ; nor yet to a Kingdom on the Earth, amatter that fwells fome, and even breaks them with pride; no nor yet to anEmpire over this perifhing world ; but to an abiding, an everlaffing RuleandDominion over the whole Creation of God. And it is but a little while,before he willeaft off and difpell all tholeClouds and fhades which at prefent interpofe themfelves, and eclipfe hisGlory andMajefly from them that love him. He who in the dayes ofhis flefh, was reviled, reproached, perfe- mted, crucified for our fakes, that fame Jefue is thusexalted and made a Prince and a Saviour, having a Namegiven him above every name, &c. for though he was dead, yet he is alive, and lives forever, and hath the Keys of Hell and Death : Their things are every wherepropofed forthe Confolation of the Church. The Confideration of it allo is fakedto [hike Terror into the hearts of ungrdly men, that oppofe him in the world. Whomis it that they do delpife? Againft whom do they magnifie themfelves,and lift up their horns onhigh ? whofe Ordinances,Laws,Inttituti- ons do they contemn ? wholeGofßel do they refute Obedienceunto ? whole people and fervantsdó they revile and perfecute ? Is it not He ? are they not his, who hath all plver'in Heaven and Earth committed untohim ? in whole hand are the Lives, the Souls, allthe concernments ofhis Enemies. C,efar thought he had fpoken with Ter- ror, when threatning himwith death who flood inhis way, he told him, Young man, he teaks it, to whom it is as eafie to do it. He (peaks to his Adverfaries, who hand in the way of his intereft, todeal nomore fo proudly, who can in a moment (peak them intoRuine, and that Eternal. See Rev. 6. td., t5, 16, r,y, Thus is the Sonmade Heir of all in general ; we fhall further confider his Dominion in a diftribution of the chief parts of it; and manifeft his power feverally in and over the all. He is Lord, or Heir , nd,7m, that is., of all Perfins ; and of all Things, Perfons, or Rational Subfiftences here intended, are either Angels, or Men; for it is evident , that He is exempted who bath fubjelled all things unto him, r Cor. 15. 27. Angels are of two forts : t. Such as abide doing the will ofGod, retaining that name by wayofeminency : z. Such as by Sin have loft their frr(l habitation, State, andCondition, ufually called evil Angels, orDevils : The Lord Jefus hathDominion over all, and both forts ofthem. Men may be call underone common difiribution which is. comprehenfive of all diftin Lions whereby they are ditferenced : For they all areeither Eleel or Reprobates. And the Lord Jefus hathRule andDominion over them all. Things, that are fubje& unto the Lord Jefus May be referred unto fourheads : for they are either, I. Spiritual; or 2. Eccleftaflieal; or 3. Political; or 4. Natural. Again, Spiritual are either (r.) Temporal, as n. Grace, 2. Gifts ; or ( a. )Eter- nal, asGinty. Eccleftaffical or Church things, are either, t. Judaical, or Old Tefiament Things; or 2.Chriftian, or Things ofthe New Tetlament. Political and Civil Things may be confidered as they are managed s. By his Friends : 2.His Enemies. OfNatural Things, we (hall (peak in a produ&ion of fotee,particular inflame! to provethe general Affertion. Thofe