vIt R: ;z: Epiide to the HEBREWS. Thofe in the firfi place affigned as part ofthe Inheritance ofChrift are theAngel', and thepodAngels in efpecial. Thefe belong to theKingdom, Rule and Dominionof Chrift. I (hall be briefin this branchofhis Heirfhip, becaufe it mull be profeffedly ham died in opening fundry other verfes ofthis Chapter, in.which the Apofile infilteth on it. Ofthe NatureofAngels, their Glory, Excellency, Dignity, Work andEmployment, we have here no occalion to treat. afterwards be fpoken unto thefe things. Chrift's preheminenceabove them, rule over them, their fubjcetion unto him, with the original right and equity of the grant ofthis Power and Authority unto him, are the things which now fall under our confideration. 1. His Preheminence above them is affected by the Apoftle in the fourth verfeof this chapter; He is made better, more excellent than theAngels. Seethe words opened af- terwards. This was to the Jews, who acknowledged that the Mefias thould be above Mofes, Abraham, and the minifringAngels ; foNeve Shalom, lib. 9. cap. 5. We have te- ftimony unto it, Enhef. 1.20, 21. He feet himat his own right hand, it irxpation, among heavenly things, far above allprincipality, andpower, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named. What ever Title of Honour or Office they enjoy, not only in this world, but alfo in that which is to come, whoenjoy their Power and Dignity in that fluteof Glorywhich is promifed unto them alfo, who herebelieve on him. Phil. a. 9e God alfo hash exaltedhim, andgiven bin: a name ( Power, Authority and Preheminence) above everyname; that at the name ofJfus (.unto himvettedwith that Authority and Dignity) every knee¡hould bow(all creatures Mouldyield Obedience and be in fubje kion) of things in heaven, the lb*, ötxnrríesov, proper habitation, and place of refidence of the bleedAngels, Jude 6. For, 2. As he is exaltedabove them, fo by the Authority ofGod theFather they are made fubjeli unto him, a Pet. 3.22. he is gone into heaven, Llenerayirvw dve47 dypéamr, Angels being brought into order by fubjeïiionunto him, Ephefx.2% risers vrrafev,. He bath put allthings (Angels ofwhich he treats) infubjeiïion to him, under his feet, as Pfal. S. 6. 1ii711 nrin t Cor. And thisby the fpecial Authority of God the Father, in a way ofGrant of Priviledgeand, Honour unto him ; And to evidence the Univerfality of this SubjeOtion, 3.They adore and worfhip him ; the highetl Aét of Obedience, and molt abfolute fubje6tion. This they have in command, Heb. r. 6. Let all the Angels ofGod worfhip him, Pfal. 97.7. Mitts worfhip him with proftration, felf-abafement, and all pof table fubje&ion to him : ofwhich place afterwards. Their proaice anft ers the com- mand given them, Rev. 5. r r, 12,13, 14. All- the Angels round about hisThrone falldown and áfcribe ble)Jing, and honour, and glory, andpower unto him, as we are taught to do inour deepeft acknowledgment ofthe, Majefty and Authority of God, Mattb. 6.13. And as to outwardobedience, they are ready in all things to receivehis commands, being miniilringfpirits, fent forth to minifter for them who (hall inherit falvation, Heb. 1.13. and that by him who is Head over all things unto the Church, Epbbef. 1.22. As for inflance, he fent out one ofthem tohis fervant John, Rev. 1. t. whofrom their employment under him towards them that believe, are faid to be theirfellow--firvantr, that is, unto Chrift ; namely, of all them who have the Teftimonyof Jefus, Rev. 19. to. chap. 22.9. And to thispurpofe, 4. They alwaysattendhis Throne. Ifa. 6.1,2. IFoy the Lorduponhis throne, and about it flood the Seraphims ; ThisIfaiah fpake ofhim, whenhefire hisglory, Zoh. 12. 39, 40. He was upon his Throne, when he fpake with the Church in the wildernefl, All. 7.38. that is, in Mount Sinai; wherethe Angels attendinghim as onChariot:, ready to re- ceive his commands, were twenty thoufands, even thoufands ofAngels, Flal. 68. 19. Ephef 4.8. or thoufandthoufand , andten thoufand times ten thoufand, as another Pro- phet expreffethit, Dan. 7. r o. And fo he isin the Church of theNewTeflament, Rev. 5. u. and from his walking in the midfl ofhisgolden Candlefficks, Rev. r. a3. are the Angels alfo prefent in ChurchAfmblies, as attending their ,Lord and Mallet, 1 Cor. 11.10. And fo attended (hall he come to Judgment, 2 Theff: 1.7. when he (hall be revealedfrom heavenwith the Angels of his power; which was fore-told concerninghim from the beginningofthe world, Jude 7,8. Thus his Lordfhip over Angels is Vniverjaland abfolute, and their fubjedlion unto him anfwerable thereunto. Themanner ofthe Grant of this excellency, power and dignity unto him, muttbe further cleared in the openingof thefe wordsofthe Apoftle, v. 4. Being made better than theAngels; theoriginal right and equity of thisGrant, with the ends ofit, are now only to be intimated. Zz I. The