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énExpofitidrrof the C HAP. Ià 1.-TM Radicalfundamental EquityofthisGrant lies in his Divine Nature : and his creation ofAngels, over whom as Mediator he is madeLord. Unto the general Af fee n of his beingmade Heir ofall, the Apofile in this place fubjoyns that general Beat n, manifestingthe rifeof the Equityofit in the Willof God, that it.thould be fo c By w om alfo be madethe worlds. Which reafon is particularly applicable toevery part of his inheritance, and is efpecially pleaded in reference untoAngels : Col. 1. 15, 16. Who is the image ofthe invifbleGod, theftrfi-born of everycreature; that is, the Heir and Lord of them all : and the reafon is, Becaufe by 'himwere all things, createdthat are in heaven, and that are inearth, vifibleand invifible, whether thrones, or dominions, or prin-, cipalities, orpowers, all things were created by him andfor him. His creation of thofe heavenly ppwers, is thefoundation ofhis Heirfhip or Lordlhipover them. 'Et71$41, that is, faith. alearnedman (Grotius) on theplace, not created, or made; but ordered, or- dained 'r all things were orderedby Chrift, as to their flate and dignity : But what rea- fon is there to depart from theproper, ufual, yea, only fenfe of the word, in this place i' Becaufe, faith he, mention is made ofCbrift, which is the name ofa man, and Co the Creation of all things cannot be attributed unto him. But Chria is the name ofthe SonofGod incarnate, Godand Man : Chrilt, who is over all, God blefdfor ever, Rom. 9..5. See Luke z. s 1. Andhe is here fpoken ofas the Image of the invifibleGod, v. 15,. theeffential Image of the Father, endowed with all his eternal Attributes, and fo the Creator ofall. TheSociniana adde, that the words are ufed in the abftrah, Principali- ties andPowers, and therefore their Dignities, not their reef= are intended. But, r.AU things created in heaven and earth, vifible and invifible, are the Subftances and Ef. fences ofthings themfelv:s,and not their Qualities andPlaces only. 2.The Diaribution into Thrones andDominions, Principalities andPowers, refpecîs only the lait branch of things affirmed tobe created by him, namely,xhings in heaven, invifible; fo that ifit Mould be granted, that hemade or created them only as to their Dignity, Order and Power, yet they obtain not their purpofe, line the Creationof all other things, as to their beiñg and fubfiflence, is afcribed unto him. But, 3. The ufe of the tlbftrael for the Concrete is not unufual in Scripture. See Ephef 6. r 2. ariwuu-ied, for vvívtsa70, Thus iïye¡aóseç d BiuomÑS, Rulers and Kings, Matth. 10.18. are termed sieaai iÿ geaíat, Principalities andPowers, Lzike 12. Is. And in this particular, thofe who are here PrincipalitiesandPowers, are lingel:great inpower, 2 Pet. a . no, 1 r. And Ephef. I. 20,21. he is exalted vvergva veins dpxiç iÿ iesoías iÿ ¡rrdµtas ÿ tvtió741o5, that. is, above all vefled withprincipality andpower, as the next words evince, and everyname that is named. So Jude tells usoffome, ofwhom he lays, tvpoetifas io aiporoú,jeo, d'b .eç 1: 7pµray ov- tií tila äsn ley 1`6 ,:es ßr,aapnµlot i They deftife dominion, andfßeakevil of dignities ; that is, thole veiledwith them. And Paul, Rom. 8. 38, 39. Iam perfwaded that neither ,4n- gels, boot dexal ivs fvrdtAtif, nor principalities nor powers ; icl Tif aTioof leípa, nor any other creature. So that theft Principalities and Powers are albeit, certain creatures, created things and fublflences, that is, the Angels varioufly difRrenced amongil theme felves, in refped ofus, great in power and dignity. - This is the firJlfoundationof the Equityofthis Grant, of all power over the Angels unto. the Lord Chrift ; in his DivineNature he made them, and in that refpedl they were before, hisown: as on the fame account when he into the world, he is laid to come SK 7d Ufa, Job. i. I I. to bis'own, or the things that hehad made. z. It is founded in that EfiabliJhment in the conditionof their Creation, which by his interpoftioll to recover what was loll byfin, and topreferve the untainted part of the Creationfrom ruine, they did receive. Intheir ownRight, theRule oftheir Obe- dience, and the Example ofthofe of their number and fociety who apoftatized from God, they found themfelves in a ¡tate not abfolutely impregnable : Their Confirmation, which alfo was attended with that Exaltation, which they receivedby their newRe- lationunto Godin and through him, they received by his means. God gathering up all things toa confiffency and permanency in him, Ephef.i s o. And hence allo it became equal, that theRuleand power over them fhould be committed unto him, bywhom, although they were not likeus, recovered from ruine, yet they were ,preferved from all danger ofit. So that in their fubjeóion untohim confias theirprincipal Honour, and all theirfafety. ' And as this adofGod in appointing Chrifi Lord of angelshath there equitable foun- dations, fo it bathalto fundrygloriousEnds. a. It wasas an addition unto that Glorythat waspbefore bins, in his undertakingto redeem rimers. AKingdom was ofold promifed unto him; and to render it exceed,. . íegly