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VE R. Ia t. Epfile to the HE B ingly glorious, theRule andScepter of it is extendednot only to his Redeemed ones, but to the holy Angels alfo ; and the Iovereignty over them is granted him as a part ofhis Reward, Phil.2.`8, 9, IO, 11.' Epbef1. zo, 21. 2. Godhereby gathersup his wholefamily, at irB diftinguifhed by the Law of their Creation irito two ejpecial kinds, and then differenced and fet at variance by Sin, into one Bodyunder one Head, reducing:thëm; that originally were twain, into one entire fámily, Epbef. 1 10. Inthefulnefiof time hegathered together inone all thingsin Cbriff, bath which are in heaven, andwhich are inearth, in him ; aswas beforedeclared. Before this the Angels had no immediate createdHead ; for themfelves are called +717t¢, Gods, Pfal. 97.7.'1 Cyr. 8. 5. Who ever is the Head, mull bea+rl7tz r114t.t, the Godof Gods, or Lord of Lords , which Chrift alone is ; and in him, or under him as One Head, is the wholeFamilyofGod united. 3. The Church of Mankind militant on the earth, whole conduél unto Eternal Glory is committed untoChrift, hands in need ofthe miniffery ofAngels. And there- fore hath God granted Rule andPower over them unto him, that nothing might be wanting to enable him tofave untothe intermit them that come unto God by him. So God hath givenhim tobe bead over all things to eheChurch, Epbef.1.22. that he . Ihould withan abfolute fovereignty, ufe,anddifpofe ofall things to the benefit and ad- vantage ofthe Church. This is the firftbranch of the LordfhipandDominion ofChrift, according to the di- Itribution ofthefeveralsof it beforelaid down. Heis Lord ofAngels, and theyare all ofthemhis fervants, thefellow- firvantsofthem that havetheteflimony ofJefus. And asfome 'men do wilfully call themfelves by their Religious adoration ofAngels, under thecurie of Canaan, tobefervants unto fervants, Gen. 8. 2.5. fo it is the great honour and priviledge dense believers, that in their worship ofChrifl, they areadmitted into the fociety ofan innumerable comparry ofAngels, lieb. 12.22. Rev. 55. 1 r, 13. for they arenot afhamed to efteem them theirfellowférvants, whom their Lord and King is not afhamedto call his Brethren. And herein confifts our communionwith them, that wehave one common Head andLord ; andany intercourfe with them, but only on this account, or anyworfhip performed towards them, breaks the bondofthat commu- nion, and caufeth us not to hold the Head, Col. a. 19. The prïviledge,the fafety and advantageof the Church from this fubjeelion ofAngels to its Head andSaviour, are by manyfpoken unto. II. There is another fort ofAngels, who by fin left their primitive ffation, and-fell off from God; ofwhom, theirSin, Fall, Malice, Wrath, Bufrnefss, Craft in evil, and Final judgment, theScripture treateth at large. Thefe belong not indeed to the poffeffion of Chrift, as he is the Heir; but they belong unto his Dominionas he is a Lord. Though hebe not a King and Headunto them, yet he is a Judge and Ruler over them. All thingsbeing given into hishand, they alfo are fiebjeeted untohis.power. 'Now, as un- der theformer head, I (hallconfider, r. TheHight or Equity : and 2. TheEndofthis Authorityof Chrift over thisfecond fort oftheftrff Race of Intellec`dual Creatures, the Angels that have finned. a. Asbefore, this Right is founded in his Divine Nature, by vertue whereof, he, is 'leaves,fit forthis Dominion. He made theft* Angelsalto, and therefore, ae God, hath an abfolute Dominion over them. The Creatural'cannot- cadoff the Dominionof the Creator by rebellion; though they may lofe their moral Relation untoGod as obedient creatures, yet their natural,as creatures, cannot bediffolved. God will beGod Bill, be Isis creaturesnever fo wicked ; and if they obeynot his Will, they (hall bear his Juftice. j And this Dominion of Chrift overfainAngels, as God, makes the grant ofRule over ' them to him, as Mediator, jui and equal. 2. The immediate and peculiar Foundation ofhis Right untoRule over fainAngels, rendringthe fpecial grant ofit equaland righteous, is LawfulConqueff. This gives a fpecial Right, Gen. g8.22. Now that Chril fhould conquerfaln Angels, waspromifed from the foundation ofthe world,' Gen. 3. 15. Thefeedofthe woman, the Mefiias, was to break the Serpents head, defpoil himof his power, and bring him into fubjeetion ; whichheperformed accordingly, Col. 2. 15. HePiledprincipalities andpowers, dive(led fain Angels ofall thatTitle they had gotto the world, by the fin ofman ; triumphing over them,as Captives to be difpofedofat his pleafure. He(filled, or made to ceafeas to his power, this Enemy, Op31101, andfelf-avenger, Pfal. 8.2. leading captivity captive, Pfal. 6. 18. breaking in pieces the Headover the large earth, Pfal. tio. 6. binding the Jfrong man armed, and fpoiling his goóds. And the Scripture of the NovTeffameirt is full 3