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32 An Expofition of the CHAP, L full of in(tances as to his executinghis Power and Authority over Evil Angels ; They take upa good part ofthe Hifforical Books of it. Mahavingfinned by the inftigationofSatan, he was. by the juif Judgement of God deliveredup untohis power, bleb. 2. 14. The Lord Chrift undertaking to recover loft man from under his power by defraying his works, t ph. 3. 8. and to bring them again into favour with God ; Satanwith all his might fets himfetf tooppofe him in his Work; and failing in his enterprife, being utterly conquered, he became abfo- lutely fubjeded unto him, trodden under his feet,and theprey he had taken delivered from him. This is thenext Foundation of the Authority ofChrift over the Evil Angels. He had a great Conte[t and War with them , and that about the Glory of God, his own Kingdom, and the EternalSalvation of the Elect ; prevailing abfoluteiyagain(} them, he madea Conqueff over them, and they are put in fubjedion unto him for ever. They are fubjeded unto him, as to their prefent adings, and future condition ; He now rules them ; and will hereafter finally judge them. Wherein he fufrs them in his Holinefs andWifdom toad in Temptations, Seductions, Perfecutions, he bounds and limits their Rage, malice, adings, orders and difpofes the Events of them to his own holy and righteous ends, andkeeps themunder chainsfor the Judgement ofthe laft day, when for the full manifeftation of his Dominion over them, he will taufe the mean- ell of his fervants to let their feet on the necks of there conquered Kings , and to joyn with himfetf in fentencingthemuntoeternal ruine, r Cor. 6.3. which they (hall be call into by him, Rev. 19. 2. The Ends ofthis Lordship of Chrift are various ; as r . His own Glory, Pfal.1lo. j 2. Churches fafety, Mat. 16. 18. Revel. 12.7,8, 9. And 3. Exercife for their Good : ( 1. ) By Temptation, I Pet. 5. 8, 9, 1 o. And ( a. )Perfeeution, Rev. 2. Io. Chap.! 2.1o. both which he directs, regulates, and bounds unto their eternal Advantage. 4. The exerciíng of his Wrath and vengeance upon his ftubbornenemies, whom thefeflaws and s'alfals toll's righteous power, feduce, blind, harden, provoke,ruine and deliroy, Revel. 12.15. Ch. 16. 13, 4. Pfalm 1ó6. Andhow much of the peace, fafety and con- folation of Believers lyes wrapt up in this part of the Dominion ofChrill, were eale todemonttrate; as alto that Faiths improvement of it, in every condition, is the greateft part of our Wifdom in our pilgrimage. III. All Mankind,(the fecond fort ofIntelleffual Creatures or Rational fubfiltencies) belong to the Lordship andDominion of Chrift. All Mankind was in the power of Godas one edpaµa, one mall or Lump out of which all Individuals are made and framed, Rom. 9.21. Some tohonour, Come to difhonour ; the 'Ti áura 04eí m, not de- noting the fame fubilance, but one common condition and the mating of the Individuals. -isnotby TemporalCreation, but Eternal Defignation. So that all mankind made out of no- thing, and out of the fameconditiondeftined to feveral Ends for theglory ofGod, are branched into two forts. Deft, or vesfels from the common maßunto Honour ; andReprobates, or veffels fromthe commonmall unto dithonour, As fuch they were typed by Jacoband Efau, Korn. 9. 11,1 2. and are expreffed under that diftribution, 1 Theft. 5. g. Someder' ¿exile, from the beginning being chofen to falvation, 2 Theff,'2.13. *la xd'laßotde olaux, Ephef. 1. 4. before the foundation of the world, Ram. 8. 29. Chap. 11. 5. Match. 20.16. 2 Tim. 2. Io. Revel. 21. 27. Others are appointed to the day of evil , Prov. 16. 4. venal go e)euu 'svoy of old fore-ordained to condemnation, sude4. efe äaneto ry yeople, for tobe deltroyed, z Pet. 2.12. See Rom. 9.22. Chap. Ir. 7. Revel. 20.15. Both thefe. forts , or all Mankind, is the Lordfhip ofChrift extended to, and to each of them refpedively: a. He is Lord over all flefh, Job. 17. 2. both living and dead, Rom. 14. 9. Phil. 2.9, t0.. z. Particularly, he is Lord over all the Elea : And betidesthegeneralfoundationof the Equity of, his Authority and power in his Divine Nature andCreation ofall things, the Grant ofthe Father unto him as Mediator to be their Lord, is founded in other efpecial Ads bothofFather and Son. For, s. They weregiven untohim fromEternity in defign, and by compadu , that they fhould be his peculiar portion, and he their Saviour, Job. 17.2. Of the 'weans regaas, all flefh, overwhich he bath Authority, there is a aáv y Muss, an univerfalityof them whom theFather gave him, in a fpecial manner. Of whom he fayes, thine they were, and thengaveff them untome, v. 6, Alts 18.1o. They are a portion givenhim to lave$ - -. . _. _ _ Job.