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TsR.I,t. Ep/le to the HEngEw.. Joh. 9. 39. of whichhe takes the Care, asJacob did of the Sheep ofLabatt, whenhe tèrved him for a Wìfe, Gen. 31. 30, go. See Prom 8.3o. This was an Aft ofthe Will of the Father in the Eternal Covenant of the Mediator ; whereof elfewhere. 2. His Grant is flrengthened by Redemption, Purchafe, and Acquifdon. This was the conditionof the formerGrant, Ifa. 53. I o, 11, 12. whichwas made good- byhim fo that his Lordfhip isfrequently afferted oh this very account, 1 Cor.6. 1o. I Pet. t. 18, 19. 1 Tim. 3.6. Job. I ó. 1 g. Eph. 5.25 , 26, 27. Rev, 5.9. Job. It. 52. And this purchafe ofChrift, is peculiar to them fo given him of the Father in the Cove- nant of the Mediator : as (1. ) Proceeding froth his efpecial and greatefl Love, Job. 15. 17. Rom. 5.8. I Job. 5.16. Chap. 4. 9, lo. Ads a0.28. Rom. 8.32. And ( z. ) Being accompanied with a pureháti, for them which they [hall certainly enjoy, and that of Grace and Glory, Ads 20. 28. Eph. 1. s4. Ads2. 36. Phil I: 29. Heb. 9: 12, 15. And indeed the Controverfie about thedeath of Chrif, is not primarilyabout its Extent,but its Efficacyand Fruits inrefpea ofthem for whom he dyed. 3, Thefe thus given himof the Fatherand redeemedby him,are oftwo forts. I.Such as are attnally called to faith inhim, and Union with him. - Thefe are further become bid, upon many other efpecial accounts. They are his, in all Relations of Subjedion, his Children, Servants, Brethren, Difciples, Subjects, his Houfe, his Spoufe. He'lands towards them in all Relations of Authority ; is their Father, Matter, Elder Brother, Teacher, King, Lord,Ruler, Judge, Husband.; Ruling in themby his Spirit and Grace, over them by his Laws in his Word, preferving themby his power; chaflening them in his Care and Love , feeding themout ofhis (}ores, trying them,and delivering them in his Wífdom,Bearing with their milcárriagesin hisPatience,and ta!jng'them for hisportion, lot and inheritance; in hisProvidence,raifing them at the lait day, taking them to himfelf in Glory , every way avouching them to be bis, and himfelf to be their Lord and Matter. 2. Someofthem, are alwayes uncalled, and [hall be fo, until! the wholenumber of thembe compleated and filled: But before, they belong on the former accounts, unto his Lot, Care and Rule, Jahn no. 6. They are already his fbeep bygrant and per- chafe, though not,yet reallyfo by Grace andHolinefi: They are not yet his, by pre- fent Ohediential. Subjedion, but they are his by Eternal Defignation and reali Ac- quifition. . Now the power that the Lord Jefus hash over this fort of Mankind isVniverfal, unlimited, abfolute, andexclutìveof all other power over them, as unto the things peculiarly belongingunto Isis Kingdom. He is their Icing, Judge, Law-giver, and in things ofGod, purelySpiritual and Evangelical ; other they have none. It is true he takes themnot out of the world, and therefore as unto Td ße6rme, the things of this life, things ofthe world, they arefubjedto the,Lawí and Riders of the world but as unto the things ofGod, he is the only Law-giver who is able to kill and make alive. But the nature and endsof theLordfhip ofChrill over the Elea, are too large and eomprehenfive to be here fpoken unto, in this brief delineationof his Kingdom, which we undertook in this digrellion. 2, His Lordfhipand Dominionextends to the other fort of men alfo ; namely, Re- probates, and men finally impenitent. They are not exempted fromthat allfiefis, which he hath power over, Job. 17. z. nor from thofe quickand dead overwhom he is Lord, Rom. 149. nor from that World which he (hall judge ; Ads 47.31. And there are two efpecial grounds that are peculiar to them,. of this Grant , and Power, and Authority overthem. 1. His interpofition upon the entrance of in again[} the immediate Execution of theCurie due unto it ; as befell the Angels :.This fixed the World under aDifpen" fation of, 1. Forbearance and Patience, Rom. 2.4, 5. Ads 17. 30. Rom. 9.22. Pfah 75.3. 2. Goodneß and Mercy, Aar 14.16, 17. That Godwho [pared notthe Angels, whenthey finned, but, immediatelycall them intochains ofdarkneff, fhould place finners of the Race ofAdam, under adifpenfation ofForbearance andGoodneß, that hethould [pare themwith much Long- fulferingdure- ing their Pilgrimage on theearth, and filltheir hearts with foodand gladnefs, with all thofe fruits ofkindnefs, which thewomb of his Providence is Rill bringing forth for their benefit and advantage, isthus far on the account of the Lord Chris, that though thefe things as relating unto Reprobates, are no part of his efjsecial purchafe, as Media- tor of'theEverlafting Covenant ofGrace, yet they area neceffary confiquent of his In- terpofition 33