VER.I;. E11ifiletO the 1ZEB R E WS, Verfe X I I I. THe next Verfe contains the laß Teffimony produced by the Apoftle for the coti- lirmation of the Preheminence ofthe Lord Chrift above Angels, in the wordsenfuing. Ver. 13. Ilttc rña ,Pì 7Jr áyyi5av iípnxá more, x<10e ix .re;ewv as ices 'cz*omád'rov 7mr srod'c p eon. There is nodifférence aboutthe readingof thefe words. As they are here expre[fed by the Apof{le, fo are they in the Tranflationof the LXX, and theOriginal Text is exat`kly rendred by them. Verfe 13. But unto ishich ofthe Angelsfaidhe at anytime, Sit thou on my right hand, untilIntake (put, place) thine enemies thyfootflool, ( thefoot -ftool of thy feet. ) The ufefulnefs of this teílimony for the cónfrmation of theDignity and Authori- ty ofthe Meab, is evidenced by the frequent quotation ofit in the NewTeffament ; as by our Saviour himfelf, Mattb. a2.42. by Peter, Ads 2.34, 35. and twice by our Apoftle in thisplace, and r Cor. 15.28. As the wordsarehere ufed we may confider the Introduction of theTeftimony, and the Teefimony it felt. The Introduction of theTe[limony is by way ofInterrogation; `Untowhich ofthe An- gelsfaid heat any time ? And herein three things may be obferved. 1. That in the Interrogation, a vehement negation is included ; Hefaid not at any time to any Angels ; he never fpake then words or the like concerning them : there is no teftimony unto that purpofe recorded inthe whole Book of God: The way of Expreflion puts an emphafis upon the denial. And the fpeaking here relates unto what isfpoken in the Scripture, which is the only means ofour knowledge, and rule of our faith in thefe things. 2. That he makes application of this te(timony to every Angel in heaven feverally confidered. For whereas he had before fufficiently proved the Preheminence of the Meffiahabove the Angels in general, ro obviate their thoughts about the efpecial Honour and Dignity of any one or more Angels, or Angels ina (ingular manner, Meta as indeed they conceived, he applies theprefent teltimony to every one ofthemTingly and indivi- dually contidered. Vnto which of theAngels faid be at spy time? 3. A tacit Application of this tettimony unto the Son, or the Melliah s unto'the An- gels he laidnot, but unto theSon helaid, Sit thou on my right hand. That the teftimony it felldoth clearly prove the intendment of the Apoltle, pro- vided the words were originally fpoken of him, or tohim, unto whom they are ap- plied, is beyond all exceptions. For they contain an Elogium of him of whom they are fpoken, andan aflignation of Honour and Glory tohim, beyond what ever was or can be afcribedunto any Angel what ever. It remains therefore that this be fir(t proved, and then the importance of the teltimony it felt explained. I. For thole that believe the GJßel, the Authority of the LordChrift and his Apoftles applying thistellimouy unto him, is fufficient for their conviÉtion. By our Saviour as was obferved it is appliedunto the Meffiab inThefi, March. 22. 42, 43, 44. And had not this been generally acknowledged by the Scribes and Pbarifees, and whole Church of the Jews, as it had not been to his purpofe to have mentioned it, fo they had not been reduced unto that conviliion and [hams by it as they were. The Apnffier apply it unto the trueMeab in HypotheJi ; and hereindoth ourfaith refs. z. But a conliderablepart of the controverfie which we have with the Jews re- lating much unto this Pram, we mull yet farther clear the application of it unto the Mefahfrom their exceptions. Of