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10 Expofitaon of the CH A P. I.. Of the Tai-gum or Chaldee Parapbrafe there are twoCopies, one printed in Arias Bible, the ocher in the Bafl Edition by Buxtorf. The Title ofthe Pfalm in both of them is, Hnri:wrt 111 T Lv, A fang by thehand of David. And the beginning of it is thus rettdred by the former of them, 7he,Leed Jàidby bis word that hewould give me the Kingdom, becaufe IJfudied the do(trine rfthe Law ofIsis right band; wait thou until Imake thine enemies thyf;ot- Iloo!. By the other thus, The Lordlaid by his word, that he would appoint me the Lordofall Ifrael; hut befàid unto me again, Styfir Saul who is of the Tribe of Benjamin. until bedie, for a Kingdomwill not admit ofa Companion ; and after that Iwillmake thine enemies thy foot-ffnol. Betides what appears from other confiderations, it is hence fufficiently evident, that thisTargum was made after the joysbegan tobe exercifed in the controverfie with Chrillians, and had learned to corrupt by their glories all the te[timonies given inthe Old Teflament unto the LordCluift, efpecially filch as they found to be made ufe ofin the New. Their corrupting of the fenfe of the Holy Ghoft in this place by a pretended Tranflation, is openly malicious againl} evident light and conviction. The Pfaim theyown from the Title to bewritten by David, but they would have him alto to be the fìthjeel ofit, to be fpoken of in it. And therefore thole words, The LordPaidunto my Lord, they tranllate,TheLordPaidunto me ; which affection is contrary to theText, and fa;fe it: it felf; for who ever were the Penman of the Pfalm, he .fpeaks of another perfon. The Lordfaid unto my Lord ; fay they, The Lordfaid unto me. And thereunto are annexed thole imaginations aboutftudying the Law, and waiting for the death of,Sau, which in no cafe belongs to the Text or matter in hand. Others therefore to avoid this Rock affirm, that the Pfalm fpeaks of David, but was not compofed by him, being the work offome other who calls him L-rd. So DavidKimcbi on the place. And this he endeavours to prove from the infcriptiou ofthe Pfalm, 1115 InfO, that is faith he, APfalmffioken to David; for it denotes the third, and not the fecond Cafeor variation ofNouns. But thisiscontrary to the ufe ofthat Prefix throughout the whole Book of Pfalms; and if this obfervationMight be allowed, all Pfalms with this Title,11-5, le David, which are the greateft part of thole compofed by him, mull be adjudged from hint, contrary to the received fenfe and coulent of Jews and Chriffians. But fully to mani- fell the folly of this pretence, and that the Author of it contradiéted his own light out ofhatred unto the Gofpel, there are fundry Pfalms with this Title,i15, leDavid, which are exprefly affirmed to be compofed and fling by Hin unto the Lord ; as Pfd. 18. whore Title is, To the chief Muftcian, 1+16 r11T 7797, ( where the Prefix is repeated) to David thefèrvant of the Lord, who fßalte unto the Lord the words of this fing. So dtrec`tlydo the modern Rabbino contradid their own light, out ofhatred unto the Gofpe]. Evident then it is that David is not treated of in this PPalm, in that he being the Pen-man of it, ealleth him his Lard; concerning whom he treats. Betides, to omit other inftances ofalike cogency, how or when did God fwear unto David that he JhculdheaPriefl, and that fir ever after theorder ofMelcbifedeeia? Thefems knew well enough that David had nothing to do with the Prier}hood. So that David had no concernment in this Pfàlm, but only as he was the Pen-man of it. He was not herein fo much as a Type of the Meffiah, but fpeaks of him as lais Lord. Wherefore others of them, as f ai-chi, and Lipman, and Nizzachon affirm, that it is Abraham who is fpolcenof in this Pfalm, of whom the one rays it was compofed by Melehizedecb, the otherby his fervant Eliezer ofDamsfius. But the fondnefs of there prefumptuous figments is evident. Melcbiz dech on all accounts was greater than Abraham, above him in Degree, Dignity and Office. as being a King and Prier} ofthe High God, and thereforehbffedhim, and receivedTithes of him; and on no account could call him his Lord. Eliezer did fo, being his Levant, but how could he afcribe unto ]aim the fitting at the Right Hand ofGod ? how the fending forth the rod of bis powerfrom Sion ? howbeing a Priell fir ever after the order ofMelchizedeek, or indeed any one thing mentioned in the Pfalm ? There things deferve not tobe initiled on, but only tomanifcil the woful pretences ofthe prefcnt ./u/Mealinfidelity. It appears from the Dialogue of f u(fin Martyr withTrypho, that fame of them óf old applied this Pfalm to Hezekiah. But not one word in it can rationally be conceived to refpeähim , efpecially that which is fpoken about the Prief}hood utterly excludes him ; feting his Great Grand-father a man of more power than himfell, was fmitten with Leprofie, and loft the AdminiflrationOf his Bingdom for one tingle attempt rò It invade that Office, 2 Chron. 26.