i;z ein Expofitïon of the C ra A P. I. referring unto this place. SoSaadiasGaon,.on Dan. 7. 13. afU 3.1r6l7 Derr mum 111 +)+b+7 lÚ7 1rd 'n', This is Mellishour rightesufnefl, as it is written, The Lord faid' unto my Lord, Sit thou on myright hand. They affirm the fame in MidrafhTehillim, on Pfal. 18. v. 35. mil afro 1w v'& rr+wt -14o 3+w1ro r11 14 +ny4 nnN1rt1 +)+0+4 ato +nri5, Rabbi Jodenfaid, In the world to come, the holy blefdGodPhan coup ldefah the King to fit on his right hand, as it is written, The LordPaid unto my Lord, Sit thou on myright band. And to the fame purpofe are the words of R. Mofes, Haiídar- fan in Berefhith Rabba, on Gen. 18. v. i. /In 111 Trim nrlo +14'1 i=tf7a 1+7 131 111+ i54i Jw, +)164 mum -14D7 1+wis 1171 t41`7 1+ry7 +)1yt)1 inn -pot 3Un +)a ja 1sJ1N1 t11t1T1l 0111N t 1 11NrOw' 1w+ 1 =11aN1 WV'"? aw +)1N 7v ?)N1 +) +t>+ 7y 131 t1 14 1L+1N1 1r)+90 1171 `iNr_w1 4v awl 'Ito rm.; 5y 1)ä1r govt ,+11 'vv. Rabbi Berechia in the name ofSabbi Ltvi opened that which is fpoken, t hou ltgive me theJhield of thy falvation, and thy right hand (hall fu/tain me, (Pfal. 18.36. In theworld to come the holy bleffed God(hall caufe Mefas theKing tofit on his right h , as it is written, The Lord faid unto myLord, Sit thou on my right hand. And A rahamJhall fit at his lefthand , and thefaceofAbraham (hall bepale, and he¡hallfay,TheSon ofmy Sonfits on the right hand, and Ironthe left. But God ¡hall appeafe him, andfay untohim, The Son ofthy Sonfits at my righthand, and Iam at thy right hae nd, as it is written, Thy lovingkindnefs ¡ball encreafi me. And fo on Pfalm 17. Rabbi Joden in the nameof R. Chijah, an] MO 1) +.b+7 n'VU1n 140 a+wlo, rain N117 1+ry7 +)11N4 1+T, The holyblefdGod(hallplace Mefah the Kingat hisright hand, at it isfaid, The Lord faid untomy Lord. Thus fetting afide the mixtureoftheir follies and impieties wherein weare not con- cerned, we have a fu(ficient fuffrage from the Jews themfelvesunto our affsgnation of this PropheticalPfalmto the Mefah; which is enough to (lop the mouths oftheir modern gainfayerr, who neither are able to affign any other Perfon unto whom it fhould belong. Having then removed theirObjee`tions we may returnunto theInter- pretationof the words. The matter intended in the firft part of there words, orfitting at the right band of God, hathbeen fomewhat fpoken untoalready, and I fhalladde but little in the further Explanationofit in this place. Some things controverted on theft words we may well omit theconfederation of; as whether were the morehonourableplace of old the right handor the left : betides they have been fufficiently fpoken unto alreadyon verf ;. For whereas there is no mention madeany where offitting at the left hand ofGod, as was obferved, there is no comparifon tobe feigned between the one and the other. Befides the pretence of the left hand to have been the molthonourableplace ofold, is moil vain ; infiftedon by fome who had a defrre tovent newobfervations of old matters to little purpofe. AndBellarmine (hews what good leifure he had in managing ofControverfies, when he fpent more time and labour inanfwering an Objedtion againftthe Popes Supremacy, from Peters being placed in old Seals on the left hand of Paul, than of many Texts of Scripture plainly overthrowing his pretenfions. Neither [hall we confider their claim unto thistefimony, who underftandingthe Hu- man NatureofChita tobe tobe only intended and fpoken to, affirm that itsfitting at the right hand ofGod coning in a real communication of all Divine Properties and Attri- butes unto that Nature; a pretence very remote from the Apoftles defign and im- portance ofthe words. For the Introduótory Preface of this Teftimony, Vato which ofthe Angelsfaid he at any time, we have alreadyconfideredit. In theteftimony it felfwemuff confider, t. The Perron fpeaking, the Lord. 3. ThePerfon fpoken unto, my Lord. 3. TheNature and Manner ofthis [peaking, faid. 4. The thingfpoken, Sit onmy right band. 5. The end hereof as to Work and Operation, make thine enemies thy foot-fool. . 6. The Limitationof it as unto duration, until. t. ThePerfonJpeaking is the Lord, TheLord faid. Inthe Greek both thePerfon(peak ing, and thePerfon fpoken unto, are expreffedby the fame name, xdecos, Lord; only the perfonfpoken unto is not abfolutely called fo, but with relation to the Pfalmig, xveaa tae, tomy Lord ; Davidcalls himbis Lord, Mattb. 22, 43. But in the Hebrew they have different denominations; the Perfon fpeaking is Jehovah, 711+ 1:3N), that is, God the