V E R. I ;. Ep:le to the HEBREWS. the Father; for though the Name be often ul d where the Son is diflinélly fpoken of, and fometitnes in the fame place eachofthem arementioned by that name, as Gen. 19. v. 24. Zeçb. 2. V. 8, 9. becaufe oftheir equal Participation of the fame Divine Nature fignifted thereby, yet where Jehovah fpeaketh unto the Son, or ofhim as here, it is thePerfon of the Father that is difimdly denoted thereby ; according as was (hewedat theentrance Ofthis Epiffle. 2. The Perfon fpoken unto is the Son ; Tli s, the Lord, David's Lord; in what re- fped wemutt now enquire. The Lord Chrifl theSon is in refped of his Divine Na- ture of the fame Efnce Power andGlory with the Father, lob. I o. v.30. Abfolutely therefore and naturally in thatrefped he iscapable ofno*ordination to the Father, or Exaltationby him, but what depends. oh and flows from his Eternal Generation, ph. 5. v. 26. By diJpenfationhe humbled himfelf and emptied himfif of this Glory, Phil. 2. v. 7, 8. not by a real parting with it, but by the elffumption of Humane Na- ture intoperfonalVnion with himfelf, being madeJiefh,7th. 1.v. 14. wherein his Eter- nal Glorywas clouded for a feafon, /oh. 17.0.5. and hisPerfon humbled to thedifcharge of thofeAds of his Mediation which were to be performed in the Humane Nature Phil. 2. v. 9, 10. ThisPerfon of Chrift is here fpoken unto, not in refped ofhisDivine Nature only, which is not capable of Exaltation or Gloryby the wayof freegift or do- nation ; nor inrefped of his HumaneNatureonly, which is not the King and Head of the Church; but, with refped unto his whole Perfon, wherein the DivineNature ex- erting its Power and Glory with the will and Understanding of the HumaneNature, is the principle of thofeTbeandrical acts, wherebyChrifl ruleth over all in the King- . dom given him of his Father, Rev. r: v. 17, 18. As he was God he was Davids Lord, but not hisSon. As he was Man he was Davids Son, and fo abfolutely .could not be his Lord. In hisPerfon as hewas God and Man he was his Lord and his Son : which is the intention ofour Saviours ueffion, Matth. 22. v. 45. 3. For the Nature andMannerofthis (leaking, whenand how GodPaid it, four things feem tobe intended in it. t. The Eternal Decree ofGod concerningthe Exaltation of the Son incarnate. So David calls this Word the Decree, the Statute or Eternal Ap- pointment of God , Pfal. a.v. 7. Thisis aóyos i,S ihoos, the Internal andEternal Word, or fßeaking ofthe Mind Will and Counfel of God ; referred unto by Peter, 1 Epiff. I. v. 20. God raid this in the EternalPurpofe ofhis Will, to and concerning his,Son. 2, The Covenant andCompa& that was between the Father and Son about and concerning the WorkofMediation, is expreffedalfo in thisPaying. That there was fuch.aCovenant, and the nature of it, Ilìave elfe-wheredeclared. See Prov. 8. v. 30, 31. Ifá. 53. v. 10, PI, 12. Zeeh, 6. v. 12, 13. 70h. 17. 0. 4, 5, 6. In this Co- venant, God Paid unto him, Sit thou at my right hand ; which he alto pleaded in and upon thedifcharge ofhis work, Ifa. 50.0.8, 9. yob. 17.0 4, 5. 3. There is alfo in it the Declaration ofthis Decree and Covenant, in the Prophfies and Promifer givenout concerning their accomplishment and execution from the foundation of the world, Luke 1. v. 4o. I Pet. n. 11, 12. Gen. 3.15. He raid itby the mouth ofhis holy prophets whichhave beenfine the world began.. And in this fenfe David only recounts the propheftes andpromifes that went before, Luke 24. 0.25, 26, 27. And all thefe are ccmprifed in thisf¢eakingherementioned, Thus theLordPaidunto him. And all thefe were pall, when recorded by David. But he yet kioks forward bya Spirit ofprophetic into the actual accomplishment ofthem all, when upon the Refierre&ion ofChrifl, and the fulfilling of his work ofHumiliation, God actualÿ inveffedhimwith the promifed Glory ; which is thefourththing intended in theexpreffion, A&s 2.0.33. 36, chap. 5.33. r Pet. 1. v. 20, 2r. All thefe four things center ina new Revelationnow made to David by the Spirit ofProphefre. This he here declares as the liable PurpofeCovenant and Promife of God theFather, revealed unto him : The LordJaid. And this alfo gives us anaccount of the manner of this Expreffi.m, as to its impe- rativeEnunciation, Sit thou : It hath in it the forceofa promife, that he f could do fo, as it refpec ed the Decree Covenant and Declaration thereof from the foundationof the world; God engaging his Faithfulnefsand Power for the effecting Of it in itsap- pointed feafon, fpeaks concerning it as a thing 'infiantly to be done. And as thofe words refped the glorious accomplifhment of the thing it felf, fo they denotethe acguiefcenee of God in the work of Chrifi, and his Authority in his glorious Ex- altation. 4. The thing fpoken about is Chri(l'sfitting at the righthand ofGod; wherein that cónlfls hath been declaredon verfe 3. In brief, it is the ExaltationofCbrift into the N nn a glorious 133