1 34. An 6xpoJtion of the C 13 A P. I. glorious Adminifirationof the Kingdomgranted unto him, with Honour, Security andPower, or as in one;word our Apof}le calls it, his Reigning, a Cor. 15.25. Con- cerning whichwe have treated already at large. And herein we (hall acquiefce, and not trouble our (elves with the needlefs curio - fity and fpeculation of fomeabout theft words. Such is that ofMaldonat on Matth. 16. before remarked onverfe 3. faith he, Cumfilius diciturfedere addextram Patric, denota- tur comparaiio virtntirfilii & Patric, a1 potenciafilii major dicitur ration` funi1ionis Officii 2h adminiffrationis Ecclefts. Paterque videtur fecil filium quodammodo fè fuperieeem, e donaf tilt nomen etiaen fupra ipfim Dei nomen, quod emmr Chrifdiani tacitè fignifeant, citmaudit° nomineyefa detegunt caput, andito antem nomine Dei, non item. Thanwhich nothingcould be more prefumptuoufly nor foolifhly fpoken. For there is not in the wordsehe leali intimation ofany companion between the Powerofthe Father and the Son, but only the Father's Exaltation ofthe Sonunto Power and Glory exprefled. But, as was faid,,thefe things have beenalready confdered. g There is in thewords the Endaimedat in thisfitting down at the right hand ofGod, and that is, the making ofhis Enemies thefoot- (fool ofhisfeet. This is that which is promifed unto him in the ¡late and condition whereunto he is exalted. For the opening ofthefe words we mull enquire, I: Who arethofe Enemies ofCbrig. 2. How they are tohe made his foot-flool. 3.8y whom. For the firft, we have (hewed that it is thegloriousExaltation ofChrift in his King- dom that is here fpoken of; and therefore the Enemies intended muff be the ,Enemies of hisKingdom, or Enemies unto him in his Kingdom ; that is, as he fits on his Throne carrying on the workdefigned, and ends of it. Now the Kingdom of Chnft may be confidered two ways. Firft, in refped of the Internal Spiritual Power and Efficacy of it, in the hearts ofhis fubje &s. Secondly, withrefped unto the outwardglorious .4ef- minif}ration ofit in the world. And in both theft refpe&s it hath enemies in abun- dance ; all and every one whereofmutt be made his foot -fool. We (hall confider them apart. The Kingdom, Rule or Reigning of Chrifi in the firli fenfe, is the Authority and Power which he puts forth for the converfion fandification and falvationofhis Elea. As he is their King he quickens them by his Spirit, fanclifire them by his grace, pre- ferver them by his faithfulnefs, catfsh them from thedead at the loft day by hispower, and glorioufly rewardeth them unto Eternity inhis righteouChefs. In this work the Lord Chrifi hath many enemies; as the Law, Sin, Sathan, the World, Death, the Grave and Hell: all theft are enemies to the WorkandKingdom of Chrilt, and conic- quently tohis Perlon, as having undertaken that work. a. The Lam is an enemyunto Chrifi in his Kingdom ; not abfolutely, but by acci- dent, and by reafon ofthe confequents that attend it, wherehis fubjets are obnoxi- ousunto it. It flays them, Rom. 7. v. 9, ro, 1 r, which is the workofan enemy ; is aping them, and contrary unto them, Col. 2. V. 14. and contributes ftrength to their other ad- verfaries,I Cor. s5.r. 56. which difcovers the nature ofan enemy. 2. Sin is univerfally and in itswholenature an enemyunto Chrilt,Rom.8. V. 7. Sin- ners and enemies arethe fame, Rom. 5. v. 8, 1o. Col. 1. v, zr. It is that which makes fpecial dire& and immediate oppoftion to the quickning fanl'tifying andPaving ofhis his people, Rom. 7. v.21, 23, yam. r. v. 14, 15. r Per. 2.V, I1. 3, Sathan is the fworn enemy of Chrilt, the adverfary that openly, conflantly, avowedly oppofeth him in his Throne, Matth. 16. 18. Ephef. 6. v.12. r Pet. 5.8. And he exerts his enmity by temptations, t Cor. 7. v. 5. I Theef: 3. v. 5. aecufations, Rev. 12. v. 10. perfecutions, Rev. 2. v. 10. All whichare the worksofan enemy. 4. TheWorld is alio a profeffed emmy ofthe Kingdom of Chrilt, Job. 15. v. r8. in the Thingsof its the Menofit, the Rile of it, it lets it felfagainftthe work of the Lord thrift on his Throne. The things ofit as under the curie and fubje6 to vanity, are fuited to, alienate the hearts ofmen fromChrifi, and foad an enmity againft him, yam. 4,v. 4. 1 ph. 2.v. 15, 16,17. I Tim. 6. v. 9,10, I I. Matth. 13.v. 22: The men ofthe world a& the fame part, Matth. 10. V. 22. chap. 24.v. 9. By examples, by temptations, by reproaches, by perfecutions, byallurements, theymake it their bu- finefs tooppofe the Kingdom of Chrilt. And to that end is the Ruleof it for the moll part direded.orover-ruled, 1 Cor. 15. v. 24, 25. 5. Death is afro anenemy, fö it js exprefly called, r Cor. 15.26. it defìgns the ext- . cution