VsR.i3. Epf1letothe HE IiRkW$. I cutionof the firff Crirf againft all believers ; and therein contributes . aid and Af itfance unto all other Adverfaries ; giving up its felfto the ferviee ofSatan, and therefore laid to be in his power, Chap. 2. 14. of this Epifile ; andborrows kitingoffin, a Corr 5,56, to make its Of the more terrible and (harp., 6. The Grave is an Advertrry alfo; It fights againft the faithof the Sabjeas ofChrift, by reducing their Mortality into Corruption, andholding faJ* the dead untill they are powerfully refcued from the jaws of it. 7. Lafily, Hell isthat Enemy in afubordination whereunto all the e others do afi, They all aim to bring men into Hell; which is an Eternal Enemy where it prevails: This attends theworkings and fucceffs of thofe other Adverfaries toconfume and de., (troy, if it werepofble, the whole Inheritance ofChrilt, Rev. 6.8. All theft: are Enemies to Chrift in his Work and Kingdom, with every thing that contributes aid or Al fiftance unto them, every thing that they make tale of inthe purfuit oftheir Enmity againft him. Nowall thefe Enemies as far as theyoppofe the fpiritual internal carryingosaofthe work ofChrilt, mull be made thefoosftool of his feet. TheExpreffionisMetaphorical, and is to be interpreted and applyed varioufly, ac- cording to the Nature and Conditionof the Enemies with whom he hathto do. The Allufion in general is taken fromwhat was donebyjJhua his Type, towards theEne- mies of hispeople, Jofb. 1 o. v. 24. To (hew the ruine of their power, and his abfolute prevalency againft them, he caufed the people to fet their feet upon their necks : See a Sam. z2. 39. Efal, 8.6. To have his Enemies then brought under his feet, is to have an abfolute compleat conqueft over them; And their being made his footftool, their perpetualand unchangeableDuration in that condition, under the weight of what ever burden he (hallbe pleated to lay upon them. This being that which is tobe done, we may confider how it is accomplifhed; now this whole work of conqueft and prevalency over all his enemies isdone, r. Meeitoriouf j. 2. Exemplarily. 3. Efficiently. 1. Meritorintffy ; Byhis Death and blood- fhedding he bath procured the fentence of Cendemnation.in the Caufe depending between him and them, to bepronounced againft them: fir that they (hall have no moreRight to exert their Enmity againft him or his. He hathgiven them all their deaths wounds, and leaves them to dye at his pleafure. So hath he prevailed againft the Lam Gal. 3. 1 ;. Col. 2. 14. Rom, 7.6. He hath removed that jtrength which it gave toEn, r Cor. 15.55,56. Sothat it hath no right todifquiet or condemn any of his Subjeeir for thefuture ; And (z. )Againß fin, Rom. 8. z, 3. So thatit fhould not reign in, nor condemn his any more : And (3.) Satan alfo ; Heb. 2. 14,15. as to all pretenceof Libertyor Right unto anypart of his curled work. And (4. ) So likewife the World, ,Yoh. 16. 33. Gal. r. 4. And againft (5.) Death, Heb. 2.54, 15. 1 Cor.15.55,56. with (6.)The Grave ; and (7.) Hell; or the wrathto some, t 7heff, a. to. They are all meritoriouffy conquered in his death and Refurrellion. Arid all this hath he done for his Church. 2. Exemplarily : All thofeAdverfaries peculiarly exercifed their Enmity agairift, and tryed their ftrengthand power upon hisown perfon. The Lawbrought its curfe upon him, Gal. 3. 13. Sin itsGuilt, 2 Cor. 5. 21. Rom. 8. 2, 3. Satan put forth all his power againft him, Col. 2. 15. as alto did theWorld, in allforts of thingsand perlons, in all Finds of pppofrtionand Perfecutions ; Death alfohe rafted of, Heb. 2. 9. and lay in the Grave, defcending into the lower parts of the earth, Ephef.4. 9. And he was not una(- faultedby the pains ofHell when he bare our Iniquities 'fit . 53.5, 6, 10. Now all of them did he abfolutelyconquer in his own perfon. For he fatisfied the Law, removed the Curie, and took it away, Rom. 8.3. mad: an endoffin,Dan. 9.24. detroyed the Devil, Heb. 2. 14. and triumphed over him, Col. 2. 15. fubdued the world, lohea 16.33. conquereddeath, ACto z, 24. and the Grave, v. 27. andHell alto ; And in his own perfon hath he let anExample of what (hall be done in and for the whole Church. 3. It is done Efficiently in, by and for his whole Church ; and this in three iltftances: (r. ) Initially in their Vnion withhimfelf. When, and as he unites artyof them unto himfelf,'he begins the conqueft of all Enemies in them, and for them, giving them a Right to the compleat total and final Viiory over them all. (2.) Gradualy he car - ries /hem on in their (severalfeafoiss towards perfeétion',,treading down their Enemies by t;f