VE it: 13. Ep1J1letDforHEiiRKw$. will, abideby him in it, until it be accomplifhed : And on this account he tikes it on himfelfas his own. Secondly, TheWort{ offubduingEnemies is a workof Power and Authority. PYow M theOeconomy of theHoly Trinity, among the works that outwardly are ofGod, thefe ofPower andAuthority are peculiarly afcribed unto the 'Father; is thofe of Wifdorn, or Wifdom in the worksofGod, is unto the Son, who isthe Eternal Wifdom of the Father. And on this account the fame Works are afcribed unto the Father and the Son. Not as though the Father did them ftrff , or only ufed the Soli as an immediate inffrumental cause of them ; but that he worketh by him as his own Eternal and Effential Wifdom, Johnq. 57, t9. But there is alfo more in it as the Son is confidered as Mediator, God and man, for fo he receives and holds his efßecial Kingdom bygrant from his Father, and therefore the works of it may be faid to be his, V 1. The taft thing remainingfor theEzpfrtioncif thefe words, is the confiders= tion of the appearingLimitation of this Adminifiration of the Kingdom of Chrift, in his fitting at the right hand of God. 19 ; Ins úv, untill > until I make thine enemies, &c.. Fitft, It is confeffed, and may beproved by Inffarues, that tho(i: Remick,' thus Mitt are fometimes exclufive of all things to the contrary before the timedefigned in,them, but not affective of any fuch thingafterwards. In that fenfe no limitation'ofthe Du- ration of the Kingdomof Chrift is here intimated ; but only his fectire and glori- ous Reign unto the accompli(hment of his work in the fubduing of his Enemiet is alferted. Theonly time ofDanger is, whileft there isOppofition ; but this faith Gods I will carry it through unto the end. And this fenfe is embraced by many, to Creme thereby the Promifesthat are made ùnto the Lord Chrift of the Perpetuity of hit Kingdom. So Ifà. 9. v. 7. Of the increafe of his Government there (hall be no end, upon theThroneofDavidand bis Kingdom, to order it, and to effablifh it, with judgement and juftice, from hencefortheven for ever. His Kingdom (hall not be deftroyed, butffand for ' ever, Dan. 2.24. it is an everlaffing Kingdom, Chap. 7.27. Othersfuppofe that this Perpetuity of theKingdom ofChrift it not abfolutely ex- clufiveof all Limitation, but that thefe two things only are intimated in thofe Prophe cies and Promifes. r. That his Kingdom (hall not be like the Kingdomsof the earth, obnoxious to change andmutation, by inteftine divifions, or outward force, or fecret decaÿes,bywhich means all the Kingdoms of the earth have beenruined and brought tonought. In Oppofition hereunto, the KingdomofChrift is afferted tobe perpetual, as that whichno Oppofiti.. on (hall ever prevail againft , no means everimpair ; ,which yet hinders not, but that a day may be prefixedunto its end. 2. TheContinuance of it unto the total full Accomplifhment ofall that is tobe per- formed in it or by it inthe Eternal Salvationofall his fubjeds, andfinal Deftrùt`dion ofall hisEnemies, isin thefe and the like places foretold ; but yet when that work is done, that Kingdom and Rule of his may have an end. And in this fenfe, the Term ofLimitation here exprefïed feems tobe expounded by the llpoffle, a Cor. 15.24.. At theend, heJ6al deliver up the Kingdom unto God the Father. Foralthough thofewordsmay admit of another Interpretation, namely , that he (hall give up an account unto the Father of the accomplilhment of the whole work committed unto him as King ofbit Church,whichhe may do and not ceafe fromhold- ing the fame Kingdom fiill ; yet asthey are further interpreted by the Sons coming into a new,fubjefiion unto theFather, that God may be al in all, as v. 28. They feem to imply directly theceafingof his Kingdom. Though this matter be not indeed without its Difficulty, yet the different Opinions about it fern: capable of a fair Reconciliation; which we (hall attempt in the enfuing Propofals. r. TheLord Christ as the Son ofGod (hall unto all Eternity continuein the Effen- tial and Natural Dominion over all Creatures, and they in their dependance uponhim, and fubjedìion untohim. He canno more divelt himfelf of that Dominion and King- dom , than he can ceafeto be God. Suppofe the being of any creatures, and that fubjebtion unto him which is the Rife of this Kingdom is natural and indi fpenftble. 2. AS to the Oeconomical Kingdom ofChrist over theChurch, andall things in order unto 37