i;8 e /ln Expo f itwn o f the Cx ñ P. I. unto the protection and falvation thereof,the immediate En& of itwill ceafe. All his Saintsbeingfaved, all his Sons brought unto Glory, all his Enemies fubdued, the End of that Rule whichconfitled in the Guidance and Prefervation of the one, in the Reftraint and Ruine of the other, mull neceffarily ceafe. 3. TheLord Chrill (hall not fo leave his Kingdom at the laft day, as that the Fa- ther fhould take upón bim elf the Adminiftrationof it. Upon thegiving up of his King- dom,what ever it be,the Apoffle doth not fay,the Father Jhall Rule, or raign,as though he should exercife thefame Kingdom; but that God'hall be all in all ; that is, God theFa- therSon and Holy Ghoft without the ufe or intervention of filch mayes or means as were in ufe before, during the full continuance of the difpenfàtory Kingdom of Client, /hall fill and fatisfie all his Saints, fupport and dilpofe of the remnant Creation. q.. This ceafng of the Kingdom of Chrief is no way derogatory untohis Glory, or the perpetuity of his Kingdom; nomore thanhis ceahrg to intercede for his people is to thatpeepetutyof his Prieffhood, which hebath by Oath confirmed unto him. His Pro- phetical Office alfo feems to ceafe, when he Rail teach his people no more by his Word and Spirit. q. In three refpells the Kingdom of Chriff may be Paid to abide unto Eternity. lief}, In that all his Saints andAngels (hall eternally adore and wor(hip him on the ac- count of the Glorywhich he bath received as the King and Head of the Church, and be filled with joy in beholding of him, Job. 17. 22, 24. Secondly, In that all the Saints (hall abide in their fiate of Vnion unto God, through him as their Head ; God communicating of his fulnefs to them, throughhim ; which will be his eternal Glo- ry, when all his Enemies fhall be his Footilool. Thirdly, l n that as thé Righteous fudge of all, he Rail to all Eternity continue the punifbment of his Adverfaries. And this is the laff Teffimonyinfifted on by the Apollle to provethe preheminence of Chrill above Angels, and confequently above all that were uled-or employedof old in the Difpofitionand Adminiftration of theLaw ; which was the thing he had undertaken to make good. And therefore in the dole of this Chapter, having denyed that any of thefe things are fpoken concerning Angels, he (huts up all with a Defcription of their Nature and Office, fuch as was then known and received among the Jemes; before the confideration whereof, we muff draw out from what bath been infi(led on, Come Obfervations for our own Inliruélion, which are thefe that follow. I. The Authority ofGod the Father in the Exaltation of Jefus Chriff at the Head and Mediator of the Church, it greatly to be regarded by Believers. He (ayes unto him, fit thou at my right hand. Much of the confolation and fecurity of the Church depends on this confideration. IL The Exaltation ofChriff is the greatpledge" of the Acceptation of the trark of Medi- ation performed in the behalf of the Church. Nom, faithGod, fit than at my right hand; the Work is done wherein my foul is well pieafed. II I. Chriff bathmany Enemies unto bit Kingdom ; faith God, I will dealwith all of them. I V. The Kingdom andRule of Chriff it perpetual andabiding, notwitbffanding all the Oppofition that is made again// it. His Enemies rage indeed, as though they would pull him out of his Throne; but altogether invain ; He hath the Faithfulnefs and Power, the Word and Right hand ofGod, for the fecurityof hisKingdom. V. The endwhereunto the Lard Jefus Chriff willaffuredly bringall his Enemies, ,let them bluffer whileff they pleafee, Jhall be unto them miferable and fhameful, to theSaints joyful, to bimfelf viOorious and triumphant. . It is the Adminiffration of the Kingdom of Chtift in the world that this Truth principally refpeds. Great is the enmity of this world againd it; great the Oppofition that is and hack alwayes been made unto it : But this will be the affured iffueof it, Ruine to the Enemies, Joy to the Saints, Glory to Chrift. This is that which is typed unto us in theProphetic ofGog. That Prophefie is a Recapitulation of all the Enmity that is aged in the world againft the nitereft of Chrift. What his Counfel is, the Prophet declares, E eft, S. si. Iwillgoup so the Land of unwalled Villages; £ will