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I40 An expofition of the CHAP, L fiances given in the Vifible ruineof the molt potent Oppofers of his intereft in the world. And it cannot be that this Wordof God fhould be of none effe&. 2. The LordChriti expear this Iffue and Event of all things, and (hall not be feu- itrated in his Exper;ration. Having received the Ingagement and faithful Promifes ofhis Father, he rats in the forefight of its accomplifhment. And thence it is that he bears all the Affronts that are put upon him, all the Oppofition that is made unto him and his Kingdom , with Patience Long-fuffering and Forbearance. When weconfider the injuries, reproaches, oppreffions, perfecutions, blafphemics, that he is expofed un- toinhis Wayes, his Servants, his Spirit and Worthip, we are ready to admire at his patience ( as we ought to do ) that he breaks not forth againit his enemies as a con - fuming fire. But 'he knows the time and feafon that is allotted for the Execution of Vengeance upon them; and nothing of their Pride, Rage, boallieg or triumphing againit him Gall ever provoke him to anticipate their ruine ; fo freure he is of their Deftru6ion in the appointed feafon, and fo certain cf their Day that is coming. 3. He is himfelf furni(hed with Authority and Power for the accompli(hment of this Work; when and how he pleafeth. He hath not only Affürance of the Fa- thers Concurrence, but is himfelf alto throughly armed and fur.ni(hed with, Power to dettroy all his Enemies even in a moment. And hewill not fail to put forth his power in the appointed feafon ; he will bruife than all with a rod of Iron, and dafla them in pieces like a Potters veffel. If all his Enemies fhould at once combine themfelves againit him, Gould the world receive the utmolt contribution of craft fubtiltyand firength that Hell is able to afford. unto it, what is it all to (land before the incomprehenfrblepower ofJefus Chrift ? See Rev..6. 16. 4. His Glory and Honour require that it Gould be fo : This is a thing that he is very tender in. God hath railed him up, and given him Glory and Honour, and care mutt be taken that it benot loft or impaired. Now if his Enemies Gouldgo free, if they could by anymeansJubduifl themfelves from under his' Power, or be delivered from his Wrath, where would be his Glory, where his Honour ? Here they reproach him, blafpheme him, defpife him, perfecute him, Gall they efcape and go free? Shall they alwayes profper ? What then would he do to his great name ? The Glory ofChrift indifpenfibly requires that therebea feafon, aday appointed for the Eternal Ruine of all his Itubborn Adverfaries. g. His Saints pray that it maybe fo ; and that both upon his account and their own. uponhis,that his Glory which is dearer to them than their lives may be vindi- cated and exalted ; their own, that their Miferies may beended, that the Bloodoftheir Mow fervants maybe revenged, that the wholeChurch may be delivered , and all Promifes fulfilled. Now he will not difappoint their Prayers, nor fruftrate their Ex- pe6tations in any thing, much lets in thofe that are of fo great importance. He will avenge his Eleét, he will avenge them fpeedily. 6.His Enemies deferve it unto the utmoll; fo that as well hisJuftice as his Glory and Intereft and Peopleare concerned in their deftruétion. In the moff of them their Outrageagainft him is notorious, andvdible in the eyes ofmen and Angels; in all of them there is acruel, old, tatting Enmityand hatred, whichhe will lay openand dif- cover at the lafi day, that all (hall fee the Righteoufnefs ofhis Judgements againit them ; God hath given him a Kingdom, appointed him to reign; they declare that he Gall not do fo, and endeavour their utmoft to keep him from his Throne, and that with from defpight and malice; fo that whilett God is Righteous, and the Scepter of Chrifts Kingdom aScepter of Righteoufnefl , themfelves call aloud for their own Deftru6hion. The VPof this Truth in the comfort of the Difciples of Chrift, againit all fears, defpondencies, andother effeáts of unbelief, with the terror of wicked men, are ob- vious and expofed unto all. Verle