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V E R. 14. Eptle to the HEBREWS. 141 Verle XI V, re Apoftle having proved the Preheminence of the Son asMediator of the New Teftament above all theAngels , from thofe Attributions ofHonour and Glory that are made untohim inthe Scriptures, the likewhereunto are no where made or given unto Angels ; that hemaynot appear to argue meerly negatively from what is not Paid concerning them, adds in this loft Verfe, fuch a defcription of their Natures andOffice, or Work and Employment, as thews that indeed no fuch thing can be rightly fpoken oraffirmed concerningthem, as he hash before manifefled to be fpoken and recorded concerning the Son. Ver. r4. O'uki adrzes ia1 aer?aelmui itelµa7a, .4 Pictorial, gmseaagmett óA an taísaOPT GCS xAegO. remit ran-nip; Thereis nodifference in the Reading, nor much about theTranflation: of thofe words. Sire they not all minoring Spirits , fens silt to Mini){er to ( unto a Miniflry for ) them that fhall inherit falvation. This was thecommon received Doctrine of the ChurchConcerning Angels, fuitable unto the Scripture, and to thepurpofe of the Apof}le, asmanifefting their dif-intereft in the Glory before afcribed unto the Son. Sundry things are here exprelfed concerning Angels , which we mull brieflypals through theConfideration of. As, r. Their Nature. They are areemare,; NMI, Ruçboth, Spirits. Spiritual fubiflences, IIeeú¿ta7a: not qualities, or Natural Faculties, as the Sadduces imagined; and which by an Ho- monomyof the Name, Maimonides, More Nebuch. p. 2. cap. 3. admits alfo to be Angels, but fálfly, and without Authority from Scripture or Reafon. This is their Nature, this the Hebrews acknowledge fo to be ; they areCreatedSpirits, not to be compared with, or equalled unto him that madeand created all things. 2. Their Office; Theyare .m4.4,era anrxq,rx i, mini(tringSpirits ; So are they, term- Aer7egytwá. ed, Pfal. 103. 21. Praife theLord all hisHolt", 111-11w0, LXX. Aefrstyor dumb, he Mi. rafters doing his will. Hence ingeneral the Jews call.thetn, O+111w0, Minifters; and among other Titles alfign this unto God, that he is, O+fl1w0 1Y1+, the Creator of Miniftring Spiritsor Angels. And expreily in the Talmud they are called, t¢flhl+w1 +312110, as more frequently by the Rabbins in the Hebrew Distal, flwrs +3f1í0, Angels of Miniflry ; above whom that theMcJrab was to be, we have formerly lhewed from themfelves. Now what kind of Officeor Miniflry it is that is afcribed unto them, theWord it fell doth inpart declare. fllw, is to Minister, principally about holy things; Nor is it above once applyed unto anyother Miniflry. , And fach a Miniflry it lignifies, as is performedwith Honourand Eafe, and is oppofed unto my, which is toMinister withLabour and Burden. So the Miniflry of the Levites in bearing the Burden ofthe Tabernacle is called rili33), a MinlrywithLabour, Numb. 8. When the more Bale and honourable Employment, which was attended by them who by reafon oftheir Age were exempted from bearing of burdens, is called fliab, v. a6. and Deut. ag, 7. Such is the Miniflry ofAngels; It is in and about holy things, and unto themfclves honourable and eafie. And this fllw, is rendered Aear<tyla, which expreffeth Tome times fuch a general Miniftry as compdzeth the whole Service and Worfhip of the Church, Nis 13.2. Anretyúerur dorms rçé tulle,., at they miniftred unto the Lord; that is attended unto the performance of allthe Dutiesof the Church. Thisthen in general is the Office of the Angels ; they are mum +3fttT0 or r11r21; aveúµara Aarrul are', Miniftring Spirits, that wait on God in and about his Holy Ser- vices for the good of the Church; which alfo in the like manner miniftreth unto God in its own fiate and condition. Apd hence it is that the Church and they do make up one Family, Ephef. 4.1g. and that they are all fellow- firvants in the fame Familywith, them that keep the Teftimony of ,7efus, Rev. 22. 9. And this fome of the latter Pews have retained the Tradition of. Whence is that of Maimonides, More Nebuch. part. 2. cap. 6. which he citeth out of the Talmud. rt`1yea 7w íZ++7091 .-50Sti 1y 131 -nay r113pil t+ts, The holy bled God dab. 0002 nothing