V a >z. í¢. Èp01e to the H E s >2 K * s. we know thework is holy.and wife, and Inch as beconieth Infinite Perfec`dion, becaufe hehath done it. Herein then we principally refl, as to the meetnefsand condeeency of the miniJteryofAngels ; God hath appointedit Whereunto we may adde thofe ocher Keafonswhich the Scripture fuggefts unto us, as, I. God Both it for the preferving and manifeftation of the Glorious Order of his Kingdom.. God ispleafed to rule his Creation as a Supreme Lord and King. Hence there is fo often mentionmade in the Scripture, that he is the King, the only Paten- tate, the Lord ofLords andKing ofKitrzgs ; as alfo ofhis Throne, his Kingdom, Dominion,' Reignand Government. And Goddoth this, that he might thereby give an Under- ftanding of his Sovereignty unto his creatures, and make way thereby for the mani- fellation of his Glory. Nowunto a Kingdom there are three things effennal; Rule, Obedience, and Order. In this Kingdom, the Sovereign Ru'è is in the hand of God alone, theKingdom or Monarchy is his. Obedience is the work and duty of the whole Creation, every thing according to itsnature capacity and condition. The Gloryof both thefe lies in Order. Hereof there aretwo parts : firft, that which refp_éts the Being of the Creaturesin their dependance on God : fecondly, that which refpe6ts their Operation in Obedienceunto him. God hath in infinite Wifdom endowed the works ofhis hands with inch various natures, whereon their ufes do depend, as that they are placed thereby in feveral ranks finesand Orders, in an ufeful fubferviency unto oneanother, fo far as they are advantaged thereby in theircommon and abfolutc fubjeétion tohimfelf. This is the Order oftheir Being; the Order of their Operation is fuch as they are fitted for by their natures, and whereby they fet out the Glory of this KingdomofGod. Thus he takes the Angels, being fitted thereunto in that place which they hold in the Order of Nature and Being, unto the next and immediate attendance upon the Throne ofhis Kingdom. There they wait upon him, to receive and executehis commands in all the affairsof his Kingdom. So are they everywhere deferibed in the Scripture, Pfal. 68. and 103. Dan. 7. Revel. g. Ifa. 6. and elfe-where. And by this MiniJteryofAngels doth God infinuate unto us the Glory and' Order of his Kingdom. His glorious and fiery Throne being attended with millions of there mighty Angels ready to accomplifhhis will. And whereas God hath ereéfed imperium in imperio, a Kingdom in a Kingdom, like the wheels within the wheels in Ezekiel s Vifion ; namely the Oeconomical Difpenfatory Kingdom of Chrift in his Oecumenical Kingdom over the whole Creation ; and hath annexed thereunto the principal ma- nifeftationofhis Glory Rule and Dominion, 'there bleffed Ministers do principally at- tend the Affairs thereof. And thus, though God can govern and difpole ofall things, folonuts, by the Almighty immediate. Emanations of his own Power, yet for the manifeftation ofthe glory ofhis Kingdom, efpecially ofthat pule which is committed unto the Lord Chrifi, he ufeth the minelery of his creatures, in that Order whichhis infinite Wifdom had difpofed themunto at the firfi Creatïón. a: God is pleafed to do this to exercifi the Obedience of the Angels themfelves ; and that upon a three-fold account. Firff, to keep preferve and rule themfitly to their fiate and condition. Being Creatures, they have a naturaland neeeffary dependance on God their Creator ; and being Intellerual creatures they have a moral dependance on him according to a Law and Rule, with reference unto the utmofi End whereunto they were created. This requires their confiant Obedience unto the Will of God, without which they leave and forfakethe Law oftheir Creation and Condition, and alfo deviate from the End for which they were made. Wherefore to e:teecife them untoand in this their Obedience, God makes ufe of their miniflery and Crevice in his Government of the Church. And this they (hall continue todaunto the endof the world, when the courfeof their Obedience being accomplifhed, they Rail be ever- lattingly fatiated with the contemplation of God's infinite Excellencies, and en- joyment of him as their Reward. Secondly, That in them he might g ve an Example of ready Obedience unto the Church. Theft Angels of God being in their nature excellent, and great jilt power, always ready, watchful,, and- free from all Diverfions or Avocations, eminent in Light and Hohnefs as always beholding thefaceof God, and filled with his Grace, are propofed unto us in their Obedience and readinefs to da the Will ofGod, as anExample and pattern whichwe areto imitate unto out utmoft, though we are never able perfeêflyto exprefs. And thence are we direéted by our Saviour to pray, that we may do the wiltof God on earth, as it is done bythem in heaven. Thirdly, That they themfelves may be made partakers of this fingular Honour and Glory to ferve the moll. High God in his molt glorious work ; the prefeevation and falvation