14.d ein Expofstion of the A P. I. falvation Of his Church; for that this is their Honour was before declared. 3. God emploieth them in anefpecial manner in thisminifiery for the goodofthem that are Heirsoffalvation, to manifefi unto them the Greatnefs and Glory of the work ofthe gathering,preferving and redemption ofhis,Church, with the value that he puts upon allthe fruits of the Death and Concernments ofthe Mediation ofhis Son Jefus Chrifi. For as ofthemfelves they deftre to look particulary into thefe things, which ingenera/appear fogloriousunto them, a Pet. t. v. 12. that their delight in theWit dom and Loveof God may bemore and more encrea&d ; fo by God's dealings with his Church, in whofe behalf they areemployed, they learn therein the manifold Wif dons ofGod, and riches ofhis grace, Ephef. 3. v. ao. And thus in all their employment about the Saints whereinthey are fent out to minifierfor theirgood, they learn much of the Wifdom and LovesifGod, and are thereby excited to honour, applaud, glo- rifle him and praife him. Somewhat of this they shall fee in the 1eá4andmeanefi work toward any Believer that is committed unto them. And they eternally rejoyce in the over-flowings of the Loveand Grace ofGod, takingcare ofall the concernments of the pooretiand meanefi ofhis fervants. 4.This is done, that God may in an efpecial manner give gloryand honour unto Je- ffs Chrifi thereby. This is his will, thatall menfhould honour the Son as theyhonour the Father; Soh. 5. 23. Hehath therefore raifed him up, and given himHonour and Glory ; and in particular exalted himfarabove the Angels, putting them infubjeuin unto him as their Head, Prince, Ruler and Goveruour, Ephef. t.v. 25, 22. Neither is it aPhew ofGlory, ora titular Kingdom and Dominion that he hath given tò 'Jefus Christ, but a realand abfluteSovereignty, wherein all things fubjetil unto him ;are at his abfolute difpofal : and therefore mull the Angels themfelves, be at his fervice in the atfairs of his Kingdom, and-fo they acknowledge themfelves tobe, and the fe::ow-fervaiite of them that keep his -teflimonie, Rev. 22. 9. Now theHeart and Loveof Jeffs Chili is greatly upon that part ofhis Church andPeople which are labouring with Sin, A}flidtion and Perfecution here below, Hb. Z. I,.chap. 4. 55. Ït is then greatly for his bonier andglory (which in all things the Father aimethat, Co'. s.18, t9. ) that thegl rions Angels should beemployed for the good and in the behalf ofall his poor labouring Saints. This honour isdone to Jefus Chrift in heaven, when all the At- tendantsof the Throneof God dofee that care that is taken about the tneaueft that believe in him. 5. The Love, and Care, andCondejienfion ofGod unto his Saints is hereby manifelied unto the'Saints themfelves. God emploieth the Angels for their good, that they may know how he careth for them, and be comfortedthereby; Pfal. 91. to. The Saints of God have mean and low thoughts of themfelves, as it becomes them to have. They know and confefs that they are left than all the mercies ofGod, and unworthy that he Shouldhave any regard of them. Such thoughts as thefe their mean terrene condition, andtheir manifihldfins and failings do fill them withal!. Ofthe glorious Angels, their thoughts and apprehenfions are highandhonourable. Their Nature, their State and condition, their Power and Greatnefs, their Holinefs, and Enjoyment of the Pre- fence ofGod, doall prefect them unto their minds under a notion of much Ex- came), and Glory. Hence for/5e weak, fuperftitious, and curious minds have been drawn to adore them withReligious Worship and Adoration ; the Saints know fuffici- ently thefolly hereof. But yetwhen they confider that God is pleafed,to ufe employ andfend out thefegloriousfpirìts to take care of them, todo them good, towatch over them, and roundabout them, to keep them from evil : this fills them as with an holy Admiration ofthe infinite Love and Condefcenfion of God towards them, foalfo of theExcellency of theMediation ofthe Lord Christ, who hath brought them into this condition offavour, from both which much fpiritual comfort and rejoycing in the Lorddoe arife. And for this end alto (kith God choofe to do that mediately by the mi- niffery ofAngels, which otherwife by an ineonceivable facility he could do by his own immediate Power. 6. A blelfed Entercourfe, Societe, Communion and FellotvJlnp toberiby maintained and l¿eptup between the feveralpartsof the Family of God ; that ofAngels above, and thisof Believers below. It hath been formerly declared, how theAngels in Heaven, and all elect Believers were reduced into one Family,' when God recoriciled the things in heaven and earth untohimfelf, and brought themall into fubjehion unto and depen- danceupon one common Head ChriftJefue, Ephef. 1. so. From hence are Angels and Men reduced into one Family ; the Family in heaven andearth; the Angels by Tran- fnion,