VER.Iq.. ,Epflletothe HRàRRWS. 147 fition, Men by Adoption. Now it is the will ofGod, that for the Honour of out Lord JefusChrift, the immediate Head of this Family, that there fhould bean Entercourfe and an helpful communion between the feveralparts of it ; for to this end are we brought into thefòciety ofthe innumerable company ofAngeli, Heb. 12.22. Now becaufe ourGoodnel, our Afefulnefs, our Helpfulnefs is continedand limited unto the Saints that are in theearth, Pp. 16. 3: not extending it felt unto God, or any ofhis holy one above, we cannot help, affift, counfel nor advife the Angels, nor do they in any thing ffandin need ofour aidor Affiance. And finer the communication ofour minds unto them by way ofReligious Subjeétion, Adoration, Faith, Trutt, Affiance, is abfolutely forbidden unto us ; it remaiueth that this fellowJhip andfciety mull bemaintained by - the aidhelp and Alliance which they are able to affordunto us, and Which we Rand in need of. Andon this accountdothGod employ them about the affairs and concern- ments of Believers, that fó a becoming fellowJhip may be kept up in the Family of , Chrift, and anufefulnefs between the feveral parts thereof. 7. God makes ufe ofthe miniffery ofAngels in the fervice ofthe Church to reproach, awe, rejirain and tormenttheDevil. It is a continual reproach cati upon Sathan, when he fees thofe unto whom he is like inNature, andwith whom he was fometimes a Companion in Glory, willingly,cheerfully, triumphantly obeying the will ofGod in the fervice ofChrill, having byhis wickedneft call out himfelffrom the fame honou- rabic: Employment, and mancipated himfelf to the vileftfervices that any part of the Creation of God is call down unto. The whole work ofthe Angels is a cmtinual reproach unto Sathan, for his fin and folly.. It cries unto him, This might have been thy work, this might have been thy condition ; thegnawing of which confideration is no fmall part ofhis torment and prefect reftlefs vexation. They allo put an awe upon him in all his Attempts. He knows well their Power, their Authority, their Commillion, and that it is not for him to contend with them. , With one wordthey canat any time defeat him : The Lord rebuke thee, Sathan; the Lord rebuke thee. And he knowsnot where hemay meet with them in his Attempts: And this keepshim in con rinual awe, and perpetual uncertainties offuccefs in all that he undertakes' or goes about. And hereby God alío in many things fruffrates his endeavours, reftrains his power, and difappbisots hismalice. It is inconceivable what havock he would make of the Lives, and Liberties, and Litotes of the Saints, did not thefe Watchers from the Hely One difappoint him. And all thefethings addeto his torment. Much of his pre.e featpuniJhment contilts in theendlefs workings of Wrath, Envy, Malice, Blood- thirfti- nefs and Rages Now as thefe where ever they are found but in the leajt degree are tormenting paffions, fo wherethey areall in their height rage and fury, and are not by any confiderable vent abated or finked, what can be worfe in hell it felf but only the immediatewrath of God? But thus is it with Sathan from this miniffery of Angels. He fees the Church and every Member of it, all whom. he Ceeks to devour, encamped about, protec$ed and defendedby this Heavenly Hoff, fo that he cannot in any tnea- fure have his will at them; nay,that he cannot touch the foul of any one of them, nor taufe an hair of the headofany one of them to perifh.. This fills him with fella devouring rage envy and wrath.; And thus doth God by this way accomplifh his judgment uponhim. And thefe are fame of the ReaCons which the Scripture intimates untous, why the Lord is pleafed thus tomake ufe of the miniJfery of Angels ; which mayfuffice for an Anfwer to the firft &ueJlionbefore propofed. It. The fecond is, 'Unto what Ends andpurpofs Both God make ufeof the minifferyof Angels, for thegoodofthem that dobelieve. The thing it felt we Cuppofe in both thefe Queftions. It is fo direétly afferted in the words ofthe Apoftle, and fo many inftances are given ofitelf-wherein the Scri- pture, that itneeds not any efpecial confirmation: It will alfo be farther declared in our annumerationof the ends and purpofesof it enfuing. As, 1. In general, God doth it tocommunicateby them the EfflBs ofhis Care and Love unto theChurch by Jefus Chrift. This God reprefentedunto Jacob in the Vision that he gave him of the Ladder whichflood upon theearth, and woofe sop reached unto heaven, Gen. 28. 1 a, 13. For although the Jews fay fomewhat to the purpofe, when they af- firm this Ladder to have denoted the dependanceof all things here below on them above under the Rule of the Providence OfGod, yet they fay not all that was fig- nified thereby. OurSaviour tells us, job. a. g2. Thatfrom thence his difciples Jhould fie heaven opened, and Angels afcending and defending upon the Son of man, Plainly al- PPP ludin&