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14,8 an Expofltiorl of the C Iz A P.I. lading unto thisVifion ofJacob. For thofe words, iaì s21, qdr v âv9peks, upon the fon ofman, cannot denote meerly the Objeli ofAngelical miniftration, that they fhould be exercifed in their work about his Perfon, but alto that by him, by.means ofhis me- diation the Angels afcendand defend in the workof miniltring unto the Saints. It is true, the great inflame of their miniffery was given in and about the Perfon ofChritt as Head of the Church. They declared his Conception and Nativity, Matth. 1. 20. Luke i. 35. Luke a it, 12. They minifiled unto him after his temptation, Matth. 4., rs. Theyffrengthned him in his Agony, Luke au. 43. They were Witnefrofhis Re furreúion andAfenfion, Luke 24.4. AeIs r, to, t s. But by him and on his account they perform the Offices of their mi¡ron towards others alfo, even all theHeirs of; falvation; but this Rill upon the account of Chrift. Thy afcendand defèend on his mediation, fent by his Authority, aiming at his glory, doing his work, carrying du his intereft, as in the following particulars will appear : For, t They are fent in an extraordinarymanner to make Revelations ofthe Will of God,: about things tending unto the obedience and fpritual advantage of them that do believe. Hereof we have many inftances in the OldTeffament, efpecially in God's dealing with the Patriarchs before thegiving of theLaw. For although the .Second Fer fnof theTrinity the Son ofGod himfelf did often appear unto them, as to Abraham, Gen. 18. a, 2. with chap. 59. 24. and unto Jacob, chap. 32. 24. whom he calls 'IKxrt.1t5Scr I, Gen. 48. 16. yet Godalfo made frequent ufe of createdAngels in the revelation and difcoveryof his Mind andWill unto, them, as is evident from many paffages in their Rory. That he ufed their iniffration in the giving ofthe Law, we , have before abundantly(hewed, the Holy Ghoft declaring and affirming of it, Pfal. 68. r 7, i 8. Atli 7.63: Thelikealfo he continued to do in the Vefions of them grant., ' ed unto the Prophets that enfaed unto the end ofthat Difpenfation, efp_cially unto Ezekiel and Zechariah.. Soalfo the fame was done under theNew.Feffament, as to omit others, we have an efpecial inftance, Rev. I. I. How far God is pleafed to continue this miniffration ofAngels unto thisday is hard to determine. For as many have pre- tended unto Revelations by Angels, which have been meer delufions ofSathan, or ima- ginationspf their own brains : So to fay that God doth not, or mayhot fend his An-, gels unto any ofhis Saints to communicatehis mind unto them, as to tome particu- lars-of their own duty according unto his word, or toforey'hew unto them fomewhat of his own approachingwork, feems in my judgment to be unwarrantably to. limit the Holy One oflfrael. Howbeit fuch things in particular are to be duly weighed with.. fobriety and reverence. z. God by them fuggeffs good motions into the minds ofhis Saints. As the devil Pets himfelfon work to tempt themunto evil, by fúggefficns (Lilted unto the principle of fin. within them; fo God employs his holy Angels to provoke them to that which is good, by fuggelling that unto them which is fuitable unto the principle offfiritual life, and grace that is,in them: And as it is difficult to difcover the fuygefions of Ssthan in molt cafesfrom the workings ofour own-minds, and our unbelief in them, partly be. caufe oftheirconnaturalnefl one to the other, and. partlybecaufc his imprefiçntare not fenlible nor, produce any effGts but as they mix themfelves with our own darkuefs and tufts ; fo it is no leftdifcúlt diftinétly to take notice of thefe Angelical menons up- on the like account on the other hand. For being fuitable unto the .inclinations of that principle ofGrace which is in the hearts ofbelievers, and producing no effeét but by them, they are hardly difcernéd. So that we may have the beneht of many An- gelicalfuggeffions cifgood- things, which weour (elves take no notice of And ifitbe enquired how thefegoodmotions from Angels are or may be di(tinguilhed from the motions oftheholyGhoff,- andhisaftings inBelievers ; I aufwer, that they are diffe- renced fundry ways; as, I: Theft Angelical are ab extra, fromwithout; Angels have no inbeing in us, no refidence in our fouls, but work upon us as an external principle. whereas theHoly Spirit abideth with us,.and dwelleth in us, and works ab intro, from within thevery principles ofour fouls and minds.. Whence it follows, 2. That thefe Angelical motions confift in occafonal impreflions;on the mindphoney andimagination, by advantages taken from outward objects -and prefent difpoftionof themind, ren- dring it meet to receive fach impreffions ; and fo difpofng it to atfeiR theHeart, the Will and the Affeo`tions; whereas the HoyGboff clofeth in his Operations with all the facultiecof the foul, really and immediately exciting every oneofthem to gracious aetingsaccording to their `nature and quality. Whence ',Moir appears, 3. ThatAnge- .lical motions communicatenoffrengtb power or abilityunto men toad do or perform the