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Epi /1leto the HEBREWS. t 9 the Good which they guide and dire unto. Only they provoke and fir up men to ad and exert the frength which they have , in the duties that theyareminded of. But the Holy Ghnf in his motions doth really 'communicate fpirituál Grace frrength andpower unto the faculties of the foul, enabling them untoa right perfor- mance of the duties propofedunto them : And 4: Whereas Angelical imprefons are tranfient, and abide not at all in themfelves , but only in the Effects which the Mind warned and excited by them doth produce; thereis a confiant, abiding, effei}u- alWorkof the Holy Ghof in the hearts ofBelievers, enabling them towill and to do, accordingunto his good pleafure. And this is a ficond part of the Miniflrÿ ofAngels in particular, the benefit whereofwe are oftner made partakers of thanperhaps. we are aware. And thefe motions whichare anEfefb of their Minii try , the Saddneees of old took to be Angels, denying all Jßiritual fubfftences from whom they Gould proceed. g. God fends forth his Angels unto this Minifrÿ for the, good of Believers, to preferve theistfrom mang dangers, and ruinous cafualties, that would otherwife befall them. Much of the DefignofPfal, pt. is to acquaint us therewithal ; for though the charge ofAngels is expreffed only in ver. a a. & rz. yet as the Expreflion there, of keeping us in all our wayei, that we fiumble not, is comprehenfive of all the Dangers which we are or may be expofedunto, fo the fame work of theirs refpr is all the evils andcafualties enumerated in the beginningof the Pfalm. And to this purpofe alto is it laid, that the Angelof the Lord encampeth aboút them that fear him, as they did about Elifha of old; namely, to prefèrve them from the Dangers that theyare expofed unto. . Nor is thisimpeached by the obfervations oftheEvilr,Troubles, Calamitiesand miferies that befall thepeopleof God; for God hath not given his Angels a Comma: fion to ad adultimum virium, to the utmof of their firength, viii & modis for the pret rvation ofhis ; but only to ad according to his effecial Good Pleafùre; and this they alwayes do. Now it is the Will of God,thathis Saints Gould beexercifed with various troubles and calamities, for the trial of their Faith andObedience. But yet in the orderingand management óf thefecalamitous Accidents or troubles, they have no lets benefit by the Ministry of Angels, than they have in refpel of thofe from which they are preferved by them. For inafmuchas they an are defigned and ordered for their Good, their expafing rs them in their feafons, fupportment under them during theircontinuance, and deliverance from them in the appointed time thereof, are alt fignal mercies which theyreceive by the Miniftry of Angels. 4. By this Miniftry ofAngels, doth God in particularpreferve ue from the fuddain and violent incurfions ofSatan. Satan in the Scripture is called a Serpent from his fubtiky and lying in wait to domifchief; and a Lyon , from his rage and fury and fpoiling from his lurking places: And as the one, and the other, he continually feeks the harm, fchief, and ruine ofthe whole man ; -not only of our fouls in tin and tiefere of punilhment, but of our bodies in our lives health and welfare. Hencewe find fo many in the Gofpel troubled with bodily infirmities from the affaults and impreffions of Satan. Andwhat he prevails todo agamf any one, that he is continually attempt- ing againf all the whole feed ofAbraham. Hereunto alit belong all thofe hurtful Terrors, Affrightments and Surprizals, which he endeavoureth by himfelf and his Agents tocalf upon us. Hadhehis Liberty, he would make our whole Lives to be filled withDifappointments,Horrors, vain Fear and perplexities, if he could pro- ceed no farther. Now in all theredefigns it is more probable that he is prevented by t e Minflry ofAngels. We find in the fief ofJob, that in all the Devils walks in the earth for the executing of his malice, the Angels frill obferve him, andare ready to anfwer him when he comes with his Accufations againit theSaints into the pre- fence -of the lord. And hereon dependsthe fatèty and fecutity of our lives ; with- outwhich Satan would by all means continually attempt to fill them with Terrors, Vexations, fofles and Troubles. Not one of us Gould elcape him any better than Jo.f, did, when Godfor a fealon fufpended his Protection overhis Relations Pollèft lions andEnjoyments. q. Theyare in their Miniftry appointed tobe Witnefes of the Obedience, Suffe- rings, and Worlhip of the Difciplcs of Chrif ; that they may give TeJtimony unto them before God, and in the great Affembly of the lait day, fe glorifying God for the,Grace beftowed upon them, and the affifante afforded unto them. Thus Patel tells as that theApofles in their Preaching and Sufferings, were made a Jfe&acle unto Angels, r Car. 4.9. The Holy Angels of God looked on, rejoycing to behold how P p p z glorioufy