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'I51 An Expojition ofthe CHAP, I. admitted a real impeachment of the Confolation of Believers , lc; a rear inducement unto Superstition andIdolatry. The furtherevidencing ofthis truth, I remit unto what hath been already delivered about the Miniftry of Angels in general. I V. Believers obtain Heaven by inheritance, and free gift of their Father, andnot by any merit of their own. Heirs among men claim their inheritance jure rzafcendi, becaufe they are born unto it, not becaufe they deferve it better than others. Believers look for theirs jure adoptions, by right of Adoption, whereby they become Sons, Heirs of God, and Co -heirs with jefus Chrift. End of thefir/i Chapter. CHAP: