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5q, An ExpoJtíon of the CHAr.1j. the Doi sine that doth precede it ; fo alwayes the principal matter of it leads direly untofome other Dollrinal Argument, which he intends neatly to inffi upon. And this we (hall fee evidenced in the Tranfttion that he makes from the Exhortation laid dawn in the beginning of this Chapter, :unto the Sacerdotal Office of Chrilì, v. 6,7,8. The firft Verlès then of this Chapter are purely Pars»etical, or Hortatory, with a mixture of fome Confiderations ferving to make the Exhortation weighty and cogent. Verte I. He fir/} Verte contains the Exhortation it fell intended by the Apolile, tholefollow- ing the efpecial Enforcement' of it. Ver. I. poh Tiro J'e7 er£putfoTipas ñµä' vtoaixvv Tois,d tov3£ivt, µñaory t4oh "µde. nericrmípats `rt£giacorítas, Abundantinc: V. L. Arian: More abundantly: eò amplius,.Reza; r much the more. iTts`vrnl; Syr. Adage, the rather : ut magic, ut abundsntiur , as the rather ; as more abundantly..Summ¢ attention: Arab. with all attention. The-word denotes somewhat more than ordinary in the Alt it relites unto, or the Petfas to whom it is applyed. And Dilig ncebeing efpecially. required in Attention unto any thing, or w thole that attend, which extends it (elf unto the whole deportmentor the mind al mat work ( if that be refpeéled herein which we (hall confider) it may be nut unmeetly rendered more diligentty, direc`lly ; more abundantly. TI;a?íx£ir. npoozxio, Obfervare t V. L, to obfirve, improperly e Adhibere Ar. M. a Word of an imperfebi Jénfe, unlcfs fupplyed withour Minds or.Vnderflandings , or diligence; "'Al- lure animum, adhiberediligentiam ; but immediately affeSing the Objeél, as adhibere au- , ditis, it gives no perfef,l fence t attendere; Reza; to attend:mt. ; togive heed. r`l alt ts'rt fimus cauti, attenti, Syr. That we be wary, or heedful!. crooéyn, is ufually in other Authors when it refers to-Perfons,,aufculto, or obtempero ; to hearken, attend and give heed to any one with an objervant or obedient mind. And fometimes it lignifies to hope or place Trufi or G -ufidence in him that is attended unto. It is allo ufed for to Alfent, tó Agree, or fubfcribe unto what is fpoken by another. In the New Tefta- ment it is principally ufed in two (mfes. ( x.) To beware, or look to our felver , as to things or Perfons that might-hurt us ; and then it is attended with 1,a>à or irl, as Match. 7. 25. Chap. 10. 17. Chap. 16. 6, it, rz. Luke 12.1. Or fo to beware,, or to lookdiligently unto our own Concemments 'abfolutcly, Luk07. 3. Chop. 2r. 34. Match. 6. I. Alts 20: 28. (2.) ToAttendwith diligence and fubmi(lion of mind Unto the words of another ; or unto anybufrnefs that we are employed in, Abirh. 6. Chap. i6. 14: I Tim. 1.4. Chap. 4.1, 13. Titus 1. 14. So it is faid of the Samuel- tans, that they much heededSimon Magus ; oreovlixov dutuf ubor£e, Allo 8. to. And it is the fame word, whereby the reverential Obedience of that people unto the preachingofPhilip is expreffed, v. 6. An Attendance then with a mind ready for Obedience is that which the word imports. Toffs ¿e,.9s7- Toffs äsu.31.7o't, Anditis, to the thingsheard. VVCW1 1==, Syr. in en pod .audivi- at. mus ; in thatwhicbwe have beard. To the things heard, that is, by its, who are re- quired to attendunto them. flataiioäµ£v. naéapiuïaµoe, This Word is no where elle ufed in the New Teflament. In other Authors it is as much as pneterfluo ; to run by. So Xenoph. Cyroped. lib. 4. srts7v iorii Eh ,rak,iísov& 'aa,,r.&, to drink of the River running by; pereffluamus, Y. L. ne forte pereíluamur , left perhaps we (hould run out. pí-uon£ ne forte, loft perhaps : improperly ; it refpe6ls times and feafons ; left at any time. '79] Ls`ii, ne forte calla- mur; decidamus ; left we fall; fall down; that is peri(h. -So is the word alto inter- preted by Chryfoliom, µ, vror£ xapappuw "µ£v; 787 t 1.411 600Aa(.t£Ba, µñ isoor, a 7<er, that ;repo- riff,' not t that we fall not. And he confirms this fenfe from that laying in the Pro- verbs,.Chap.3.2.t. úi tañ Warsifuñs, My Son fall not. So he interprets the word. Iu the Originäl it is, 1i41 hH ;. let them not depart ; the word refpedling not the Perfoñ fpoken