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àf é11ri Expofatzon of the CHAP. 1't. them as ifthey lay thus, Deï 11rad5 areeea,o7trros ore9sázerr, then the word aeprá,rrtipup. more abundantly, refpetds the following word agooéxeer, to attend unto, and fo expref- feth fomewhat ofthe manner ofthe performance of the Duty propofed. And fo our Tranfators report the fenfe, We ought togive the morediligent heed, or give heed the morediligently. The Reader may embrace whether fenfe he judgerh mofl agreeable to the fcope ofthe place. The former conJtruaion ofthe word, expreffing the necelfity of our attention tobe intimated from the cogencyof the reafons thereof before inGfted on, is not without its probability. And this the meaningofthe word agrees unto, whe- ther we take it abfolutely, ( for fo, as Cbryfftome obferves. it may be taken, though' of it felfit be ofanother form) orcomparatively, in which form it is. Take it abJàlutely, and the Apoftle informs them that theyhave abundantcaufe to attend unto the things f],okenor beard, becaufe of him thatfpake them; for concerning him alone came that Voicefrom the excellent glory, This is my belovedSon, bear him. So alfo inahe Other fenfe, the Apofile is not comparing the manner oftheir attending unto the Doctrine of the Law, (which certainly theyought to have done with all diligence ) and their attendanceunto theGofpel, but Thews the realns which they had to attend unto the one and the other, as the following verfes clearly manifell. This then may be that which the Apoftle intimates in this word, naively that they had"-note abundant caufe anda more excellent reafon for their attending unto the Doctrine of the Gofpel, than they had unto that of theLaw ; on this account that he by whom the Gofpel was immediately preached untous, was theSon ofGoa himfelf. But theother application ofthe word is more commonly received, wherein it intends the duty enjoyned. Tors ix r In referenceunto theDuty exhorted unto, there is expreffed the Objetor ofit, The things es7o,. heard. Thus theApoltle chufethtoepxprefs the DdErrrine ofthe GeÇel, with refped unto the wayand manner whereby.it was communicated unto them, namely by preaching ; forfaith cometb by .bearing, and hearing it of the wordpreached, Rom. i o. 4, t 5: And herein doth he magnifie the great Ordinance of preaching, as every where elfe he maketh it the great means of begettingfaith in men. The Lord Chrift himfelffielt preachedtheGcJJel, Atïs t. I. and verf 4. ofthis chapter. Concerning him it was faid from heaven, Hear him, Matth. 17.5. as he who revealed the Father from his own bo- fome, Joh. a. IS. From him theGofpel became tobethe Wordheard. When hehad finifhed thecourfe of hisPerfonal Miniflery, hecommitted the fame work unto others, fending themas the Father fent him. They alto preached the Gofpel, and called it the Word, that isthat which theypreached. See Cor. L. So in the Old Teflament it is called ;vow, Ifà. 53. r. Auditus, an hearing, or thatwhich was heard, being preached. So that the Apoflle infilts on, and commends unto them not only the things themfilves wherein they had been inftrufked, but elfo the way whereby they were communi- cated unto them, namely by the great Ordinance ofpreaching, as he farther declares, verfe 4. This as the means of their believing, as theground of their profelfion, they werediligently to remember confider and attendunto. IIrosext r The Duty it pelfdireeled unto, and the manner ofits performance, are expreffed in the word apooïxes',,to attend, or giveheed. What kindofattendance is denoted by this word was in part before declared. An attendanceit is with Reverence Affent and Readinefs to obey. So Ails 16.1¢. Godopened the heart of Lydia, orpooixete 707e s,e aou- µsross, to attend unto the things that wereffraken, not to give them the hearing only therewas no need of theopening of her heart for the meet attention of her ear: but The :attended, with readinefl humility and refolution to obey the Word. Theeffect ofwhich attention is expreffed by the Apoftlo, Rom. 6.17. To attend then untothe Wordpreached, is to confider the Author of it, the Matter of ir, the Weight and con- cernment ofit, the 'Endsofit, withFaith, 'Subjection offpírit, and Conftancy, as we fhalhwithour Apofilemore at large afterwards explain. TheDuty exhortedunto being laid down, a Motive or Enforcement unto it isfab- joyned, taken from the danger that would enfue the negleü thereof. And this is either rlagrspjiuw., from the Sin or Punifhment that would attend it, according unto the various inter- tatirr pretetions of the word vapappvdtaet, flow out, or fall; before mentioned. It it fig- nifies tofail orperil'', then thepunifhment of the negle6t of this Duty is intimated. We frailperifb as water that is pouted on the earth. Thereunto is the frail life ofman com- pared, x Sam. t4. 54. This fenfe of the word is embraced byfew Expofitors, yet hash st great countenancegivenunto it by the enfuing difcourfe, verfe2, and 3. and for that reafon is not unworthy our confderation. For thedefign of the Apoille in thofe verfes isto prove, that they (hall deferíedÿand afftredlyperifhwho fhould negieét the Gofpel.