1,t1 4n Expbfition of the CH A P.1 I. We are now mitred on the Practical part of the Eppifile, and that which is ofgreat importance unto all Profeffors at all times ; efpecially unto fuch as are by the good providence ofGod called into the condition wherein the Hebrews were,when Paul thus treated with them ; that is a condition of temptation affliction and perfecution. And we (hall therefore the more diftmdly confider the ufeful truths that are exhibited unto us in there words, which are thefe that follow. I. Diligent attendance unto the word of theGofßel isindifenfably neco(Jory unto perfevc- rance in theproqion ofit. Such a profetion I mean as is acceptable unto God, or will be ufeful unto our own fouls. The profefíion of molt of the world is a meet not renun- ciation ofthe Goffielin words, whilit in their hearts and lives they deny the power of it every day. Afavingprofefionis that which exprelieth the efficacy of the Word unto falvation, Rom. 16.1o. This will never be the effect of a lifelefs attendance unto the Word. And therefore we (hall fir)t confider what is required unto the giving heed to the Gofpel here commended unto us ; and thereare in it (amongft others ) the things that follow. 1. Adue valuation of the grace tendred in it, andof the Word it Celf on that account. Tlpooétiam denotes fuch an attendance unto any thing, as proceeds from an eftimation and valuation of it anfwerable unto its worth. Ifwehave not Eich thoughts of the Go- fpel, we can never attend unto it as we ought. And if we confider it not as that wherein our chief concernment lies, we confider it not as we ought at all. The field wherein is the Pearl ofprice Is fo to be heeded, as to be valued above all other Pof Ce({iors whatfoever, Mattb. 13. 45, 46. They who jleemed not the MarriageJeaft of the King above all Avocations and worldly Occafions, were Phut out as unworthy, Matth.22. 7. Ifthe Gofpel be not more unto us than all the world betides, we ¡hall never continue in an ufeful profellionof it. Fathers and Mothers, Brothersand Sifters, Wives and Children, mutt all be dcfßilid in comparifonof it, and competition with it. When men hear theWord, as that whichputs it Pelf upon them, whore attendance unto they cannot decline without preCent or future inconveniencies, without conFdering that all the concernment,. of their fouls lie bound up in ìt, they will eafily be won ut- terly to neglect it. According as our effeem and valuationof it is, fo is our heeding of it, and attendance unto it, and no otherwile. Heartening unto the Word as unto a fing ofUm that bath a pleafant volte, which may pleafe or fatisfie for the pre(ènr, is that which profits not men, and which God abhors, Ezck. 33.34.. If the miniftration of Me Gofpel be net looked on as that which is full of glory, it will never be attended unto. This the Apoftle preffeth, 2 Car. 3. 3, 9. Confiant high thoughts then of the necefíity, worth, glory and excellency ofthe Gofpel, as on other accounts, fo eCpe- ciaily ofthe Author of it, and the grace difpenfèd in it, is the bill Pep in that diligent heeding of it which is required of us. Want of thiswas that which ruined many of the Hebrews to whom the Apelle wrote. And without it we ¡hall never keep our faithfirm unto the End. 2. Diligentftudyof it, and fearching into the mind of God in it, that fo we may growwife in the myfreries thereof, is another part of this Duty. The Gofpel is the wifdom óf qod, r Cor. r. 24. In it are laid up all the lfores and treafuresofthat wifdom of God, which ever any of the fons of men (half come to an acquaintance with in this world, Co/.2. 2,3. And this wifdom is to be fought for asfilver, and to be Searchedafter as hid treaftares, Prov. 2.4. that is, with pains and diligence like unto that efthofe who are employed in that enquiry. Menwith indefatigable pains and danger pierce into the bowels of the earth, in the fearch of thefe hid treafures that are wrapt up in the vain womb ofit. Silver and treafures arenot gathered by every lazie palfenger on the fue- face of the earth; they matt digPeek and fearch who intend tobe made partakers of them, and they do fo accordingly : And Co mull we do for thefe treafures of heavenly wifdom. The myllery of the grace of the Gofpel is great and deep, fuch as theAngels defire to bow down and lookinto, t Pet. t. 12. which the Prophets (fold, notwith(landing the advantage of their own efpecial Revelations, enquired diligently after, verfe Ir: Whereas now ifany pretend, though falfly, to a Revelation, they have immediately done with the Word, as that which by the deceit of their imaginations they think beneath them, when indeed it is only diftant from them, and is really above them. As if a man iltould landon tip-roe on a male-hill, and defpife the bun appearing newly above the Horizonas one beneath him. Diligent fedulousfearching into the Word belongs unto this bcedingofit, Pfal, r. t. Or a labouring by all appointed means to become ac- quainted with it, wife in the myllery of ir, and skilled in its dodriue. Without this Ippcati,<_tv.