VE R. I. Epifile to the Hs BR E w s. 137 this,no man will holdfaft hisprofejon. Nor doth any man neglect the Gape!, but he that knows it not, 2 Car. 4. 3, 4. This is the great principle of Apoftafie in the world, men have owned the Gofpel but never knew what itwar, and therefore leave the pro- feffion ofitfoolJly, as they took it up lightly. Studying of theWord is the fecurity of our faith. 3. Mixing the Word withfaith is required in this attention. See chap. 4.2. As good not.hear as not believe. Believing is the end of hearing, Rom. ro. -ai. And therefore Lydia'sfaith is called her attention, Ads 16. t4. This is the' life ofheeding the Word, without which all other exercife aboutit is but a deadcarcafe. To hear and not be- lieve is in f¢irituallif, what to fiemeat and not to eat is in the natural; it will pleafi the fancy, but will never nourifh the foul. Faith alone realizeth the things fpoken unto the heart, and gives them fubfìftenceinit, Heb. t t, a. without which, as tous, they flow upand down in loofe and uncertain notions. This then is the principalpart of our duty in heeding thethingi fjoken, for it gives entrance to them into thefoul, withg but which theyare pawedupon it as water upon a flick that is fully dry. 4. Labouring to expreflthe Word receivedin a conformity ofheart and life unto it, is an- other partofthisAttention. This is the next proper end ofour hearing. And to do a thing appointed unto an End, without aiming. at that End, is no better than the not doing it atall, in Come cafes much worfe. The Apoftle fays oftheRomans, that they were caft into the mould eftee doctrine of the Gofßel, chap. 6. t 3. It left upon their hearts an impreffionof its own likeneß, or produced in them the expreflimage of that Holi- nefs Purity and Wifdom which it revealeth. This is to beholdwith open face the gloryof the Lord in aglafi, andto bechanged into the fame image, 2 Cor. 4. r8. that is, the image ofthe Lord Chrifl, manifefled unto us and reflet`ked upon us by, and in theglaßofthe Golel. When theheart of thehearer is quickned, enlivened, fpirited with Gofpel truths, and by them is mouldedand fathio.ned intotheir likenefs, and expreffeth that likeneßin its fruits, or a Converfation becoming the Goffiel, then is the Word attended unto in a right manner.. This will fecure the Word a flation in our hearts, and give it a permanent abode in us. This is theIndwelling of the Word, whereof there are many de- grees, and we ought to aim that it Ihould beplentiful. q. WatchfulneßagainJi all oppofition that is made either again({ the Truth or Power ofthe Word in us, belongs alto unto this duty. And as thefe Oppofitions are many, fo oughtthis Watchfulnefl tobe great and diligent. And there things have we added for the further. Explication of the Duty that is pretfed on us by the Apoftle; the neceftíty whereof, for theprefervation ofthe truth inour hearts and minds, will further appear in the enfuing Obfervation. II. Therearefundry times andfeaf°.nr wherein, andfveral ways and means whereby men Mí,rore' aa= are in danger to lofe the word that they have heard, ifthey attend not diligently unto its pre- t ap?ori4F. fervation.. Miners, at any time, or by any way or means. This our Saviour teacheth us atlarge in theParable ofthe Seed, which was retained but in one fort ofground ofthofe four whereinto it was calf, Mattb. r;. And this the experience ofall Times and Ages confirmeth. Yea, few there areat any time who keep the Word heard as they ought. We may briefly name the Seafons wherein, and the Ways whereby the hearts and minds.of men are madeas leaking veffels, topourout and lofe the Word that they have heard. a. Some lofe it in:a time ofPeace and Profperity. That is a feafon which flays the foolifh. 7efurun waxes fat and kicks. According to menspaftures they are filled, and forget the Lord. They feed their tufts high, until they loath the Word. wailsoften makea leanfoul. Aproffrerous outwardeftate hath ruined many aConvilkion from the Word, yea and weakened faith and obedience inmanyof the Saints themfelves. The warmth ofProfperity breeds fwarms ofApoflates, as the heat of theSundoth Inflls in the Spring. 2. Some lofe it in a time ofperfecution. Whenperfecution arifeth, faith our Saviour, they fallaway. Many go on apacein profeffion until they come to fee the Croft; this fight puts them to a fland, and then turns them quite out of the way. They thought not ofit, and do not like it. Weknow what havockthis hath madeamongft Profeffors in. all Ages; and commonly where it deftroys the Bodies often, it deftroys the Souls of an hundred. This is the feafon wherein Stars fall from the Firmament, inreference whereunto innumerable are the Precepts for Watchfulnefs, Wifdom, Patience, En- during, that aregiven us in the Gofpel. 3. Some