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i6e einExpofitwonofthe CUAP.II. 3. Some lore it in a time oftrial by temptation; it pleafeth God in his Wifdom andGace to fuffer fometimes anhour oftemptation to come forth upon the world, up- on theChurch in the world, for their trial, Rev. 3.1o. And he doth it that his own thereby maybe made conformable unto their Head JefusChrift, who had his efpecial hour of temptation. Now in filch a fcafon temptation worketh.varioufy, according as men are expofed unto ir, or as God teeth meet that they fhould be tried by it. Every thing that Poch days abound withall that' have in it the force of a temptation. And the ufual aka ofthis work is, that it brings Profeers into a flumber, Mattb. 25.5. In this ftate, many utterly loreetheWord. They have been cati into a negligent (lumber by thefecret power andefficacy of temptation ; and whenThey awake and look about them, the whole power oftheWord is loft and departed from them. With reference unto thefe and the likefeafns it is, that the Apoflle gives us this caution, to take heed 1(t atany time the word which we have heard doflipout. 2. Theways and means alto whereby this wretched effed isproduced are various, yea innumerable : fome of than only I (hall mention, whereunto the rat may be re- duced. As, r. Love ofsigh prefent world. Thismade Donal a leaking veil,2 unit. 4. lo. and choaks onefourth part-of thefeed in the Parable, Mauh. t 3. Manymight have been riebha grace, had they not made it their end and bufinefs to be rich iii this world, a Tim. 6.9. But this is too wellknown, as well as too little regarded. 2. Love offin. A fierce lull cheri(hed in the heart willmake it plenum remarum, full ofchinks, that it will never retain the fhowers ofthe Word ; and it will affuredly open them as fait as convi 'eions flop them. 3. Falf Dollrines, Errors, Herefies,fal(e Worfhip, Superftition and Idolatries will do the fame. I place thefe things together, as rhofe which work in the fame kind upon the Curiofty Vanity and Darknefsof the. minds ofmen. Thefe breaktbe vel,and at once pour out all the benefits of the Word that ever were received. And many the like inftances might begiven. And thisgives us the reafòn ofthe neceJTty of that heeding the Word which we he- fore infifted on. Without t',atone time or other,by one meansor other,we (hall lofe all the defign of the Word upon our fouls. That alone will preferve us, and carne us through thecourfe and difficulties of our Profeffion. TheDuty mentioned theta is of no lefs concernment unto us than our fouls, for without it we perifh. Let us not deceive our (elves, aflothfulnegligent hearingof the Word will bring no man to life. The com- mands we have towatch, pray, J}rive, labour, and fight, are not in vain. The warnings given usof the Oppofition that is made to our faith, by indwelling fin Sathan and the world, are not lett on record for nothing : no more are the fad examples which we have of many, who beginning a good Profefon have utterly :turned abde to fin and folly. All theftthings, I fay, teach us the neceffity ofthe Duty which the Apoftle enjoyneth, and which we have explained. M,í rage aa- III. ;The Word heard is not Ali without the great fin as well as the inevitable ruin ofthe paitla1ar. foulsofmen. Loft it is when it is not mixed with faith, when we receive it nor in goodand knell hearts, when the end ofit is not accompli(hed in us, and towards us. And this befalls usnot without our fin, and wofnln:glell ofduty. The Word of its own nature is apt to abide, to incorporate it felf with us, and to take root : but we cat it out, we pour it forth from us. And they have a wofal account to make, on whole fouls the guilt thereoffhall be found at thedaft day. IV. It is in ,the nature of the Word of the Gofpel to water barren hearts, and to make themfruitful untoGod. Hence, as was(hewed, wasit compared toWater, Dews, and Rain, -which is the foundation ofthe Metaphorical exprefiion here ufed. Where this word comes, it makes the parched ground apool, and the thirfly land Jfrings of water, Ifa. 35.7. Tilde are 'thewaters of the Sanlluary, that heal the barrenplaces ofthe earth, and make than fruitful, Ezek 47. The River that makes glad the City of God, l'tai. 46.7. That River ofliving water that comes forth from the Throne of God, Rev. 22: I. And theplaces and p:rfonswhich arenot healed or benefited by thefe waters, are left to barrenneff and burningfor evermore, Ezelh 47. t t. Hein 6 8. With the dew hereofdoth God water his Church every momtnt, Ifa. 27.3. And then doth it grow as a Lilly, and raftforth its roots asLeban,n, Hof.14.5,6,7. Abundant fruitfslnefi unto God follows a gracious receivingofthis dew from him. Bleffed are they who have this dew diftilling on them every morning, who are watered as the Garden of God, as a V. Tb landthat God carobfir. C