'eh An &polition of the CIIAP.II. rleesaso7itac V I. The true and only may of honouring the Lord Chriff as the-Son of God, is by dili.. vpcséx.tw gentattendance and obedienceunto bis word. The Apoftle having evidenced his Glory as theSon of God, makes this his only Inference from it. So doth hehimfelf; if you laveme, faith he, keep my Commandments. Where there is no Obedience mito the Word, there is neitherfaith in,nor love unto Jefus Chrift. But this whole Argument the Apollle further purfues in the following Verts. Verfe II, III, I V. IN thefe threeVerts theApoftle follows on his Exhortationlaid down in that fore- going, and giveth many peculiar enforcements unto a due compliance with it, as we (hall fee in our Expofition of them. Verfe 3. 'Es yi ó di áyyitav Aamn9sis Aly& iyévtoo- (3004- ; ú cr a aratci,9aots, f crepstoon' VAa(aty p meetaoteewaJoafav; 'Es Y': 'Er fI, fi maim, etenim; and if,for if, ÓAbte AeAnech, Sermo diater,th nri i tirMr-, `O Syr. Sermoqui diBuse(f, or pronuntiatius i the word which was Jfoken or pronounced; xam9:és. properly as we (hall fee, di yyim es-, Syr. N3N5m 7+3, b y the hand o f Angels ; an He- AtdyiAay. braifm, for their Minitiry. The word pronounced by the Minillry of Angels. The Arabic¿, refers thefewords to the Tellimonies before inllied on about Angels-, and renders them,if that which isfpoken concerning the Angels, be approved, or confirmed to be true; that is, ,ki ciyyíAav, not Is dyy;Aav, iyivsoo bipai@; faelus eft firmus; Ar. V. L. was made firmor (table; became fare. Fait firms ; Eraf. Beza, was firm ; or as ours, ffedfaff ; Syr. Confirmaras fuit, was confirmed or eltablifhed : ÿ aa"aa aapú.ßaaro xÿ . aisamb, Et omens pravaricatio, & inobedientia ; V. L. Ar prevarication and difobedience; Ehem. Omnifque tranfgreffio& contumacia; Bezo, every treat r¡eon and ffubborndifobedience; theSyrisch., a little otherwife; rt"tp 11ye ttvrw1 'l?T; and every one that beard it and tranfgsefdit; with peculiar refpeet as it fhould feem to erapaeoir ; which includes a difobedience to that which is heard. Aaßsvireraccear.8a- vrodbofav, accepit ¡teftam mercedis retributionem; V. L. Bez. retulit. premii; Eraf. all to the fame purpofe; receiveda juif recompence, reward ; a juli compenfàtion; Syr. re- ceived a retribution in Rigbteoufnefl. Epze9'. rrataxoír: Verfe 3. For if thewordfpoken (pronounced) by Angels, was fire, ( ftedfaft ) and every tranfgreffron, and (Itubborn) difobedience received a juft ( meet, equall) retribution, (or) recompence of reward. Verfe 4. nICCe htais osytu áµtea, onuxáuvve áµsÀÚaayses aarepfas; iris dale Areas payS,.Tcu hat 771 Kutíe, úaó vel ¿asniA?av its ,0sh iietAudee 'AtatAkeey- 'AyeASísanes, >i neglexerimus ; V. L. Eraf. Beza;. if we negledt : Nt733 7N, Syr. fi Its cómemnamur, ifwe - defßife ; if we care not about ; if we take no care of, Iva/awns Te1seaufns roriftfas; tantain falutem ; fo great falvation; the Syrisck , a little otherwife; sa1neas. 7 + +7T pbt jam 014 .2v; fitper ea ipfa qua funs vita ; thole' things which are our life ; or as others render the words; ess fermones. qui vivi funs ; thoji words which are living. The former Tranflation taking the Pronoun in the Neuter Gender, and fublfantively with refpeet Unto the Effeels of the Gofpelmolt fuits the place: 'Aecjv Aa- ,îrrs a:r,Xñv Aabêaa. AaOi,Nt i qua cum primttm enarrari cepit, Eraf. Bez. Which when l ?nsci.. it was begun to bedeclared ; and fo the Syriack; which began to be declared; which was flrft, at tirft fpoken, declared, pronounced. Verfe