vER:2,3,4.: Epillleto the HEBREws: 63 Verfe 4. MowJhall we efcape (flyor avoid) if aaie neglet (riot taking care about ) fo great falvation which began to be ( was firft of all) fpoken (de- clared) by theLord; and was confirmed (affùred, eítablifhed ) unto err, by them that heard, (it ofhim. ) Verfe 5, vve;rtµaeviti; 5)- lti oaµefas rd, aÿ rpart, >d *oieítaa J'vvé,utat, aj 4112;máre. dyiw raeovto ì , ><m rñv etU711 Olnaaty. 2orragsaprupIiI -, canteffante Deo ; V. L. atteffante Deo, Era(. Tefiitnoniurn iltir pr's+ Evvaàrµdç henteDeo: Beza. Godwithal reffifying, attelting it ; giving Tetlimony unto them. It is 7ngwr@. , doubtful whether it be the wordit felf, or; the Preachers of it, that God is faid to give Teflimony unto. Syr. When God had teffified unto them: Arab: whofi Truth was alfo proved unto us, betides theTelfimony ofGodwith wonders; fparatingbetween Gods Teflimony to the Word, and the figns or wonders that accompanied it. Tipaet, Pro- digiis, portentit, miranolis. Verfe 5. God bearing witnßwith Signs ánd Wonders ( Prodigies ) and divers (various) mighty works ( powers) anddifiriblitions( divifions )ofthe Holy Ghaft, according to hisownwill. The defign of the Apofile in thefe threeVerfs, is to confirm and enforce theInfe- rence andExhortation laid down in the firdi asthat which arofe from theDifcourfe of theformer Chapter. The way he proceeds in for this end, is by interpofing after his ufual manner in this Epitk, fubfervient Motives, Arguments, and Contiderations, tendingdirely to his principal end, and connatural unto the fubjeét treated on. Thus themaiI Argument wherewith he prelfeth his preceding Exhortation unto attendanceand Obedienceunto the Word, is taken ab incommode, or ab evemuperniti- ofo, from thepernitious endand event of their difobedience thereunto. Thechief proof of this is taken fiom another Argument à minori, and that is the confeffed Eventof difobedience unto the Law, 0.2. To confirm andltrengthen which reafoning,he gives us a fummary comparifn of the Law and theGofpel ; whence it might appear, that if adifregard unto theLaw was attended with a Pureand fore revenge that much more mull andwould the Negleâ of the Gofpel be fo. And this comparìfou orothe part ofthe Gofpel, isexprefled; (r.) In the Nature of it, it is Great Salvation: z. ) The Author of it ;; itwas ffroken by theLord : (3.) Themanner of its Tradition; being con- firmed unto us by them that heard them; and the Teffimony given to it, and them.; by figns andwondersanddiffributions ofthe HolyGhofi ; from all which he infers his purpofe, of the pernitious Event of difobedience unto it, or difregarding of it. This is' the fummof the ApofilesReafoning, which we thall further open as the words prcfent it unto us-in the Text. The filtthingwe meet with in the word ; ishis fubfervient Argument à minori, v. 2. wherein three things occur. - ( r.) TheDefcription that he gives us ofthe Law which he comparesthe Gofpel withal ; it was the word fpokenby Angels. (z.) An Adjunt of it, whichenfued upon its being fpoken by them ; it wasfirmand fiedfálf. ( 3.)The Event of difobedienceunto it ; every tranfgreffion of it, and Jfubborn difobedience, had a juJt recompence of reward. How fromhence he confirms his Affertion of the pernici- ous Conf quenceof neglelfing the Gofpei, we shall fee afterwards. The firft thing in the words is the Defcription of the Law, by that Periphrafis ó.aóya J1 dyytav aaa,,eais; the word fßaken or pronounced by Angels. riy1- is a `O wordvery varioufly ufed in the NewTellament. The fpecial fenfes of it, we (hail not need in this place toinfili upon. It is here taken for a jfiemof Doctrine, (and by theaddition of aaaaetis) aspubli¡hed, preached, or. declared. Thus the Gofpel, from name:1;6 R r r the