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I6+ An Sx ofition öf the q evrI : theprincipal0je£1matter of it, is called á 2,61,0- ó in seuré, 1 CO. I. 18. the Word; the Doarine, the Preaching concerning the Croft, or Chria crucified. So a Aóy0- here, the word, is the Doctrine of the Law ; that is the Law it felffpokn, declared,publ,ifhed eê d»í2,2, r. promulgated. A el ybswv, by Angels; that is, by the Miniftry ofAngels. It is not the weote7h, he fromwhom the Law wasgiven, that the Apofile intends ; but the Minnie - rialPublißfierr of it, by whom it was given. The Law was given from God; but it wasgiven byAngels in theway and manner to beconfidered. Two things we may obferve in this Periphrafir of the Law: (it ) That the Apo- ltle principally intends that part of the Mofaical Difßenjation which was given on Mount Sinai; and which as fuch was the Covenant between God and that people, as unto the priviledge of the promifed Land. ( a. ) That he fixed on this Defcription of it, rather than any other ,or meetly tohave expreffed it, by the Law ( 1. ) Be, tauft theMiniJtry ofAngels, in the giving of the Law by Mojes was that by which all the prodigious Effect's wherewith it was attended, ( which kept the people in fuch adurable Reverence unto it ) were wrought. This therefore he mentions, that h: might appear not to undervalue it, but to fpeak of it with Reverence unto that Ex- cellencytinsAdminiliration which the Hebrews even boatted in. ( 2. ) B'ecaufe having newly infified on a comparifon between Chrift and theAngels ; his Argument is mudh lirengthened, when it thallbe confidered, that the Law was the Word fJokenby theAn- gels, the Gofpel was delivered by the Son, fo far exalted ,abovethem. Butthe manner how this was done, muff be a little farther enquired into. That the Lawwas given by the MinidiryofAngels, the Jews alwayes confeffed, yea andboafled. So faith Jofephus, one much anoienter than anyof their Rabbinsextant. eipxaton. lib. 5. úpsar rá xdutsa, t d'eyuárdr, ,y' t i óairú,nL, 1 w vois of no, d'î äyyí2,vy aatd r;f 90 (rsOóvreer: We learned the mgji excellent and molt ha) conJlitutions of the raw from Godby Angels. The fame was generally acknowledged by them of old. ThisStephen treatingwith them, takes for granted, Able 7. 53. Tots received the'Law by the difpofition ofAngels. And our Apofile affirms the fame , Gal. 3.19. It war.-or- dained byAngel: in theband ofaMediator ; a word of the fame Original and fenfe is ufedin bothplaces, though by ours varioufly rendered : dteiáybo d`taltcysis This then is certain ; but themariner ofit is yet tobe confidered. Firtl then, nothing is more unqueftionable, than that the Law was given from God bimfelf. He was theAuthor of ir. This the whole Scripture declares and pro- claims. And it was the impious Abominationof the Valentinianr and Marcioniter of old, toafcribe the Original of it unto any other Author. Secondly, He who fpake in the name of God on Mount Sinai, was no other than Godbimfelf, the fecond Perfon in the Trinity, Pfal. 68. 17, 18, 1 g. Him Stephen calls sheAngel, Alts 7.30, 38. Even the Angel of the Covenant, the Lord whom thepeople fought, Mal. 3. 1, z. Some would have it to bea Created Angel, delegated unto that work who thereontook on him the Prefence and Name of God, as if he himfelf had fpoken. But this is whollycontrary tothe nature of all Minifterial work. Ne- ver didEvybaffador fpeak inhis own name, asif he were the King bimflfwhofe per- fon he doiltreprefent. The Apoftle tells us, that the Preachers of the Golpe! were Gods Embaff"adorr, and that God by themdoth perfwade men to be reconciled inChrifi, aCor. 5. zo. But yet if any on that account, fhould take on him to perfonate God, and to fpeak of himfelfas God, he would be highly blafjhemous. Nor can this be ima- gined in thisplace ; where not only he that fpeaks, fpeaks in theNameofGod, I am theLord thy God, but anelfewhereit is frequently affirmed, that Jehovah himfelfdid give thatLaw ; which is made unto the peoplean Argument untoObedience. And the thingsdoneon Sinai arealwayes afcribedunto God himfelf. Thirdly, It remains then to confider, how notwithilanding this, the Law is faid to be the Word íjokenbyAngels. It is no where affirmed, that the Law wasgiven by Angels ; but that the people receivedit by the diffofition of Angels ; and that it was or- dainedby Angels, and here fjoken bÿ them. From hence it is evident, that not the Ori- ginal Authoritativegiving of the Law, butthe Miteifierial orderingof things in its pro- mulgation, is that which is afcribed to Angels. They raifed the fire and fmoke, they fhook and rent therock; theyframed thefound of the Trumpet ; they effeoBed the Articu- late lroycer whichconveyed the words of the Law to the ears of the people ; and therein proclaimed and pnblifhed the Law ; whereby it became the Wordpoken by Angels. Grotiuï on this place contends, that it was a created Angel whoreprefetited thePer.. fon 4