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4 166 ein Expofition of the HAP. IL theGofpel; and from thePenalties wherewith the breach of it, asfuch, amongthat people, was thenattended, argues unto the forer punifhment that mule needs enfue upon the neglect of the difpenfation of the Gofpel, as heexpounds himfelf, Chap. ro. 28, 29. For otherwife the penaltie affigned unto the Tranfgteffion of the Moral Law as aRule ; is thevery fame in the nature and kindof it, with that which be- longs unto defpifers of theGofpel ; even death eternal. q,. Chryfoffom obferves Come impropriety in the ufe of the word nta-o,rodoofa, becaufe it rather denotes, a Reward for a goodwork, thana punishment for an evil one. But the word is indifferent ; at, yosod o- úe AV (Agar; and notes only a Recompence fuitable unto that whereunto it is apply- ria. ed. So is eivvrya,$la, ufed byour Apotle, Rom. 1.27. excellently expreffed by Solo- mon, Proze. 1. 3r. Sinners fhall eat of the fruit of their own wayes, and be filled with their own devifes. Such Rewards we have recorded, Numb. 55. 30. a Sam. 6.6. I Kings 13.4. and Chap. 20. 36. 2 Kings 2. 23, 24. 2 Chron.30. 20. This the Apottle layes down, as a thingwell known unto the Hebrews; namely, that the Lawwhichwas delivered unto them by Angels, receivedfuch a Sanction from GOd, after it wasettablilhed as theCovenant between him and the people, that the Tranfgreffionof it, fo asto difannul the terms and conditions of it, had by Divine Conititution the punifhmcntof death temporal, or Exciuon appointed unto it. And this in the next words he proceeds to improve unto his purpofe by the way of an Argument it minori ad mains ; How fhall we efcape if we negletl fo great falvati- on, e§'c. There is an Antithefisexpreffed in one branch as we obferved before between the Law and the Gofpel ; namely, that the Law was theProd f¢oke.nby Angels ; the Go- fpel beingrevealed by the Lordhimfelf : But there are alto other differences intimated between them, though expreffedonly on thepart of the Gofpel ; as that it is in its na- ture,or Effe6is, Great Salvation; that is not abfolutely only , but comparatively unto the benefit exhibited to their fore Fathers by the Law, as given on Mount Horeb. Theconfirmation alfo of theGofpel by the Tiffimony ofGod, is tacitely oppofed unto the confirmation of the Law by the like Witnefs; and from all there confiderations doth the Apotle enforce his Argument, proving the Punifhment that Shall befall Go- fpel neglefters. In the words as was in part before obferved, there occurrs : ( r.) The Subjetï matter fpoken of; fo great falvation. (z.) A further Defcription of it; 1. From its principalAmber, it began to be fßoken by the Lord. 2. From the manner of its pro- pagation ; it was confirmed unto us, by them that heard it : 3. From its Confirmation by theTefiimony of God. Which q.. Is exemplified by a diltribution into n. Signs : .2. Wonders: 3. Mighty Works; and 4. Various Gifts of the Holy Gholt; whereof there is, (3. ) A negleti fuppofed; if we neglef ; and (¢.) Punishmentthereof inti- mated ; wherein ( a.) The punifhment its fell; and ( 2.) The manner of its ex- prelfion, bow (hall we efcape, are to be confidered ; all which are to be feverally explained. Tnatwlorns j. The fubjett matter treated of, is expreffed in thole words , fo great Salvation. And aarnplas. it is the Gofpel which is intended in that Expritlion, as is evident from thepreceding Verfe. For that which is therecalled the word which we haveheard; is here calledgreat falvation : As alfo from the following words,where it is laid to be declaredby the Lord; andfarther propagatedby them that heard him. And the Gofpel is calledSalvation, by a Metonymy of the Hid for the Caufe. For it is the Grace of God bringing falva- tion, Titus 2. It. The Word that it able to fave us. The Douetrine, the Discovery, the infirumentaby efficient Caufe ofSalvation, Rom. 1.16. t Car. 1.20, 2n. And this Salvation the Apofile calls Great, upon many accounts, which we Shall afterwards un- fold. And calling it, r great falvation , he refers them unto the.Doárine of it wherein they had been inftruEted ; and whereby the. Excellency ofthe Salvationwhich it brings, is declared. Now though theApottle might have expreffed the Gofpel by the word which was declaredunto us by the Lord, as he had done the Law, bythe word Oakenby Angels yet to ftrengthen his Argument, or Motive unto Obedience which he infifts upon, hechofe to give a briefDefcription of it, from its principal Effetf; it is great Salva- tion. The Law by reafon of fin, proved the Minifhy of Death and Condemnation, 2. Car. 3.9 . yet being fully publifhed only by. Angels, Obedience was indifpenfibly required unto it. And Shall not the Gofpel, the Ministry of life and great falvation be attended unto. 2.He