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V s10,34. Epifile to the H a BREW s. 167 2. He farther defcribes the Gofpel from its principalAuthor, or Revealer; it began tobefpokenby the Lord. dexñv tOVad aaa.t . The words may have a twofold 'Apxñv aaRi;- fenfe; for dtxñv, may denote eitherprincipium temperie, the beginning of time ; or prin- era Tans7.50t, eipium operir, the beginningof the work. In thefirJf way, it afferts that the Lord him- felf was thefirJf Preacher of the Gofpel ; before he lent or employed his Apottles and Difciples in the fame work. In the latter, that he only began the work, leaving the perfcrling and finifhing of it, unto tholewho were cholen and enabled by him, unto that end. And this latter fmje is alto true ; for he fi,nithed not the wholeDeclaration of the Gofpel in his own perfoü, teaching viva voce, but committed , the work unto his Apollles, Mattb. to. 27. But their teaching from him, being expreffed in the next words ; I take the words in the firJf fenfe, referring unto what he had delivered, Chap. t. s. OfGods fßeakingin thefi laffdayes in the Perfon of the Son. Now the Gofpel bathhad a threefold beginning of itsDeclaration. Finll, InPrediction; by Promifes and Types, and fo it began to bedeclared from the foundationof theworld, Luke t.7®,71: Secondly, In an immediate Preparation; and fo it began tobe declared in and by the Mi- nillryof john the Baptifi; Marks .r,z. Thirdly, In its open, clear,aival full Re- velation ; fo thiswork was begun by the Lord himfelf, and carriedon to perfnnlion by thole who were appointed and enabled by him thereunto, job. 1.17, 18. Thus was itbyhim declared in hisown perjon, as the Lawwas byAngels. And herein lyesthe ítrefs of the Apollles Reafonings, with reference unto what he had before difcourfed concerning theSon and Angels, and his Preheminence above them. The greatReafon why the Hebrews Co pertinacioufly adhered unto the Do- élrineof the Law', was the glorious,Pnblicatïon of ir. It was the word fpoken by Angelr 5 they received it by the diffisfttion ofAngels. If faith the Apoftle, that werea fufficient caufe, why the Law fhould be attended unto , and that the neglect of it fhould be fo forely revenged as it was, though in it felt but the MiniJfry of death and condemnation ; Then confider what is your Duty in reference unto the Gofpel, which as it was in its felt a Word of life and great falvation, fo it was fpoken, declared ,and deliveredby the Lord himfelf,whom we have manifelled to be fo exceedingly exalted above all Angels whatever. 3. He farther defcribes the Gofpel from the way and means of its conveyance unto us; It was confirmed unto us bythem that heard him. And herein alto he prevents anObjei ion that might arife in the minds of theHebrews ; inafmuch as they, at leali thegreaten part of them, were not acquainted with the Perfonal Miniffry ofthe Lord ; they heard not the word fpoken by him. For hereunto the Apoftle re- plaes; that though they themfelveo heard himnot, yet the fame word which he preach- ed, was not only declared, but confirmed unto them, by rhofe that heard him. And herein hedoth not intend all of them, who at any time heard him teaching, but thofe whom inan efpecial manner he made choice of, to employ them in that work; namely, the Apofrles. So that this expreflion, chafe that heardhim, is a Periphrafis of theApelike, from that great priviledge of hearing immediately all things that our Lord taught in his own perfon. For neither did the Church of the Jews hear the Lair as it was pronounced onHoreb by Angels, but had it confirmed unto them by the wayes andmeans ofGods appointment. And hecloth not faymeetly, that the Word was taught, or preachedunto us by them ; but äßsfarden, it was confirmed, made firm 'BRtRaran. and (fedfafr, being delivered infallibly unto us by the Miniftry of the Apoftles. There was a divine PaRaîaert, firmneff, certainty and infallibility in the Apofiolical Declarati- ón of the Gofpel; like that which was batheWritings ofthe Prophets, whichPeter comparing with Miracles calls 12,Rar6Tepov r,5yvv, a more firm , ffedfafr and fare Word. And this Infallible certainty of their word was from their Divine Infpi- ration. Sundry Holy and Learned men from this Expreffion, confirmed unto us ; wherein they fay, the Writer ofthis,Epifrle, placethhimfelf among the number of rhofe who heardnot theword from the Lord himfelf, but only from the Apollles, conclude, that Paul cannot bethe Penman thereof, who in fundry places denyeth that he received the Gofpel by InftruCion frommen, butby immediate Revelation fromGod. Now becaufe this is the only Pretence which hath any Appearance of Reafon for adjudging the writing of this Epiltle from him, I (hall briefly thew. the invalidity of it: And ( t.) It is certain that this term II S, comprizes and calls the whole under the con- dition of thegenerality or major part, and cannot receive a particular Diftributioú unto all Individuals. For this .piffle being written before the Deftrudlion of the Temple,