168 An Expofltioi ofthe Cx AP. j, Temple, as we have demonfirated, it is impoffrble to apprehend, but that fomewere then livingat jertefakm who attended unto the Miniftry of. theLord himfelf in the dayesof his fleth ; and among them was James himfelf, one of the Apoftles, asbefore wehave made it probable ; fo that nothing can hence be concluded to every indi- vidual, as though none of them might have heard the Lord himfelf. z. The Apoftile bath evidently a refpet4 unto the foundationofthe Church of the Hebrews at Hierte- falem, by the preaching of theApo/Iles immediately after the pouring out of the Holy Ghoft upon them, Wis. 2. 3, 4, 5. which as hewas not himfelf concerned in, fo he was to mind itunto them as the beginningoftheir faith andprofeffion. 3. Paul him- (elfdid not hear the Lord Chrift teachingPerfna1J on the earth, whenhe began tore- veal thegreatfalvation. 4 Nor doth he fay that thofe ofwhom he fpea'ks were origi- nally infiruéted by the Hearers of Chrift, but only that by theth the Word was con- firmedunto them; and fo it was untoPaul himfelf, Gal. z. 1, 2. But, 5. yet it is ap- parent that theAponte ufeth an dnssotvdo,,, placing himlelt among aide unto whom he wrote, though not perfonally concerned. in everyparticular fpoken; a thing fo ufualwith him, that there is fcarce any ofhis Epijiles wherein fundry innances ofit arenot to be found. See 1 Cor. 10.8,9. I Miff 4. 17. The like is done by Peter; 1 Epift. 3. 4. Having therefore in this place, to take of all fufpition ofjealoufie in his Exhortation to the Hebrews unto Integrity and Conflancy in their profelfion, enrred his difcourfe in 'this Chapter in the fame way of expreff:on, Therefore ought we; as there was no need, fo there was n6 place for the change of the perlons, fo as to fayyou inftead dot. So thaton many accounts there is no ground for this Objedhion. 4. Be farther yet defcribes the Gofpel by the Divine AuPjtation given unto âuvtatµxg- . it, which alfo addes to the force of his Argument and Exhortation, uVríu,MeteTVtérr,r zugi<vros. -Seg. The word is ofa double compofition, denoting aconcurring tetlimony of God, a teftimony given unto, or together with the teftimony and witnefs of the - ApoJiles. Ofwhat nature this tellimonywas, and wherein" it confitled, the next words declare ; by Signs and Wonders, Mighty work!, and Diftribations of the Hoy Ghoff : All which agree in the general nature of worksfupernatural, and in the efpe- cial end of attefiing to the truth ofthe Gofpel, beingwrought according to the pro- . mile of Chrift, Matth. 16. 57, 18. by the miniftery of the Apoftles, Alas z. 3, 4. andin efpecial by that ofPaul himfelf, Born. 15.19. 2 Cor. 12. 12. But as to their efpecial differences, they are here call under four heads. y,tµaa. The firff are w s,ninth,Signs; that is, miraculous work!, wrought to fignifie the pretence of God by his power with them that wrought them, for the ap- Tipava. probation and confirmation ofthe Doálrine which they taught. The fecond are visas, ammo, , Prodigies, Wonders, works beyond the power of Nature, above the Energie of natural caufes, wrought to fill men with wonder and admiration,'ftirring. men up unto a diligent attention to the Doctrineaccompanied with them; for whereas they futprize men by difcovering rl 3S701,, a prefent divine power,: they difpofe the mindto slure4,ur. an embracing of what isconfirmed by them. Thirdly, Boviutts, riri a7, mighty work!, wherein evidently a mighty power, thepower ofGod is exerted in their operation. Meeelod. And, fourthly, tscoe r elyht eteenro), w,lpri nr1.1111211D, gifts of the Hof Goff, enumerated 1 Cor. 12.Ephef.4.7. zatiouava, free gifts, freely bellowed, called diviftons ordiftributions, for the reafon atlarge declared by the Aponte,' 1 Cor. 12. 7, 8, 9, r o, tr. All which are intimatedin the following words, toned rift nth; ainnenr. It is indifferent whether we read dual or .utñ, and refer it to the will ofGod, or of theHoly Ghoff himfelf, his ownwill, which the Aponte guides unto, t Cu'. ta. zn. As we Paid before, all thefe agree in the famegeneral nature, and kind of miraculous operations ; the variety ofexpreffions whereby they are let forth, relating onlyunto fome different refßells of them, taken from their efpécial end and effects. The fame workswere in different refpeás, Signs, Wonders Mighty works, and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft. But being effectual unto feveral ends, they received thefe variousdenomi- nations. In thefeworks confined thedivine atteftation ofthe Doctrine of theApoftles, God in and by them givingteftimony from heaven by the minitiration of his Almighty Power, unto the things which were taught ; and his approbation of the Perfans that taughtthem in their work. And thiswas of efpecial confideratio9 in dealingwith the Hebrews. For thedelivery of the Law and the minifteryofWes having been ac- companied with manyfrgns andprodigies, they made great enquiry after fignr for the confirmationofthe Gofpel, r Cor. r. 22. which though our Lord Jelin Chriif neither in