aR. 2,34. Ejii file to the Fit a u i w s. á69 ill his own Perfon, nor by his Apofiles, would grant Unto them in their time and manner, to fatisfie their wicked and carnal curiafity, yet in his own way and feafou hegave them forth for their convit7ion, or to leave them ínexcufable, yob. to. 38. Thirdly, The Gofpel beingofthis nature, thus taught, thusdelivered, thus con- 'Atamieav firmed, there is a negleírt of it fuppofed, verf. 3. Ifwe negle'l ; iµvoíoavres; the con- ves. ditional is included in the manner of the expreflion, If we negletl, ifweregard nor, if we take not due care about it. The word intimateth an omi)Ten of all thole duties which are neceffary for our retaining theWordpreached unto our profit, and that to fuch a degree as utterlyu rejei it ; for itanfwers unto thole tranfgrefftons of, and flub- borndifobedience unto theLaw, which difannulledit as a Covenant, and were punilhed with excifion, or cutting oil: Ifwe negleP, that is, if we continue not ina diligent ob- fervation of all thofe duties which are indifpenfably neceffary unto an holy, uleful, profitable profefiion ofthe Gofpel. Fourthly, There is a punishment intimated upon this finfulneglea ofthe Gofpel ; nwi; ixon,- Howphall weefcape, flie from, or avoid ? wherein both the punifhment it fell, and the úueOo. manner ofits expreffion are tobe confidered. For the itfelf, the Apofile Both not exprefly mention it; it mutt therefore be taken from the words going bep'ore. Howfhall we efcape, that is Ëvdvmer vrsaraooiev, a juff retribution, a meet recompence ofreward. The breach of the Law had fo, a punifhment fuitable unto the demerit ofthe crimewas byGod alfigned untoit, and infliáed on them that were guilty. So is there unto the neglect ofthe Gofßcl, even a punifhment jufily deferved by fo great a crime ; fo much greater and morefore than that defigned unto the contempt of the Law, byhowmuch the Gofpel uponthe account ofits Nature, Effedis, Author, and Confirmation, was more excellent than the Law. xe,pwv v' eueía, a forer punfJhment, as xaçwy zrire, ourApofile calls ir, chap. too as much°exceeding it as eternal deftrudkion under the eta. code and wrath of God exceeds alltemporal punifhments what ever. What this pu. siiflmenti, fee Mate/s. '6. 16. chap. 25.46. 2Theff.1.8. The manner of afeertaining the punifhment intimated, is by an Interrogation, How(ball we efcape? wherein three thingsare intended. 1. Adenial ofany ways ormeans for efcape or deliverance. There is none that can deliver us, no way whereby we may efcape. See r Pet.4. 17; 18. And; 2. the certainty of the punifhment itfelf, it will as to the event affuredly befall us : And, 3. the inexpreffible greatnefl ofthis unavoidable evil. How ¡Ball efcape ? We fhall not, there is noway for it, nor ability tobear what we are liable unto, Mattb: 23. 33. 1 Pet. 4.18. This is the fcape ofthe Apofile in thefe Verfes, this the importance of the feveral things contained in them. His maindefign and intendment is, to prevail with the Hebrews untoa diligent attendanceunto the Gofpel that was preached unto them; which he urgeth by an argument taken fromthe danger, yea certain ruine that will undoubtedly enfue on the negleá of it; whole Certainty, Unavoidablenefs, Great- nefs and Righteoufnefshe manifelts, by the confideration ofthepunifhment aligned unto the tranfgreffionsof the Law, whichtheGofpel on many accountsBothexcel.. TheObfervations for our own inflru4ion which thefeVerfesoffer unto us, are thefe thatfollow. I. Motives unto a due valuation of the Goff'el, and perfeverance in the profffion ofi, takenfrom thepenalties annexed unto the neg lell of it, are Evangelical,and of fngularur in thepreaching of the Word. Howfhall weefcape ifwenegleçr ? This confideration is here managed by theApofile, and that when he had newly let forth the glory of Chrift, and the greatnefs ofthe falvation tendred in the Gofpel, in the molt perfwading and attrafive manner. Some would fancy, that all comminations and threatnings do be- long unto the Law; as though Jefus Chrift had left himfelf and his Gofpel to befe- curely deffifed by profane and impenitent finners ; but as they will find the contrary to their eternal ruine, fo it is the will ofChrift that we fhould let them know fo, and thereby warn others totake heed of theirfinsand their plagues. Now thefeMotives fromComminations and threatnings I call Evangelical: a. Becaufe they are recordedin the Gofpel t there we are taught them, and by it commanded tomake ole of them, Matth. to. 28. chap. 24. 5o. chap. 25;4 r. Mar. i6. 16: Job. 3. 36. 2 Cor. 2.15, ti. zT.heff. t. 8, y. and in other places innume- rable. And to this end are they recorded, that theymaybe. preached and declared as part ofthe Gofpel. And ifthe Difjencers of the Word infrtt not on them, they deal deceitfullywith the fouls ofmen, and detain from them the counfel ofGod. And as fuch