Z It. 5,6,7180. Épile to the Secondly, It is not put infubjetíion untoAngels, as to theRule and difpori of it being ere6ted. Their Office in thin world is a Murittery, chap. r . s 3. not a Rule or Do- minion. Rule in or over the Church they have none, but are brought into a co- ordination offirvicewith them that have the tefiimony ofjrefu.r, Rev. 19. to. chap.22.9. being equally withus fubjeted unto him, in whom they and we are gathered intoone bead, Ephef. r. to. And from their minifierial pretence in the Congregations of Be- lievers,doth our Aponte piefs Womenunto modefly and föbriety in their habit and de- portment, t Cor. s t. to. And the Church òfold hadan apprehenfön of this truth; of the pretence of an Angelor Angels in their Affemblies, but fo as toprefide in them:. Hence is that caution relating to the WorlhipofGod, Ecclef. 5. q, 6. Better it is tbat thou Jbouldff not vow, than thnofhouldeff vow and notpay ; fufr nu thy mouth to caufe thy flefi tofin, neitherfay thou before the Angel that it was an erreur ; why Jhould God be angry at thy voiceand deJiro, the work ofthine bands. By vowing and not paying, aman brought uponhisflefh, that is, himfelfandhis pollerity, a guilt not to be taken away-with ex- cufes of hatte or precipitation made unto the Angel prefiding in their Worthip, to take an account ofits due performance. It is true, the abfolute fovereign power over the Churchofold, was in the SonofGod alone ; but an efßecialimmediate power over it was committed unto Angels. And hence was the Name of tom+17íC, God, judge; Mighty One, communicatedunto them, namely from theirAuthority over the Church, that Name expretfing the Authority ofGod, whenunto him afcribed: And becaufe of this, their ailing in the Name, and reprefenting the Authority ofGod, the Saints of old had an apprehenfion, that upon theirteeing ofan Angel theyfbould die, from that faying ofGod, that nonefhouldfeehis face andlive, Exod. 3 3.2o. SoMartoah exprefly, yudg. 13. 22. He knew that it was an Angel which appearedunto him, and yet fays to his wife, Wefhallfurelydie beeaufe.we bave fen c=nrit7x, an Angel, vetted with the Authority ofGod. And hence it is not unlikely, but that there might be a refßel or WorJhip due unto the Angels under the Old Tettament, which themfelves declare not to be meet for themunder the New, Rev. 19. not that they are degraded from any Excellency or Priviledge which before they enjoyed, but that the Worthippers under the NewTefament, through their Relationunto Chrift, and the Exaltation of their nature in his Perfon, are delivered from that under-ageeftate, wherein they differed not fromfervants, Gal. 4. t. and are advanced into an equality of liberty with the Angels themfelves, Heb. 12. 24, 2.5. Ephef. r. ro. chap. 3. 14, 15. As amongfi men there may be a refpe tdue from an inferiour toa fuperiour, which mayceafe whenhe isadvanced into thefame condition with the other, though the fuperiour be not at all abated. And to this day the Yews contend that Angels are to be adored with fame kind of Adoration, though they exprelly deny that they are tobe invocatedor prayed nnto. Furthermore about their Power and Authority in the difpofal ofthe outward concernments ofthe Church ofold, much moremight be declared from the Yifons of Zecbary and Daniel, with their works in the twogreat typical deliverances of itfrom' .Egypt andBabylon. But wemutt not here infifi on particulars. Thirdly, as to the powerofjudging and rewarding at the tall day, it isopenly ma- nifeft, that God hath not put this world tocome in fubjeftion unto Angels, but unto Jefzes alone. This then is themain Propofftion that the Apotile proceeds upon in his prefent Ar- gument. The moti glorious effeét ofthe Wifdom Powerand Graceof God, and that whereinall our fpiritual concerrtments here are enwrapped,conftls in that ble èidChock fiate, with the eternal confequencesof it, which having been p'romifed from the foundation of the World, was now tobe ere£ied in the days of theMcJTab. That you may, faith he, nomore cleave unto your old inttitutions, becaufe given out unto you byAngels, nor hearken afterInch works of wonder and terrouras attended their Dif- pofrtion of the Law in the Wildernefs, confider that thüworld, fo long expededand defined, thisbleed effate,isnot onany account madeJiabjetï unto Angels, or committed _unto their difpofal-, theHonour thereofbeing entirely reftrved far another. Having thus fixedthe trueand proper fenfe of this verfi, we may Clop here a little tcon{ult the Obfervations that it offers for our own inflrut`iion. Many things in par- ticular might behence educed ; but I thall inftf on oneonly, which is comprehenhiveof the deftgn of theAponte, and it is, That This it thegreat priviledgeof the ChurchoftheGófpel, *hat in the things of tbeWorfhipof God, it is made fubjeiï unto, and immediately dependsupon theLord Pefus,Gbrijf, mdnot any other,Angel; or Men; kx it z That