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202. ern Expofstionof the C ,iA r, I j ffimeny is taken ; whole efpecial Author the Apoflle omitteth, both becaufe itwas fuf- ficientlyknown, and makes no difference at all who ever was the Penmanof thisor that Portionof Scripture,feeingit was allequallygiven by Infpirationfrom God, whereon alone the authority of it dothdepend. 2. TheTeffimony itfeif is contained in the words following, v. 6, 7. What itman, &c. Before we enter into a particular Explication of the words, and of the Apoftles Appli cation ofthem, we may obfervethat thereare twothings in general,that lye plain and clear before us : As, . Firft, That All thing;whatfoever, are Paid to he put in fubjellion unto man; that is, untoHumaneNature inone ormore Perfons, in nppotiion nsto.Angels, or nature Angelical. To exprefs the former, is the plain Defign and Purpofe of the Pfalmiff, as we (hall fee. And whereas there is no fuchTeftimony any where concerningAngels, it is evident, that the meaningof the word is, unts man, and not unto Angels ; which the Apoftle intimates in that adverfative d, but ; but of man it is faid, not of Angels. Secondly, Thatthis Priviledge wasnever abflately nor univerfally made good in,, or unto the nature of man, .but in, or withrefpet unto the Perlon ofJefus Chrift the Meffiah. This the Apoffle calls us to theconfideratioti of, previoufly untohis Appli- cation of thisTeftimony ina peculiar manner unto Jefne ; v. 8. We fe not all things. Now there is not any thing abfolútely neceffary to make good the Apoftles Reafa uing, but what is comprized iu thefe two general Affertiotrs, which lye evident in the Text , and are acknowleeged by all. We (hall therefore diflindly confider the Teftimony it felt. The whole of it confrlts in a Contemphrion of the Infinite Love and Condefcenfion of God towards man ; which is fen out, ( t.) In themanner of the exprefling it. (2.) in and by the words of the Expreffion ; (3. ) In the Ate of theMind andWill of God, wherein that Condefcenfion and Grace confifted ; and ( 4.) In the EfUIs thereof, in 'his difpenfation towards him. Fiat, In themanner of the Expreffion; What is man; byway of Admiration, yea, he ayes out with a kind of aftonifhment.. The immediate Occafionhereof isomitted by the Apoftle, asnot pertinent unto his purpofe ; but it is evident in the Pfalm. Da- vid havingexercifed his thoughts in the contemplation of the Greatnefs , Power, Wifdom and GloryofGod, manifeftingthemfelves in his mighty works, efpecially the Beauty, Order, Majefty, and ufefulnefs ofthe Heavens,and thole glorious bodies which in them prefent themfelves to all the world, falls thereon into this Admiration, that this great, and infinitely Wife God, who by the word of his mouth gave Beingand Exittence untoall thole things,and thereby madehis own Exellencies confpicuous to all the world, (hould condefi:endunto that Care and Regardof man, which on this occa- fion his thoughts fixed themfelves upon. What it man, faith he ? And this is, or Ihould be the great Vfe of all our Contemplation of the works of God namely, that confrdering his Wifdom and Power in them, we fhould learn toadmire his Love and Grace in felting his heart upon us, who areevery way fo unworthy, feting he might for ever fatistie himfelf, in thof other appearingly more glorious produds of his Power andGodhead. Secondly, He fartherexpreffeth his Admiration at this Condefcenfion ofGod in the words that he ufeth, intimating the Low and mean Effare of man inhis own na- ture. wUt4 ii , what is poor,niferablemortal man, obnoxious toGrief, Sorrow, An- xiety, Pain, Trouble and Death: vi Coo .ïteetaVa but the Greek haveno name for man, fully exprefhng that hereufed by the Pfalmift. gró,H}, cometh neareft it, but is not ufed in the Scripture. He adds,Difrp_s, and the Son of man; ofonemade of the earth. Thi,s name theApoltle alludesto, yea, expreffeth, t Cor. 15. 45, 47. The firft man Adam, is lu 3,14 xiixds, Of the earth earthly. So was it recorded of old, Gen. z. 7. The LordGod formed 7tyi J1 D 'Iry Dhsrt, That man Adam which was the Father of us all, of the duffof the ground: and Co again, Gen. 3. 19. Poor man made of the dull of the ground. When the Scripture would exprels Manwith reference unto any thing of Worth or Excellency in him, it calls him, e7+L2 ; and w+N +]7, are Sonsof men in Place, Power and efteem. So thefe wcTasarediftin- guilhed,Pfalm62.9. where we traniate t:314 U], Sons of Adam, men of low de- gree ; and w+rt ID, Sons of Ifb, men of high degree. Now the Pfalmiff ufeth this ex, preffion toheighten his Admiration at theGrace and CondefcenfionofGod. And as the Perlonof the firft Adam cannot be here efpecially intended ; For althoughhe made himfelf W13N, a miferableman and fubjeû untodeath, yet was he not =D2 IX the