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'I7'ER. y,6,7,B,9. EpOle to the HEBREWS. '63 theSonof man, ofany man, for he ram ofGod, Lk 3. ult. So there is nothing in the 'words but may properlybe afcribedunto thenature ofmin in the Perfon of the Mef fiah. For as he was called inan efpecial manner, CM/ j1, the Sun of man ; fo was he made OM aman fubjelita friary, and acquainted above all men with grief and trouble, and was born on purpofe to dye. Hence in the contemplationof his own /filterable condition, wherein unto the Dolorous Aiding Pallions of Humane Na- ture, which he had inhimfelf, outward Oppohtions and Reproaches were fuperadded, he cryes out concerning himfelf, w+N'N`n rpt.fl t am., Pfat. 22.7. 1 am a worm, and not UN, a man of any confederation in the world; (MIN at bell. Thirdly, He exprelfeth this Condefeenfion of God in the Afclionr and agingof his mind towards man; 1i1]tn +7, that thou remembrejt him, or art mindfull of him. zr /4 e,íexx aos , that thoufhouldit be mindful of him. To Remember in the Scripture when afcribedunto God, alwayes intends foieAd of his mind, and Purpofe of his Will, and that either for good or evil towards them that are remembred, In a fg- nal manner. So alto isRemembrance it felf ufed ; On this account God is Paid fome- times to remember us for good, andfometimes to remember our finr no more. So that it denotes the Albionof the mind ofGod towards any creature for Good of Evil, at- tended with the Purpofeof his Will to ach towards them accordingly. In the hill way it is here ufed , and fo alío by job , Chap. 7. 17. 1.7'u21 +D ttljm-7ro -p 1+ '71.2 wn +71, What it man that thoufhouldit magnifie him, that thou Jhoulrljl fit thine heart upon him? That is, Remember him, or be mindful of him ; et thine heart upon him for Good. The frame of the heartand mindof God towards theNature of man in the Perfon ofJefus Chrti, in reference unto all the Good that he did in it and by it, is intended in this Expretlion. The whole Canneland Purpofe ofGod, con- cerning thefalvationofmankind, inand by the Humiliation, Exaltation, and whole Mediation of the manChril Jefus is couched herein. Fourthly,There are in this Condefeenfion the Effrita of this Ail of Gods Mind and Will in remembring of man ; And they are expreffed (r.)Under one General head, and (z.) InParticular Inftances of them. Firfl, Thegeneral effeél ofGods remembring man, is that he vifiteth him. As the fameword is ufed in Job, in the placebifore mentioned. 7pg, though variouflÿ ufed; yet it conftantly denotes the ailing of a fup:riour towards an infertour. And though it be often otherwife ufed, yet commonly it expreffeth the ailingof God towards fins people for good. And in efpecial is this term ofvifitingufed to exprefe the ailingof ofGod indoing of usgoodby fending of Jefas Chrift to take our nature on him, Lul¿e t. 68. He bath vifited and redeemed his people. And to the fame purpofe, v. 78. The dayf¢ring from on high bath vifited us, both relatingto the ailingof God towards us in the Perfonof his Son incarnate. So Chap. 7. r 6. This term therefore of vifitirg dothnot precifely deign Gods aiding in the Exaltation of him vifited, but fach an orderingof things towards him, as is attended with great Care, Grace and Love; Sowas the natureof man in the Heart of God to do good untoit, in and by the Per- fon ofJefus Chrift, and fo he ailed towards it, or vifited it. This is that which was the ground of the Pfalmiffs admiration, and which will be foie all believers unto Eternity, It was not the Outward hate and condition of manknd in the wbrlrt,which fine the entrance offin is fad and deplorable, that excites this admiration in the Pfalmiff: But his mind is intent upon the Myflerieof the Grace, Wifdom and Loveof Godin the Perfonofthe Melfiah. Verfe VII. S1Econdly,The efpecial inflames wherein this Viftatîon ofGod'expreffed' it knit contained inver.7. and therein referred unto two Heads : (r. )Mans D-prlint and Humiliation : (z.) His Exaltation and Glory. The firtt is expreffed in thefewords, Thou haftmade him lower for a little whilethan the Angell. This was apart ofGods Vifitation; and though not that which was im- mediately intendedby the Apoftle ; yet thatwhereofhe intends to make greatufe in his Progrefs. That theft words intend not theExaltation of the natureof meerman,. asif theyMould. intimate that filch is his Dignity, that he is made but a little Ie/Ithan Angels, and how 'defteue ive that fenfe is unto the Apoftles Intention and Application Yyy of