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206 An ExpoJition of the C> AP. While, we fee that all things' are far enough from being put under the feet of man ; or if there be in the word a referve for fome feafon, wherein this word fhall in forge fenfe be fulfilled in meer man alfo, it is for that time wherein they thall be perfectly glorified with him , who is principally intended , and fo to be admitted as itwere to belharers with him in his Dominion, Revel. 3, 2r. Thefe things make plainwhat is here denyed, and in what fenfe. All mankind in conjunction are veryremote from being invelled withthe Dominion here defcribed; fromhaving the whole CreationofGodcatt in fubjedion under their feet. It is true,therewas given unto manat fielt in his Original condition, a Rule over thofe creatures here below, that were madefor theufe and fuflentation of his natural life, and no other.' And this al- fo is in forne meafure continued unto his Poftericy; though againfl theprefent bent and inclinationof thecreatures, whogroan becaufe of the bondage that they are put unto, in fervingof their ufe and neceflity. But all this at tiro was but an obfcure Type and fhadowof the Dominion here intended, which is abfolute, univerfal, and Inch as the creatures have no reafon to complain of, _their proper condition being al- lotted unto themtherein. Hence we our (elves byone own Obfervation,may eafily difcern that this wordrefpeds not principally, either thefirft mgt( or his pofterity ; for we fee not as yet after this long fpace of time line the creation, that all things are put into fubjedion unto him. . Having thus unfolded the Teftimony infifled on before we proceed unto the ApoftolicalApplication of dt unto the Perfon to whom it doth belong, we may flay here a little, and gather fomething from it for our inftruttion. And it is in gene- ral, that, The confederation of the Infinitely Glorious Excellencies of the nature of God , many- nifeJting themfelves in bis Works, (loth greatly fit out his Çondefcenfion and Grace, in his .regard and refßeli unto mankind. This the occationof the Words, and the if/nrds them- jamsdo teach us. r. This the methodof thePfalmift, I fay, leads us unto. He begins and ends his con- fidetationof the works ofGod, with an Admiration of his Glorious Excellency by whom they weremade, v. r. 9. 0 Lordour Lord, bowexcellent is thy name : howglori- ous art thou, and thoumanifefleft thy Ielffo to be ; and from thence doth he pro- eçed to the confederation of his condefcentioninhis regard and love to man, e. g. And to diced us in thisduty with the Pfalmiff we may obferve l'irfl, That theWorks ofGod, thofeefpecially which were the peculiar fubjed ofhis Meditation, the heavenly bodies which we behold, are indeed in themfelves exceed- inglyglorieus. Their Frame, Greatnefs, Beauty, Order, Conde, üfefulnefs, all fpeak them admirableand glorious. The naked view of them is enough to fill the mind of manwithAdmiration and Aflonithment. Arid the more wecontemplate on them, the more skilful arc we in theconfederation of their Nature, Order andIlk, the more excellent do they appear unto us; and yet it is the lealt part oftheir Greatnefs, and beautiful difpofition that wecan attain a certain knowledge of; So that Itill they remain more the objects of our Admirationand wonder, thanof ourScience. Hence the wifeft among the Heathen whowere delitute of the teachings of the Word and Spirit ofGod, didwith one confent afcribe ofold a Driry unto them, and worthip- ped them as Gods ; yea, the very name ofGod in the Greek Language ;Bets, is taken from Oslo, tonal, which they derived from the confiant court of the heavenly bo- dies. They taw with their Eyes how gloriousthey were : they found out by Reafon their Greatnefs and dreadfulmotion. Experience taught them their life, as the imme- diate fountains of Light, Warmth, Heat, Moyfture , and fo eonfequently of Life, Growth, and all ufeful things ; It may be they had Tome Tradition of that Rule and Dominion, which was at firfl allotted unto the Sun and Moon overday andnight, Gen. r. r6. On thefe and the likeaccounts, havingloft the knowledge of the trueand only God, they knew not fo well whither to, turn themfelves for a Deity, as to thole things whichthey taw fo full of Glory, and which they found to beof fo univerfal a communicativeGoodnefs and ufefulneft. And in them did all Idolatry in the world begin. And it was betimes in theworld ; as we fee in job, where it is mentioned and condemned, Chap. 31. 26, 27. If I beheld the Sun.when.itfhined, or the Moonwalk- ing in brigbtnefl, and my heart bath been fecretlyenticed, or mymouth hath.k4,iFd my. hand; he condemns the Idolatry, but yet withall Thews, that the Luflre, Brightnefs and Glory of thofe-heavenly lights had a great influence on the hearts of men, to entice them unto a fecret Adoration , which would' break out into outward Wonibip, whereof