*SR. 5,6,7,8,9. EpJle to the EI EB R W s. whereoffalutationby k(fmg the hand was one part and ad. And therefore Godcau- tions his people againft this Temptation; Deut. 4. 19. Leff thou lift up thine eyes upunto Heaven, andWhere thou feeff the Sun and the Moon, and the Starr, even all theHafff of Heavenfhouldff be driven to worfhip them, which the Lord thy God nathdivided unto all Nations under the whole Heaven ; Ifmen forget the true God, and then lift up their eyes unto,or fall into the contemplationof the Heavenly Bodies, fuch is their Glory, Ma, jetty and Excellency, that they will be driven and . hutted unto the Adorationand Worfhip of them: And fo univerfal was this folly of old, that from thole latter words , which the Lord thy God path divided unto all Nations : the 7ems affirm, that God hathgiven the Sun, Moon andStars, to be the Deities of the Gentiles, for them to worship. But the diftributiou there mentioned it as unto their common ufe unto all Nations, and not as to theirVeneration ; nor is God the Author of Idolatry, as they blafphemoully imagine. But this their Glory and Excellency lead them unto. And when anyof them afcended higher, to apprehendliving intelligent Spirits for their Deities; they yet conceived _at lealt that they had their gloriousHabitationiii theHea- venlyBodies. Yea, and fome Chriftians have fallen into vain imaginations, from a falfeTranllation of the latter end of the fourth Verfe ofPfalm 19. by theLXX. and theVulgar Latin ; who read the Words, be bath placed bis Tabernacle in the Sun ; iu- ftead of, he bath fit in them; that is, in the Heavens, a Tabernacle for the Sun, as the words are plainin the Original. What fhould I mention the madnefs of the Mani- cbees, who affirmed that Chri(f himfelf wasgone info, if not turned into tI3e Sun. I name theft thingsonly toPhew what Influence upon the minds ofmen deftituteof the Word, theGlory and Excellency of thefe heavenlybodies hath had. And what ine- fumable Grace God fheweth unto us in thebenefit of his Word ; for we are the po- fterityof them, and by nature not one jot wifer than they, who wor(hipped their thingswhich are not God. But exceeding glorious works of God they are and the morewe confiderthem, the more will their Glory andGreatnefs appear unto us. And as the children of Ifrael laidof the Sons of Anal', we were before them in our own fight as Grafhoppers, and fi we were in their fight : May we not muchmore fay concerning our felves, compared with theirGlorious Works of the hands ofGod, we are all but as Grafboppers in comparifon of them ; and whence is it, that God fhould let his heart upon us. . Secondly, Thefe glorious works of God do indeed Pew the infinite Glory of hint that made them. This is the ufe that men fhould have made of their Contemplation of them, and not havechofen than for their Gods, as they did when their foolsb hearts were darkened, and they waxed vain in their imaginations. This ufe the Pfalmiff here makes of them, and this the Scripture every where directs us unto. This David brings them in Preaching unto all the world, Pfd. 19. I, z, 3, 4, 5, 6: They have a Voice, they fpeak aloud unto all the world s and by their Beauty, Greatnefs, Order, tlfefulnefs, they make known the incomprehenfible glory of him that made them. The ei ytmsór ati Bee, that which may beknown of God, is mandril in them, faith Paul, Kom. r. 59. And what is that ; even his Eternal Power and Godhead, v. zo. That is, his infinite Power, Alfufficiency, and felf-fubfislence. Thefe things are clearly Pen in them. Being all made and createdby him in their fea(òn, doth it not manifelt, that hewasbefore them from Eternity, and that ex/ding without them, in perfeét bldizd- nefs.: And that. hehath made them, fobeautiful, Co glorious, fo excellent, and that out of nothing,dothit not declare his infinite Power, Wifdom andGoodnefs? Do they not all lead us to thecontemplation of his Infinite Excellencies ? And whence is it, that he whomade all thefe things of nothing, fhould have fuch regard to the weak, frail sia-. tire, ofman ? Bus that this confederationmay be the more effedtual, let us take a little weak view offame of thofe Excellencies of the Nature of God , which his works declare, and which let an efpecial luffre on his condefcention unto us; As, Firti, HisGreatnefs. His Greatneff is unfearchalafe ,faith the Pfalmiff,Pfal.l45.3. That is, it is Infinite. The Immenfity ofhis nature, is his Greatnefs. The Heaven of Hea- vens, faith Solomon, cannot contain him, I Kings 8.27. The Infinitenefs and Ubiquity of his Effence, is beyond all that the Underftanding and Imagination of man can reach unto. Ifmen would fet themfelves to thinkand imagine a Greatnefs, theycan reach no higher than HeavensaboveHeavens, and that as fat as they can fancy ; but thisexprelfeth not Immenfity. Thofe Heavens of Heavens cannot contain him. Our Thoughts ofGreatnefs are apt to confift in adding one thing untoanother, until that which