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Epiflle to the H1rB RE w s: t09 nomore. Hence isGod Alfufficient, and eternally b1effd in the contemplation and . enjoyment of his own Excellencies. For Self-fufciene is the fountain Of Bleffednefs. Where any thing is wanting;there is no abfoluteBlefledsefs. Andhence is theBleffednefs of God abfolúte, eternal, and effential unto him, becaufe it hath its rife and fpring abfe- lutey in himfelf, his own fulneJ? ofBeing, his own fufficiency unto, and för himfelf. All theBleffednefs of thecreatures, thatwe (hall or may ever attain unto; is bit de- pendent, derivative, and communicated; becaufe though nothing fhallbe wanting unto its; yet the fpring of our fupplies (hall never be in out felves, but in God. His Blef- fednefs is abfolute, becaufe it is from himfelf, and in himfelf; in his Being every way felf-fufficient. This it is to be abfolutelyblefd. Hence God made not theft things becaufe he had needof them; for if he had had need of them, he could not have made them : or that they (hoald add any thing unto him ; for that is not infinite untowhich any thing canbe added : nor that he might fettle that Rett and Satis- fahion in them, which he had not in himfelf before : for that which is Infinite, mutt neceffarily and unavoidably give eternal fatisfaelion unto that which is Infinite ; but onlyby, nioftfree Adof his Will, he chofe by theCreationof all things, to ex- prefs fomewhat of his Polder, Wifdomand Goodnefs; in fomethingwithout himfelf. Abfolutely he was fiff-Jieficient fromall Eternity; and that both as to Red, Satisfa- ¿ionandBleffeduefs inhimfelf; as alfo in refpe¿ of any Operation, as to outward Works whichhis Will and Wifdbtn fhouldencline him unto ; being every way àbleand powerful in, and from himfelf, todo what ever he pleafeth. And this infinite fatis- ta6hon and complacency ofGod in himfelf; arifingfrom that fulnefs ofDivine Being' which isin all the Properties ofhis Nature, isanother Object of our holy. Admirati- on and Adoration. This God was,this God did, before the world was created. Now what is man, that this every way aftfu,cient God fhouldmind, regard and vifit him Hathhe any need of him, or his Cervices ? Doth his Goodnefs extend to him ? Can . heprofit Gvd as dman profitethhis neighbour ? If he fin what doih he againfthim ? Orif his tranfgrefons be multiplied what doth be againft him? That is to his difadvantage Ifbe be righteous what giveth he unto him ; or what receiveth he at his band ? Job 35, 6, y. Nothing but Infinite Cóndefcenfion and Grace is the fountain of all Gods re- gard Unto us. Thirdly, HisInfinite andEternal Potter is by the famemeans tnanife(ted. This the Apottle exprefly affirms, Rom. 1: 20. He that made all theft things of nothing, and therefore can alfomake and create in like Manner what ever elfe befides he pleafeth, mutt needs be infinite in power ; or as he is called, the Lord God Omnipotent,:Rev. 19.6. Thishimfelf Pets forth in general, Ifa. 40.28. Acid to convince Job hereof, he treats with him in particular inttances about Come few of his fellow creatures here below; in the Earth and in the Waters, Chap. 38.39. And ifthe Powerof God in making this or that creature which we fee and behold, be foadmirable, declaringhis Soveraignty and theinfinitedittance of man from him in his bed condition, how glo- rious is it in the wholeVniverfe; and in the creation of all things edible and invifible, and that by a fecret Emanation ofOmnipotency in a Word of Command ?'t'he Art Of man will go far in the framing, fathioning and ordering of things ; but there are two things in the leaff of the creaturesof God, that make the creating Energie that is feen in them, infinitely todiffer-from all limited and finite power ; Fdit; That they are brougbt`out of nothing; now let all Creatures combine their Strengthand Wif dom together, unlefs they have form prèexifienematter to' work. upon, they can pro- duce nothing, effe¿ nothing. Secondly, To many of his creatures; of the lead of them,GodMathgiven lifeand Jrontaneousmotions ; to all of them an efpecial inclinati- on and operation following infep'arably the Principlesof theirNature. But as all cre- ated Power cangive neither life, nor#ontaneous motion, nor growth to any thing; no more can it plant in any thing a new natural principle, that (Would encline it unto a new kind ofOperation,which was not originally connatural unto it.There is a peculiar imprefs ofOmnipoteney upon all the works ofGod ; as he declares at large in that Difcourfewith fob, Chap. 38.39. And this Power is no letseffectual, nor lets evident in his fuffentation and prefervation of all things, than in his creation of them. Things do no more Jisbfft by themfelves, than they were made by themfelves. He fuffaineth all things by the word of his polder, Heb. 1.3. And by him all thingscon- fff, Col. 1.17. He hathnot madethe World, and then turned it off his hand, to flared on its own- bottom, and fhift for it felf. But there is continually, every moment, an coronation( PowerfromGod, unto every creature, the greatelt, the leali,the weaned, to