203 An Eat/ofitiöñ ofthe CU AP. II. to preferve them in their Being and Order ; which if it were fufpended but for on Moment, they would all lofe their !tatíon and being, and by confufion be reduced into nothing. In himwe live, andmove, and have our being, flels 7. 28. and, Hegivetb unto a!Z life andbreathand all things, verf25. God needs not put forth any aíì ofhis Power to dettroy the Creation ; the very fùJJ'enfion ofthat confiant emanation of Omnipotency which is neceffary unto its JuWiffence, would be fufficient for that end and purpofe. And who can admire as he ought this Power.of God, which is greater in every par- ticulargrafl ofthe field than we are able to fearch into, or comprehend. And what is man that he fhould bemindful of him. Fourthly, His Wifdom alfoChines forth inthefe worksof his hands. Inwifdvm bath be made them all, Pfal. 104.24. So alto, 136. q. his Power was that which gave all things theirBeing, but his Wifdam gave them their Order beauty and ufe. How ad- mirable this is, how incomprehenfible it is unto us, Zophar declares in job, chap. 11. verf 6, 7,8, 9, 10. Thefecrets of this Wifdom are double unto what may be known ofit, infinitely more than we canattain to the knowledge of. Searching will not do it,Çitis 'abfolutely incomprehenfible. He that can take but a little weak faint confideration ofthe glorious Difpofition ofthe Heavenly Bodies, their Order, Court, Refpeáf to each other, theirufefulnefs and influences, their difpofition and connexion ofGaufes and Effeâshere below, the orderly concurrence andfubferviency ofevery thing in its place andoperation, to theconfiutency ufe and beauty of theVniverfe, will be forced to cry out with the Plaintiff, 0Lord, bow manifoldare thy works, in wifdom haft thou madethemall, the earth isfull oftby riches. But alas, what can the heft and wifeft of menattain unto in the invefigation ofthe Wifdom of God? There is not the leali creature, but confidered apart by it felf, hath fomewhat belongingunto it, that will bring them unto wonder and afonifhment. And what (hall we fay concerning the raoftglorions, concerning the Order ofthem all unto one another, and the whole? there mutt all mens confederations end, and among them this ofours. Fifthly, His Goodnefs isin like manner manifet in theft things. There is in the whole and every part ofGod's Creation afur- foldgoodnaß. r. Agoodneßof being and fubfiltence. That which if, fo far forth as it ír, is good. SoGod few all things, as he made them, that they were good. Thevery being ofevery thing is its fir!? goodnefi, on which allother conccrnments ofit dodepend. And this arifeth from hence, becaufc therebyand therein it participatesofthe fief abfolute Goodnefs, which is Being ; where- untoa nothingnefl, ifI may fo fpeak, is negatively oppofed ad infinitum. 2. A Goodnefl ofOrder. Thisgives them their Beauty, which is the firi principle properly of Good- nefs,and convertible with it. Every thing that is goodis beautiful, and every thing that is beautiful is good. Now thepulchritudeor beautyof thewhole Creation, andofevery partof it, confi(ls in the Order that is given unto it by the Wifdom of God, whereof we fpakebefore. This is that rb xa b xdyxoìe ofall things, which ofold.by the light of nature was fo much admired. Beautiful goodnefs, or goodly beauty, whereby every thing becomes comely and defirable, both init felfand its ownparts,and inthat refpeíi which it bath unto all other things. 3. AGoodnefsofufefulnefi, nothing is made invain. Every thing bathits workferviceand operation allotted unto it. Ifthe whole Creationhadbeen uniform, if it had been only one thing, it would have wanted this goodnefs, and beenbut a deadlump, or mais of being. But in this great variety and diverfity ofthings which we behold, every one bath its proper place and fervice, and nothing is ufelefs. As the Apoftle fays, that it is in the feveral parts and members of the refr world, Man, that though Come of them frem more worthy anef comely than other, yet all have theirproper ufe, fo that they cannot fay unto one another, I have no need of thee : So isit in the Vniverfe, though force parts ofit feem tobe verygb- rions, and others mean and to be trampled on, yet they cannot fay one to another, I haveno needofthee, each having its proper ufe. The Eye is a moil noblepart of the body, but, faith the Apofile, If the whole body were an eye, the beauty of the whole were loft, and-the very ufe ofthe ye. How glorious is the Sun in the firmament in comparifon of a poor worm in the earth ? yet if the whole Creationwere.one Sun,, it would have neither beauty norufe, norindeed be a Sun, as having nothing to com- municate light or beat unto. ButGod hath brought forth his works in unfpeakable variety, that theymight allhave this goodnefiofufefulnefiaccotnpanying ofthem. 4..-A goodneflofanorderly. tendency unto the utmoff and laff end ; which is the glory ofhim by whom theywere made. Thisalfo is implanted upon the whole Creation of God ; and hence the Pfalmiff calls upon. all the inanimate creaturestogive praife and glory unto