2I1 This could be crooked, everything that e eternal cated all e is this Scripture beauty infinitely of God, órks of that he des alto this re- d in the all alto ground : mother n theirs. e, that admired. ouldefl ion did 18. which t what, der the f at God andfo is true, t but as t only an o nkind; of d f their mmon e menof So cloth, P lathe rth up; i .I, 2. ra one, re- gard acure ipally fr great, a t alto is many of his 0 byfin'; t thing t emem- adored. bas of this ds R. 5,6,7,$,9. Èpifile to the Ha B R E Ws. unto God; that is, hecalls upon himfelfand others to confider how they do fo is thepoint, the centre whereall theft lines do meet, without which there neither beauty nor order norate in them : for that which errs from its end, is pervert; and not good. On alltheft eonftderations it is laid, that God firm hehadmade, and behold it was very good, Gen. r. i r.' Now what an infinit Ocean ofGoodnefs muffthat be, which by the wordof his mouth communi thin goodnef{at once unto the whole Creation ? How deep, how unfathomabl fountain? howunfearchable are theft fprings ?. This the holy men in the often exprefs byway ofadmiration, Howgreat is his goodnef!! bow great ii his The fielt goodnefs, the fountain ofall goodnefs mutt needs be abfòlutey and fo; in whichCeuta there is none good but one, that is God. In theft things confill fomewhat of the Glory Excellency and Honour Which thePfalmift falls intoan admiration of upon thecbntemplation of the w hi*ands, and which made him fo atfonithed at his eondefceneion in the regard Ii pleated tobear unto thenature Orman. ButbeGdes this ednftderation, he ad anintimation, as we have thawed, of themean conditim ofman amb whom fpe h is chewed, and that both in the manner óf bis expreffion, Whse is man > an words or names whereby he expre'eth him, Enofh and Adam ; which we lh briefly adde untoour former.conliderationsof the glory ofGod. Fieft, What it man as tohis extraél ? a little daft, made of the dull of the one that may fay to corruption, Thouartmyfather,'and to the worm; This art n andmyfitter, Job 17. 1 ¢. His fabriek was not one jot ofany better materialstha That Gód put this honour upon him to breath intothe dull whereof he was mad he thouldbecome a livingfin; is part of that goodnefs wherein he isto be Otherwife we are what God fáid toAdam, Duff thou art ; poor creature that w be like unto God, thouart duffand»o more. And in the feofe of this extract holymen'of old abate themfelves in the pretenceóf God, as Abraham, Gen. IiowJhall I#tall unto the Lord that am but dúlt and afhes. Poor proud' man, !Cornell totouch that which thou art made óf, and thinkett thy fell I know ne whiltl the remainder of thee, that which was left in the makingof thee, lies un eat of all the which thou defpifett : what is this hand of daft th t could regard it? But yet, Secondly, Thisfabric beingerei ed, perhaps is Arable thong and abiding, may be confielerable on that account. But alas, his frailty is inexprellible. It hat before the Floudthelife ofman was prolonged unto a great continuance ; that was riot in the lealiany advantage unto the molt ofthem, giving them pportunity to increafe their fin and mifery ; nor to the whole f nces of ma teeingby that means the earth wasfilledwith violence, and becamea woful iftrefs, to they alto came to their end, and nothing long line remaineth o memory but that they lived fo manyyears and then they died, which ii the co nd ofman. But line that, inwhich ourconcernment lies, how do the holy God fer forth, and as it were complain ofthe mofulfrailty of our condition! lofes, Pfal. 90. 5, 6. Thou carrieft them away with afloud ; which he fpake in contem- plation of thole thoufands whichhe law die before his eyes in the Wildernefs morning thy are like graft which groweib up, in the morning it fiouriJheeb and grow n the eveningit is cut down and witherethi The like allo plcadeeh Job, chap. 1¢ nd then turning unto God he faith, And doff thou open thineeyes upon fischan n fach a poor frail perilhing creature ? And David cloth the like, Pfal. to And indeed no tongue can exprefs the miferablefrail condition of this poor co om within, from without, himfelf, from all other creatures, and prie om the rageand cruelty ofthole of the fame nature withhimfelf, his mifery is nd his life of thorn continuance. And God abundantly thews that littleweigh tobe laid on that Mutation which he hash here inthis world, in that he takes from the very womb, who fcarce ever beheld the light, into' the participation own eternal Glory. Thirdly, This earthlyfrail man teach made himfelfyet nuore un4rakably vile his letshim at the utmo(ì dillance from the glory of God, and utterly foils hat isin him, whichofit Celtic worthyofconfideration. All theft thingsbeing put together, they make theGondefenfioes of God in r bringman, and letting his heart upon him, exceedinglyto be admired and Andthis allo will farther appear, if we might confider what are the bieffed effe