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zit An Expoftion 4-the CHAP. IL this mindfulneff of him; but thefe the Apottle infifts upon in the nextverfes, whether we may referour meditations on them. Only the Bury it feltarifing from henceMay be here preffedupon us. And this is, that upon theaccounts. Mentioned we would live conftantly in an holy adoration of this infinitecondefcenfión and grace of God. , To this end, Firft, letus exercife our felves unto holy thoughts ofGodsinfinite Excellencies. Me- ditation accompanied with holy adoration is the fountainof this duty. Some men have over-bufily and curioufly enquired into the Nature and Properties of God, and havefoolifbly endeavoured to meafure infinite things by the miferable fliort line of their own reafon, and to fuit the deep things of God unto their own narrow apprehentìons. Such are many of eheDifpotaeionsof the School-menon thisfubjeti, wherein though they have feemedwife to themfelves and others, yet indeed forthe molt part they have waxed vain in their imaginations. Our duty lies in fludyingwhat God bath revealed ofhimfelfin his Word, and what is evidently fuitable thereunto; and that notwirth curious fiarchings and fpeculations, but with holy admiration reverence and fear. This the ApoJfle advifeth usunto, Heb. 12.28, 29. In this way ferions thoughts of God's Excellencies and Properties, his Greatnefs, Immenfity, Self-fufficiency, Power and Wifdom are exceeding ufeful unto our fouls. When theft have filled us with wonder, when they haveproltrated our fpirits before him, and laid our mouthes in the duft, and our perlons on the ground, when the glory of than fhices round about us, and our whole fouls are filled q ith an holy aflonifliment ; then, Secondly, Let us take a view4f 'ourJilves, our extras ì, our frailty, our vilenefs on every account. How poor, how undefervable are we ? What is a little finful duft and afhes, before or in the fight of this God of glory ? What is there in us, what is there belonging unto us, that is not fatted to abáfe us? alive one day, dead another ; quiet one moment, troubledanother ; fearing, caring, rejoycing caufe- lefly, finning always : inour bell condition altogether vanity. Though much may be laid . untothis purpofe, yetit midi be laid after all, that inour felves we are inexpreffibiiy mi- ferable, and as the Prophet fpeaks, lefithanvanity and nothing. Would webe wife, we are like the wild4ffer colt ; would we be honourable, we haveno underftanding, but are like the heels that perifh; would we befirong, weare as a reed Maker: with the wind. And, Thirdly, Let the refult of thefe thoughts be, an holy admiration of Gods infinite Love, Care, Grace, and Condefcenlon, in having any regardunto us. So doth the Pfalmiff teach us to do ; hence will Praife, hence will Thankfulnefs, hence will Self- abafement enfue. And this will be agood foundation, ai of obedience, fo of comfort andfupportment inevery condition. Verfe IX. Hefe things being fpoken indefinitely öfMan by the Pp/miff, the Apoltle in the application ofthem unto his prefent purpofe, proceeds to thew whoit is that was efpècially intended, and in Whomthe wordshadtheir full accomplilhment. But, . faith he, wefie Jefas, &e. Many difficulties the wordsofthis verfe are attendedwith- all, allwhich we ¡hall endeavour to clear : Fide, by ¡hewing in general how in them the Apoftle applies the tellimony produced by him unto Jeful. Secondly, by freeing them from the obfcurity that arifeth from a otlyrvoer, or ttanfpofitionof expreffion in them. Thirdly, by opening the feveral things taught and affected in them. And, fourthly, by a vindicationofthe whole interpretation fromexceptions and objections. Firft, The Apofile pofitively applies this teftimony unto Jet", as hewho was prin- cipally intended therein, or as he in whom the things that God did when he minded man, were accomplifhed. And this the SoriackTranflation díredly expreffeth, 711 t+t 11 rt7t.44rs TO '1417101, but him whom he made lower a little while than thé Angels, we fee that it is leftu. Thatis, it is Jefas concerning whom the Plaintiff fpake, and in whom alone this tetlimony is vetified. Two things are expreffed concerning Man inthe words : a. That he wasmade lower than the Angels. 2. That he had allthingí put in fubjelkion unto him. Both theft, faith the Apottle, we fee accomplithed in Jefits ; for that is the meaningof that expreffion, We fie Jefas, that is, thefe things fulfilled in him; And ashehad before appealed unto their faith and experience in his negative,