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VER45,6,7,8,9 Eplfiktothe HE BREWS. 3I, ótegatt`ve, that all things are not made fubj*R to man ingeneral; Co doth he here in his affirmative, We fee jefus. Now theyfaw it, partly by what he had before proved con- cerninghim, partly by the fgnsand wonders he had newly fpoken of, whereby his Doctrine was confirmed, and hisPower over all things manifelted; partly byhis Calling and Gathering ofhis Church, giving Laws Rules and Worfhip unto ir, by .vettue of his Authority in and over thisnew world. And as unto the former part of the teflimony, by what they had fen with their eyes, or had been otherwife taught concerning his low efiate and humiliation ; Theft things, faithhe, wefee, they are evi- dent untous, nor can be deniedwhilft theGoJßel is acknowledged'. Now tins confer- liionon the evidences mentioned he appliesto both parts of the teftimóny. . Fitft, faith he, Wefee that for a little while be was made lower than the Angels, or brought into a Efate andcondition of more exigency and want thanthey are, or-can he expofed unto. And hereby he evidently declares, that thofe words in-the Pfa1m donot belongunto thedignityof man fpoken of,as ifhethad faid,Ffe it f exerpent,that he is but littlebeneath Angels ; for ashe afcribes untohim a Dignity farabove all Angels, in as much as allthings withoutexception areput under his feet ; Co he plainly declares that theft words belong to thedepréflion and minoration ofIefur, in that he was fo humbled that hemight die. And thereforehe proceeds to thew, how that part òf the teftimony concernedhis preCent purpofe, not as dimity proving what he had propo- fed to confirmation concerning his Dignity, but as evidentlydeigning the Perron that the wholebelonged unto. As alfo he takes occafion from hence toenter upon the Expofitionof another part ofChrifts Mediation, as prophefied of in this place. For though he wasfa leffined, yet it was not on his ownaccount, but that by the grace of God he might taffe deathfor every man. , Secondly, For the other part ofthe teftimony, Wefee, faith he upon the evidences mentioned, that he is crowned withgloryand honour, and confequently that all things are put under his feet. So that the wholeteftimony, in bothparts of it, is verified in him, and in him alone, And hereby he fully evinceth what he had before propofed unto confirmation; namely the preheminence of fefus the Meah above the Angels, or principal Adminiftrators of the Law, in this efpecial inflance, That the world to come was put, intofubjetrion unto him, and notunto them ; and therefore in the Irate of the Church intended inthat expreflion are his Teachings, his Docstrine, his Worfhip di- ligently to be attended unto, by all thofe who delire to be partakers of the promifes andgood things thereof. Secondly,Therefeems tobe a oiyxvars in the words, by a tranfpofition offome ex- preffions from their proper place and coherence, which mull be removed. Tav d`: deed xd 7e aat' eïypiAns iaaflaµivov CAírroµ£r'lnaiv, 1'tá al aelsoou zi .Savor,, d'tn i 7114; is£tareµ£vor; âxas.xdea71- si ;aalp aírsos y£úonvat 3avels,. Some would have thole words, TaeQpaxú 71 i ena7eµévov, tobelong to the Jubjeli of the Propofrtion, whole pre- dicate alone is, crowned withglory andhonour, whereof the Cofferingof death is inferred . as themeritorious caufe. So reading the words to this purpofe, We fee that Rut who wasfor a littlewhile made lower than the Angels for his suffering ofdeath, if crownedwith glory andhonour. Others wouldhave 3e/us alone to be thefrbjetf of the Proportion; of whofe predicatethere are two parts, or two things are affirmed concerning him. Firft, that .be was made lower than the Angels, the reafon whereof is added, namely that he mightfuller death; which is farther explained in the dote of the,vérib, by the addi= tionof the Conti and End of that his Coffering, That by the grace ofGod he might toile ofdeathfor every roan; to reading the words to this purpofe, We fie i fur made lower. than the Angelsfor the feoffering ofdeath, crowned (or, and crowned) withglory and ha_ . hour. The difficultyprincipally confts in, this only, namely whether the Apoftle by dad 7a ordenµa 7i Aava-ro, for thefufferingofdeath, intend the fittaieaufi of the.humilia- tionof Chrift; he was made low that he mightruffr death ; or the meritorious cattle' of hisExaltation; for, or becaufehe Coffereddeath, he was crowned with glory andho- nour. And the former feems evidently the intention ofthe words, according to the latter refolution of them, and . our application of the teftimony fore-going. For, z.if the caufe and means of the Exaltation ofChrift had been intended, it would, have been expreffed by d`1á 7i a-ulhaa-os Ti láe1C7,; d'eì requiring a Genitive cafe, where the caufe or meansof any thing, is intended ; but .`id 7a adOnµa exprell-eth . the endof what.was before affirmed. . z. There words, for the Pilfering of death, mutt exprefs either the minorationand humiliation -ofChrift, or the end of it; if they ex- prefsthe endofit, then we obtain thatwhich is pleaded for, he was made leflthat he Z 2 might